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クエリ検索: "ヘルシオ"
37件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 陰山 孔貴, 竹内 竜介
    2018年 41 巻 16-27
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/09/03
    ジャーナル フリー

     Previous researches have explored the factors or processes of product conceptualization changing during product development. These researches have focused on the product development process within the same product category. Meanwhile, product development beyond the existing product category is needed in today's business environment to overcome the commoditization phenomenon.

     This paper focuses on how the product conceptualization shifts when the product is developed beyond the product category. The product category provides a base for conceptualization or designing new products for product developers. We explored how the base, which is already constructed in the mind of product developers, changes when the product is developed beyond the product category and how the product concept is influenced when the base is changed. Given the research interest, this paper clarifies the product development process of “Healsio Ocha Presso” produced by Sharp Corporation. This development is a process that involves a produet that originally started as a coffee maker and became a very new home appliance category that makes a cup of tea.

     The results of the analysis clarify the succeeding points. The base of product development was replaced by a new one when the product was developed beyond the product category. Using this new base, the product developers rethought or redesigned the product concept. Through trial and error, product developers made the new base stable while sharing the common base, thereby achieving new product development.

     These findings imply that when product development isn't achieved, product developers rethink not only the product concept but also the base that a product shares.

  • 宮尾 学
    2013年 2 巻 1 号 50-55
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/07/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Though a body of research has revealed that the early definition of a product concept is beneficial for new product development, some authors have suggested that concept shifting during is necessary in a particular situation. Concept shifting is crucial in some case, but its process is not well understood. In this study, in order to understand concept shifting in more detail, I try to develop a framework based on Daft and Weick’s (1984) organization as interpretation system perspective. Four product development cases, where concept shifting occurred in three cases and does not occurred in one case, are studied and two major findings are obtained. First, project team’s assumptions about the environment is changed from analyzable to unanalyzable with a concept shifting. When a project team faces to information inducing concept shifting, the product concept becomes unstable and thus the project team changes their information scanning mode. Second, based on first finding, a process of concept shifting can be broken down into three patterns, which is “unstable concept shifting”, “active concept shifting” and “passive concept shifting”. My conclusion is that these patterns help us to understand an organizational process of concept shifting as an information interpretation system.
  • 松浦 良介
    2009年 10 巻 1 号 77-78
    発行日: 2009/03/15
    公開日: 2015/06/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ──社会・知識の立脚基盤と製品コンセプトの変化を軸にして──
    *陰山 孔貴, *竹内 竜介
    2019年 89 巻
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/09/26
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 宮武 和孝
    2008年 128 巻 2 号 97-100
    発行日: 2008/02/01
    公開日: 2008/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮﨑 達郎
    2018年 505 巻 4
    発行日: 2018/02/05
    公開日: 2023/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *戸松 美紀子, 林 秀之, 山本 克也, 水馬 義輝, 佐藤 英男, 野村 知未, 杉山 寿美
    2021年 32 巻 P-50
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/07
    会議録・要旨集 フリー





  • 中西 正洋, 畠中 理英, 尾上 孝雄
    2013年 42 巻 1 号 81-88
    発行日: 2013/01/30
    公開日: 2014/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    近年,家電機器におけるUI(User Interface)のカスタマイズ要望が高まるにつれ,処理能力とメモリリソースが限定されるマイコン上で動作するUIMS(UI Management System)が必要となりつつある.そこで,本論文では,家電機器向けUIMSの設計,実装,評価を行なった.本UIMSの特長は,UI記述言語としてスクリプトを採用し,そのスクリプトファイルを交換することでカスタマイズを可能としたことと,利用用途を家電機器のUIに絞ることで,スクリプトの記述能力に制限を加え,本UIMSをメモリリソースが少ないマイコン上に搭載可能としたことである.実装したUIMSを(1) 記述能力とカスタマイズ性,(2) プログラムサイズ,(3) 操作感において評価を行なった.その結果,(1)1KB~4KBのスクリプトファイルを交換することでUIのカスタマイズが可能であり,(2)UIMS のサイズが55.7KBで,(3)30fps以上の滑らかなアニメーションが可能で,ストレスなく操作できるUIMSを実現できた.
  • 高級炊飯器の事例研究
    宮尾 学
    2015年 4 巻 1 号 182-187
    発行日: 2015/07/31
    公開日: 2015/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Market creation is an effective way for a manufacturing firm to escape a commoditized market. A firm creates a new market by bringing a very different value proposition to its customers. However, the research has pointed out that it is difficult for an organization to legitimize its market-creating product development because the difference of the product’s value is never realized during the creation process. This study demonstrates a way of overcoming this problem during market-creating product development. We adopt the social shaping technology approach as a research framework and explore four new product development (NPD) cases: two market-creating products and two follower products. We observe the process of market-creating product development. First, an NPD team notices a new and different value proposition based on materials and structural factors that are inconsistent with the current value. Second, some people oppose the development because the product does not correspond to the current value. Third, a champion of the NPD team persuades the opponents using materials, structural factors, and a third party. This kind of process is not observed during follower product development. These findings suggest a significant difference between market-creating and follower product development: only in the former do an NPD team and its champion notice a new and different value proposition and legitimate it by persuading opponents.
  • 大塚 雅生, 公文 ゆい
    2014年 53 巻 3 号 224-230
    発行日: 2014/06/10
    公開日: 2014/06/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    自然に学ぶネイチャーテクノロジー研究が注目を集めており,様々な産業分野において生物模倣学 (Biomimicry) の応用が進みつつある.シャープ株式会社はこれに積極的に取組み,2014年3月現在で既に17種類のネイチャーテクノロジーの実用化に成功,22品目の家電商品に適用し,商品の価値向上や新たな価値創造を実現している.本報ではそれらのうち代表的なものを幾つか取り上げて解説する.
  • *歌代 豊, 林 セイ
    経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集
    2014年 2014s 巻 B2-4
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/08/06
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • ガスおよび電気オーブンとの比較
    *四宮 陽子, 森村 咲子
    2010年 22 巻 1P-56
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/08/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    AX2000 (株)シャープ)、電気オーブン(RE-M110-C (株)シャープ)、ガスオーブン(コンビネーションレンジ RMC-703 EG-F リンナイ(株))を使用した。スポンジケーキは常法で調製し、加熱は予備実験からスチコン(160℃35分)、電気(180℃40分)、ガス(160℃30分)とし、焼成1時間後に官能検査、焼成1日後にテクスチャー(クリープメーター(RE3305 (株)山電))、色(分光測色計(CM-3500d (株)ミノルタ))、比重(菜種法)を測定した。
  • *堀江 秀樹, 平本 理恵
    2008年 20 巻 2P-26
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/08/29
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

  • *堀江 秀樹, 平本 理恵
    2007年 19 巻 2C-a6
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/08/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

  • 地学雑誌
    1912年 24 巻 3 号 162-169
    発行日: 1912/03/15
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 近藤 正幸
    2006年 21.1 巻 1H03
    発行日: 2006/10/21
    公開日: 2018/01/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 宮武 和孝
    2011年 25 巻 2 号 117-124
    発行日: 2011/06/15
    公開日: 2011/08/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    With a life style of healthy and sustainable (LOHAS) intention, superheated steam cooking ovens have attracted attention recently. According to the main issue of this review, the establishment of a resource saving society, we introduce an outline of the principle of superheated steam including its characteristics; the generating apparatus itself, the application of food processing including the sterilization, drying and environmental fields. Superheated steam is steam at a temperature higher than water's boiling point. If saturated steam is heated at constant pressure, its temperature will rise, producing superheated steam. To produce superheated steam in a power plant or for processes (such as cooking), the saturated steam, from the steam drum is passed through a super heater. Superheated steam has three heat characteristics; condensation heat transfer, convection heat transfer, and emission heat transfer, respectively. In the present review, we describe the induction heating of a carbon element for a generator. By using these merits, we applied them for food processing, including household cooking. Besides energy saving and environmental benefits, the oxygen-free atmosphere appears to improve product quality by retarding some deterioration reactions in food materials. Under-atmospheric pressures are often required with foodstuffs, which are sensitive to high temperatures due to denaturalization reactions. These benefits increase the added value of foodstuff, including unused or discarded natural resources by changing them into a powder. Superheated steam characteristics are useful for environmental remediation, especially recycle and reuse of active-charcoal and the washing and drying processes of the drum tube recycling industry and the same time we show not only the total cost saving, but also decreased dramatically energy and water exhaustion. From our evidence, we propose that superheated steam technology is useful in the food processing and environmental industries, but have a high potential for other industrial applications in the near future as well.
  • 山本 豪志朗, 山本 景子
    2006年 60 巻 8 号 1253-1256
    発行日: 2006/08/01
    公開日: 2008/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大久 長範, 菅原 優希, 毛利 哲
    2020年 67 巻 12 号 514-518
    発行日: 2020/12/15
    公開日: 2020/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    10 %食塩含有培地に強力小麦粉を添加し30 °Cで4日間培養すると,耐塩性酵母が優先種となった(9×108 cfu/ml).この10 %食塩含有培養から酵母147株を分離し24株をHyphopichia burtoniiと同定した(分離株の16 %に該当).10 % 食塩含有培養をパン生地に加えると,生地は柔らかくり,生地の膨張が促進した.10 % 食塩含有培養と乾燥酵母の混合物を使用して,直種法でパンを製造した.この方法で製パンしたパンの比容積(4.43 cm3/g)は,対照の比容積(3.47 cm3/g)よりも27 % 大きくなり,パンクラムの硬さは低下した.耐塩性酵母の集積培養は新規な液種として利用できると可能性がある.

  • 山田 修
    2005年 2005.80 巻
    発行日: 2005/03/18
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー