The industrial sector has an important role in achieving ambitious targets for CO
2 emission reduction set by many countries. Reducing CO
2 emissions in the industrial sector requires decreasing energy demand and increasing renewable energy use. In order to utilize variable renewable energy directly in a manufacturing plant, energy conversion and storage facilities are needed to balance supply and demand. Especially in plants with seasonally fluctuating demand, mass storage of energy will be required.
In this paper, we applied the structural optimization using linear programming to plants with zero CO
2 emission through the use of variable renewable energy, and clarified the configuration of economically rational renewable energy, conversion and storage equipment. In the plants that needs to supply power and gas (hydrogen and/or methane) to the production lines, a stand-alone case and a case where hydrogen and methane could be supplied from external sources were examined. As a result of structural optimization, power to gas was selected in both cases. Analysis of shadow price in the gas demand constraint revealed that there ware periods when the cost of producing gas through Power to Gas was less than the cost of purchasing gas from external sources.