Household CO
2 statistics are a valuable statistical survey that can directly analyze the relationship between people's energy-saving behavior, household-use energy-saving technology, and household CO
2 emissions. On the other hand, when formulating regional environmental policies, there is a need to capture household CO
2 emissions related to specific local regions. However, since household CO
2statistics are sample surveys, the local government may not always be able to obtain information about its own area. Therefore, we have developed a method for capturing household CO
2 emissions in a specific area. According to this method, it is possible to estimate household CO
2 emissions by residents living in a specific area using information such as the average age and household attributes of the residents in that area, which are often captured by the census and other government statistics. Currently, policies are underway in each region of Japan to build smart cities that optimize energy consumption and transportation. This study will contribute to advancing these policies in an evidence-based manner.