Journal of the Mining Institute of Japan
Online ISSN : 2185-6729
Print ISSN : 0369-4194
ISSN-L : 0369-4194
Volume 55, Issue 645
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Masaie HORIOKA, Mosaku IWASA
    1939 Volume 55 Issue 645 Pages 1-17
    Published: 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
    The geophysical prospecting methods hitherto commonly used can efffectively be utilized when the necessary depth of penetration is less than about 100 m, but beyond this depth they are subjected to considerable difficulty in interpretation.
    From the view-point of physical chemistry, the earth may be considered as an almost nonconducting materials impregnated with electrolytes. As an electric current flowing through such materials follows the same laws and reaction phenomena as governing the flow of electric current through other electrolytes and dielectrics, these laws and reaction phenomena can reasonably be applied for geophysical prospecting. In this paper the authors give fundamental researches in this view-point, that is, especially the polarization phenomena produced in rock materials, on the surfaces of are bodies, or on the boundaries of strata, and suggest the new methods for prospecting are bodies and structural investigations which can effectively be utilized for the depth of penetration more than 300m.
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  • Kazuo KANAZAWA
    1939 Volume 55 Issue 645 Pages 18-37
    Published: 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
    This work consists of:(I) flotation of the crude barite and (II) a study of the flotative properties of the barite in a nearly pure state.
    (I) The ore containing 92.13 to 93.82% BaSO4 and 4.73 to 7.26% SiV2, was obained from the Matukura Mine, Hokkaido, Japan. It was crushed and then ground (dry) to pass through 200 mesh. A pulp was made of 250 grams of the ore and 750 c.c. of distilled water. The experiments were performed in 250-gram flotation machine of M. S. type made of stainless steel.
    The ore was treated, (1) with 270g/ton sodium carbonate, 150g/ton sodium silicate and 860g/ton oleic acid, giving an extraction of 90.0% BaSO4 at a concentrate of 96.70% BaSO4, (2) with 450g/ton copper sulphate, 110g/ton sodium silicate and 860g/ton oleic acid, giving an extraction of 34.2% BaSO4 at a concentrate of 96.80% BaSO4, (3) with 150g/ton sodium silicate and 850g/ton oleic acid, giving an extraction of 70.6% BaSO4 at a concentrate of 98.20%.
    (II) The sample was of 2 kinds. One containing 96.57% BaSO4 was obtained from the Nakagawa-Syodo Mine, Korea, Japan and another containing 96.73% BaSO4 from the Matukura Mine, Hokkaido, Japan. The sample was crushed and then ground (dry) to pass through 65 mesh. The-65+200 mesh material was separated from the-200mesh material by dry screening. A pulp was made of 50grams of the barite and 200c.c. of distilled water. The experiments were performed in a 50-gram flotation machine of M. S. type made of stainless steel. The pH of the tailing solution was determined by means of a potentiometer with a saturated calomel electrode and an antimony electrode, or a Hellige's colorimetric comparator.
    Oleic acid floated less barite than did sodium oleate. Small quantities, e.g. about 100g/ton, of another frother such as camphor white oil, with oleic acid or sodium oleate, increased the floatability of barite, the increase in flotation being due to a better quality of froth.
    The-200 mesh barite was more floatable than the-65+200 mesh. The barite from the Nakagawa-Syodo Mine was slightly more floatable than that from the Matukura Mine with oleic acid, but the reverse with sodium oleate.
    Sodium silicate did not depress the flotation of barite, but increasing amounts of sodium silicate or sodium carbonate activated it even with small quantities, e.g. 80g/ton, of oleic acid.
    Copper sulphate, citric acid, aluminium chloride or potassium dichromate depressed the flotation of barite. Copper sulphate and citric acid were the most effective. Copper sulphate more markedly depressed it with sodium oleate than with oleic acid, but the reverse with citric acid.
    The results of (II) has positively proved the case of (I).
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  • 1939 Volume 55 Issue 645 Pages 37
    Published: 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
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  • Ryozi KAWAMURA
    1939 Volume 55 Issue 645 Pages 38-48
    Published: 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
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  • 1939 Volume 55 Issue 645 Pages 48
    Published: 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
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  • 1939 Volume 55 Issue 645 Pages 49-65
    Published: 1939
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
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