Journal of the Mining Institute of Japan
Online ISSN : 2185-6729
Print ISSN : 0369-4194
ISSN-L : 0369-4194
Volume 57, Issue 670
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Yoshizo FUJITA, Takeshi KIYONO
    1941 Volume 57 Issue 670 Pages 55-61
    Published: February 22, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
    A previous paper has been presented dealing with the experimental results of the apparent resistivity method. This report is a careful, theoretical analysis of the W and 3V type curves obtained. in the previous experimental studies. The object of this paper is to bring out a simple law dealing with the relationship between the various “kicks” in the curves and the position of the conductor or orebody. Certain assumptions which were made in the calculations are as follows:
    1. The conductor extends out to the surface. This is in contrast with the experimental studies in which the conductor is placed below the surface.
    2. Conductor is infinite in a vertical direction.
    3. Conductor is infinite at right angles to traverse. In this case with a constant electrode spacing and any arbitrary position taken on the surface of the traverse line, the resistivity of the position was calculated from the theory of images.
    In the case of a conductor of length b and resistance of zero, the calculations show when the conductor length b equals the electrode spacing, a, (b a), the 3V type curve occurs. When length b is zero, that is, when the conductor is small in comparison with the electrode spacing, such as when the conductor is standing in a vertical position, the W type curve occurs. For intermediate cases. such as when a>b>o. a 3-peaked variation of the W type curve occurs. However, this type was not checked in the experimental work. When b> a a variation of the 3V curve occurs which is horizontal in the central portion.
    The outline of the conductor is determined from the relative position of the “kicks” in the theoretical curves. This was checked in the previous experimental results.
    Similar theoretical calculations can be made for a conductor infinite in one direc-tion, with a vertical boundary plane, and with the traverse made at right angles to the boundary line. The resulting curve being exactly one-half of the 3V variation type.
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  • Torajiro UEJI
    1941 Volume 57 Issue 670 Pages 62-75
    Published: February 22, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
    The author has studied two conspicuous phenomena on the contact metamorphism of coal beds by intrusives. (1) Some substances have been supplied to coal beds and several minerals such as quartz, chalcedony and calcite etc. have been deposited in the coal. (2) Some substances have been removed away from the coal and the greater parts of the volatile matters in the coal have been volatilized out. Although the former phenomenon is limitted only in the contact part, the latter can be observed more widely. The water vapour from the magma or the adjacent coal is important as a carrier of heat into the coal beds.
    He has classified the metamorphosed coal into five classes according to the chemical, physical and microscopical characters of it, and that of the third class of his classification is most useful and can be utilized as anthracite for domestic use or other purposes.
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  • Gaichi YAMADA
    1941 Volume 57 Issue 670 Pages 76-81
    Published: February 22, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
    The non-sulphide minerals are classified in three classes; the first, the non-polar, non-gulphide minerals, as coals, anthracite, graphite, sulnher, talc and sericite; the second, polar easy-floatable or anion-floatable non-sulphide, as barite, fluorite, calcite, magnesite, dolomite, scheelite, apatite, cassiterite, chromite, hematite, rhodochrosite and psilomelane etc.; the third, polar cation-floatable non-sulphide, as quartz, felspers, mica, aragonite, augite, hornblend, kaolinite and other silicates.
    The flotation of above three classes of non-sulphide minerals is discussed and practical results of the experiment On graphite and native sulpher from first class, on barite, fluorite, calcite and scheelite, from second class are abstracted in nine tables.
    This is only an abstract of our experiments on practical ores at the Dressing Laboratory, Kyoto Imperial University.
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  • 1941 Volume 57 Issue 670 Pages 81
    Published: 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
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  • Hidehiko MINO
    1941 Volume 57 Issue 670 Pages 82-91
    Published: February 22, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
    Here I compiled the bibliography of recent literature on ore dressing, especially concerning antimony ore, arsenic ore, bismuth ore, chrome ore, lithium ore, manganese ore, mercury ore, molybdenum ore, nickel and cobalt ore, pyrites ore, tin ore, and tungsten ore.
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  • 1941 Volume 57 Issue 670 Pages 92-102
    Published: February 22, 1941
    Released on J-STAGE: July 13, 2011
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