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クエリ検索: "ファイトケミカル"
111件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 渡辺 昌, 卓 興鋼
    2005年 2 巻 2 号 101-111
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 赤尾 幸博, 土佐 秀樹
    2011年 11 巻 5 号 161-165
    発行日: 2011/05/01
    公開日: 2013/07/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    によるがんの予防は疫学的見地から可能性が示唆され, 科学的根拠のある素材が求められている。がん細胞の増殖抑制に関わる
    の多くはミトコンドリアを介したアポトーシスを誘導することが明らかになった。同時に, 増殖・サバイバルシグナル (PI3K/AKT, ERKシグナル) を効果的に抑制する。今後, このような
  • 機能性と潜在的副作用の観点から
    村上 明
    2015年 53 巻 5 号 305-312
    発行日: 2015/04/20
    公開日: 2016/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *斉藤 和季
    日本植物生理学会年会およびシンポジウム 講演要旨集
    2011年 2011 巻
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/12/02
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    植物は光合成による自立的な物質生産性とその豊富な化学的多様性という特徴的な代謝機能を有する。植物は20万種を越えると推定されるいわゆる二次代謝成分(最近では特異的化学成分Specialized compoundsと呼ばれることも多い)を生産すると見積もられ、これらは医薬品、機能性食品成分、香料、工業原料などに利用されることで我々の生活を広く支えている。この化学的多様性の根源は植物ゲノムに内包されており、そのゲノム機能の基盤解明(
  • —学生自ら考える・国際共創・社会実装・世界を変える—
    森谷 祐一, 松下 ステファン悠, 加藤 毅
    2022年 70 巻 10 号 496-499
    発行日: 2022/10/20
    公開日: 2023/10/01
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー


  • *近藤 壮, 穴井 豊昭, 渡邊 啓史
    2023年 256 巻
    発行日: 2023/09/12
    公開日: 2023/09/12
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • *中村 信介
    2023年 97 巻 97_3-B-S55-3
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/01/08
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス

    Currently, the development of functional foods that take advantage of the bio-regulatory effects of foods has been active. The phytochemicals, which are derived from plants, play an important role as a factor in the functionality of such foods. Phytochemicals are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from ultraviolet rays, harmful substances, pests, and foreign enemies, and are a general term for chemical substances contained in plants. With the development of analytical techniques, the functionality of various phytochemicals and their mechanisms of action are becoming clearer. Since phytochemicals cannot be produced in the human body, they must be supplemented from foods and supplements. Therefore, the phytochemicals should be taken for the purpose of health maintenance by understanding which phytochemicals should be taken for what purpose. We have been engaged in research on the effects of carotenoids and polyphenols, which are classified as phytochemicals, on the central nervous system, such as the brain and eyes, as well as their molecular mechanisms. In this presentation, we will focus on the pharmacological effects of carotenoids such as astaxanthin and crocetin, and discuss their anti-aging and preventive effects on central nervous system diseases.

  • 髙橋 良哉, 海野 けい子
    2015年 135 巻 1 号 31-32
    発行日: 2015/01/01
    公開日: 2015/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 村上 明
    2022年 55 巻 1 号 54-56
    発行日: 2022/02/05
    公開日: 2022/02/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 真部 真里子, 中村 薫
    2006年 53 巻 8 号 437-442
    発行日: 2006/08/15
    公開日: 2007/09/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 堀田 忠弘
    2017年 26 巻 1 号 45-50
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 髙橋 良哉, 大寺 恵子
    2015年 135 巻 1 号 33-40
    発行日: 2015/01/01
    公開日: 2015/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
      The aging process is largely influenced by dietary factors. For example, caloric restriction can slow age-related functional deterioration and the onset or progression of age-related diseases, as well as prolong mean and maximum life span in laboratory animals. However, the dietary factors that affect the aging process comprise not only calories, but also various nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. Phytochemicals, which are found in plants, are non-nutritive, yet many phytochemicals are known to act as antioxidants and prevent diseases associated with free radical production. Furthermore, certain phytochemicals can help prevent or reduce the risk of cancer, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease by alteration of several signal transduction pathways in cells. Therefore, much focus is being placed on the effects of dietary phytochemicals on aging and stress response. This paper reviews recent advances in the study of two major dietary phytochemicals, resveratrol and curcumin, on aging and stress response.
  • 海老塚 豊
    2017年 53 巻 4 号 367
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 室田 佳恵子
    2019年 93 巻 4 号 166-167
    発行日: 2019/04/25
    公開日: 2020/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宇佐見 国典, 香山 彊
    1971年 25 巻 12 号 612-625
    発行日: 1971/12/01
    公開日: 2009/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes the results of alkaline pulping of beech wood, which has been cooked by ammonium sulfite and ammonium hydroxide solutions. In series of cooking, liquor concentration, maximum temperature and cooking duration at maximum temperature were varied. Evaluation of pulpings were investigated by analysises of the residual lignin and pentosans in resultant pulps, bleaching and paper strength tests.
    Summary of results are shown as follows ;
    1) It was found that the best conditions for cooking were as follows :
    Liquor composition : Ammonium sulfite 18%, Ammonium hydroxide 30%
    Liquor to wood ratio 4.5 : 1
    Maximum temperature 180°C
    Time at maximum temperature 2hr.
    2) Total pulp yield ranged from 55.8% to 64.6%. It was decreased with increasing sulfite-ion concentration. The pulp yield was increased rapidly in proportion to ammonium-ion concentration in the range of lower concentrations, but this relation was reversed over some ion concentration. This changing point was moved to the higher ammonium-ion concentration with increasing sulfite-ion concentration.
    3) Residual lignin in pulps stood in the range of 0.89-6.90% (based on oven dry wood). The rate of delignification was proportion to [NH4] [SO3] 3.016. The ability of delignification with sulfite-ion was about three cubed times as much as that of ammonium-ion.
    4) The degradation of pentosans by cooking were controlled with increasing the concentration of ammonium-ion, but were activated with increasing the concentration of sulfite-ion.
    5) Whiteness of bleached pulps were slightly lower than that of the ordinary bleached chemical pulps. In the case of well cooked pulps, decreasing of pentosans by bleaching was a little. The maximum decrement of pentosans was not exceeded about 4%. Yields of bleached pulps stood in the range of 53-56% (based on oven dry wood).
    6) The strength properties of unbleached pulps were lower than those of the ordinary sulfate pulps, but those were improved by bleaching treatment. The strength properties of bleached pulps were similar to those of the ordinary bleached sulfate pulps. The pulps cooked by 18% ammonium sulfite and 40% ammonium hydroxide solution showed best strength properties.
  • 鈴木 克彦
    Colloid & Interface Communications
    2024年 49 巻 1 号 8-11
    発行日: 2024/03/10
    公開日: 2024/03/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


  • 高橋 司
    2016年 52 巻 10 号 969
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    に関する研究報告数が増加傾向にある中,赤米の米糠から得られた2種の抽出画分による抗がん作用として,ヒト由来がん細胞であるCaco-2,MCF-7,HL-60に対する細胞周期停止とアポトーシス誘導作用が報告されている.本稿では,マウス骨髄性白血病細胞(WEHI-3)を用いたRiceberry rice branの非鹸化抽出画分(RBDS)とその主要成分であるグラミステロール(GRA)の抗がん作用に関するSomintaraらの報告を紹介する.
    1) Leardkamolkarn V. et al., Food Chem., 125, 978-985 (2011).
    2) Somintara S. et al., PLoS One., 11, e0146869 (2016).
    3) Suttiarporn P. et al., Nurtients., 3, 1672-1687 (2015).
  • 森田 宏
    2020年 55 巻 1 号 6-12
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/08/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dietary requirements that reduce the risk of dementia are sufficient nutrition and a well-balanced diet. Regarding the three main types of nutrients, for carbohydrates, it is good to consume mainly low-glycemicindex foods that release glucose slowly. These include deep-colored vegetables, fruits, beans, mushrooms and seaweeds. It is also important to reduce the intake of white sugar. For fats, it is best to consume mainly blue-backed fish, which are high in DHA, linseed oil and perilla oil, which are high in omega-3 fat, and olive oil, which is high in omega-9 fat. For proteins, it is best to consume mainly eggs and soy beans. It is also good to consume meats and seafoods. On the contrary, it is better to avoid soft drinks, trans-fatty acids (margarine) and too much protein.
  • II パルプの性質
    宇佐見 国典, 香山 彊
    1973年 27 巻 10 号 469-475
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2009/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper, it was shown that the yield of pulp obtained from beech wood, which was cooked by alkaline solution containing NH4OH and (NH4) 2 SO3, was higher than that of ordinary kraft pulp. (Pulp yield ; 64.655.8%, lignin content ; 6.90.9% based on wood)
    This paper discusses the properties of the pulps in order to elucidate the reason for high yield. Chemical constituents and intrinsic viscosity of the pulps are given in Table 1. It has been shown that the degradation of holocellulose has been decreased successively with increasing the amount of NH4OH in cooking liquor. The degradation of cellulose has been prevented by “stopping reaction”, which has been confirmed from the existence of C6-metasaccharinic acid in the hydrolyzates of cellulose.
    It is one of the reason for high pulp yield that the degradation of pentosans has been dropped rapidly by increasing the amount of NH4OH in cooking liquor.
    It has been supposed that aldonic acids consisted in cellulose-end groups was increased with increasing the amount of (NH4) 2SO3, and acid hydrolysis of cellulose was proceeded successively.
  • 矢賀部 隆史, 宮下 達也, 吉田 和敬, 稲熊 隆博
    2013年 141 巻 5 号 256-261
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー