Japanese Heart Journal
Online ISSN : 1348-673X
Print ISSN : 0021-4868
ISSN-L : 0021-4868
17 巻, 4 号
  • Haruo TOMODA, Shinya OKABE, Shimei KAWADA, Akira SHOHTSU, Hiroshi SASA ...
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 437-444
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    An experience with a real-time two-dimensional echocardiographic system was presented. In this report a sagittal plane section, i.e., the section which was parallel to the long axis of the left ventricle was used. The two-dimensional section of the normal heart, mitral stenosis, interventricular septal defect (preoperatively and postoperatively), mitral prosthetic valve, pericardial effusion, and acute myocardial infarction were studied.
    Easy applicability, quick recording, and non-invasive nature of the procedure, make the indications widened including acutely distressed patients.
    We conclude that real-time two-dimensional echocardiography is one of the most promising cardiac examinations.
  • Kouichi OGAWA, Noboru YAMAZAKI, Tsutomu WATANABE
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 445-451
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), the enzyme responsible for the bio
    synthesis of norepinephrine from dopamine was assayed in the blood serum
    of 23 normal adults, 16 patients with congestive heart failure, 19 patients
    with asymptomatic ischemic heart disease, 4 patients with angina pectoris
    at rest, 15 patients with essential hypertension, 8 patients with essential
    hypotension, 5 patients with neurocirculatory asthenia, and 9 normal adults
    before and after the exercise test. The serum DBH activity varied within
    a wide range in the control population. The DBH activity increased
    about 16% after the exercise stress. A tendency to increase DBH activity
    was shown in the patients with congestive heart failure. There was no
    significant difference between asymptomatic ischemic heart disease, es
    sential hypertension and normal controls. A lower value was observed
    in the patients of angina pectoris at rest, while a higher DBH activity
    was demonstrated in the patients with essential hypotension. There was
    no significant difference between the neurocirculatory asthenia group and
    the normal control group.
  • Hiroshi SHIBATA, Toshihisa MATSUZAKI, Keiko SHICHIDA, Keisuke HIRAOKA, ...
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 452-458
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The prevalence of syphilis and its cardiovascular complications were investigated in the living population more than 60 years of age. The prevalence of positive serologic test for syphilis (STS) were 16.9% (124/736) in males and 17.1% (236/1380) in females, which were not statistically different. Aortic regurgitation (AR) was significantly more frequent in those with positive STS (9.68% in males, 5.08% in females) compared with negative STS (0.98% in males, 1.75% in females) in both sexes (p<0.01) and it was marked in males. AR with positive STS had a significantly lower minimal blood pressure than AR with negative STS (p<0.05). Calcifications in the ascending aorta were noticed in 5 out of 24 syphilitic AR. Myocardial infarctions were almost equally found among those with positive STS (1.67%) and negative STS (1.65%), and 2 out of 6 syphilitic cases were complicated by AR. The measurement of the aortic width was not valuable for the diagnosis of uncomplicated syphilitic aortitis.
  • C. S. So, P. KOLB, H. BLÖMER
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 459-464
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cardiac manifestations in Friedreich's ataxia occur frequently. We have studied 17 cases of Friedreich's ataxia, of which 94% showed a disturbance of the repolarization in the scalar ECG, 29% showed evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy. These changes are not specific but typical of Friedreich's ataxia. Vectorcardiograms were taken with the Frank-system. The vectorcardiographic findings showed not only the same changes as seen in the sclar ECG, but furthermore an atypical configuration of the QRS-loop was evident, which was not recognized in the scalar ECG. According to our experience compared with the scalar ECG, the vectorcardiographic investigations can be considered a more useful method in the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia.
  • Kotaro FURUKAWA, Junichi YOSHIKAWA, Kumeo TANAKA, Chujiro TANAKA, Seik ...
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 465-470
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    One hundred and thirty patients with various heart diseases who underwent angiocardiography were studied to assess the clinical usefulness of echocardiographic aortic root diameter. The echocardiographic aortic root diameter was measured from the anterior surface of the anterior wall to the anterior surface of the posterior wall at end-diastole. A significant correlation was found between aortic root diameters measured by angiocardiograms and those by echocardiograms (r=0.944, p<0.001). The aortic root diameter in normal subjects was 15 to 40mm with a mean value of 29.0mm. The corrected aortic root diameter by body surface area in normal subjects ranged from 10.1 to 29.5mm/M2 with a mean value of 19.18mm/M2. There appeared to be direct relationship between corrected aortic root diameter and the age. Echocardiography is a simple, safe, and reliable noninvasive method for estimating aortic root diameter.
  • A Pathological Study in 968 Consecutive Autopsy Cases
    Masaya SUGIURA, Keisuke HIRAOKA, Shinichiro OHKAWA
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 471-478
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Severity of the coronary sclerosis was estimated in a total of 968 aged cases of consecutive autopsy. Incidence of myocardial infarction was elevated inn the high stenotic indices (sum of the coronary stenosis of the 3 vessels). There were 594 cases (61.4%) of balanced stenosis, 238 cases (24.6%) of unbalanced stenosis, and 136 cases (14.0%) of rare type (extreme difference of degree of stenosis between 3 vessels).
    There were 155 cases (16.0%) of 3 vessel disease, 154 cases (15.9%) of 2 vessel disease, 215 cases (22.2%) of 1 vessel disease, and 444 cases 45.9% of no significant coronary sclerosis. Incidence of myocardial infarction in these 4 groups was 47.1%, 22.1%, 9.3%, and 2.3%, respectively.
    The left anterior descending artery was the leading artery in 1 and 2 vessel diseases, followed by the right coronary artery and then the left circumflex coronary artery.
  • Kyuzo AOKI, Tadashi YOSHIDA, Setsuko KATO, Kazuhiro TAZUMI, Iwao SATO, ...
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 479-484
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Ca2+ antagonistic coronary vasodilator, Nifedipine, was sublingually administered by a dose of 30mg to 19 patients with hypertension.
    Blood pressure of patients with essential hypertension (n=14) decreased from 177±24 to 123±13mmHg systolic and from 108±12 to 80±11mmHg diastolic (mean±SD) (p<0.01). Heart rate increased significantly from 73±11 to 85±10 beats/min (p<0.01). Plasma renin activity (PRA) increased significantly from 0.73±0.62 to 1.50±1.02ng/ml/h (p<0.05). The same tendency was observed in malignant and renovascular hypertension. In primary aldosteronism (n=2), blood pressure decreased but PRA did not increase.
    Hypotensive action and increased plasma renin activity by Ca2+ antagonist, Nifedipine, were clearly demonstrated in patients with hypertension.
  • Alexander JUHÁSZ-Nagy, Rudolph URBANICS
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 485-490
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of 2 types of adrenergic blockade on the capacity of the coronaries for hypoxic dilatation was studied in open chest dogs under chloralose anesthesia. Reactive hyperemia following the temporary occlusion of the left coronary artery and the vasodilatation elicited by general arterial hypoxia served to determine the range of coronary adaptation. β-adrenergic blockade induced by propranolol (0.3mg/Kg i.v. or 0.05mg/Kg intracoronarially) failed to reduce the range of hypoxic dilatation. On the other hand, the α-blocking agent phentolamine (0.45mg/Kg i.v. or 0.15mg/Kg i.c.), in association with a decrease of the vascular tone, significantly limited the coronary adaptation to hypoxia.
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 491-505
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    To explore possible relationship between changing coronary arterial flow patterns and states of coronary circulation, the left circumflex arterial flow (mean and phasic) was measured simultaneously with the oxygen saturation of the great cardiac vein blood (SGCVO2, ) in anesthetized open-chest dogs. Coronary vasomotion was altered either with administration of drugs or with mechanical interventions. The "intermittent"flow pattern observed in the resting state persisted as far as SGCVO2 remained unchanged or lowered regardless of changes in coronary flow, aortic pressure or heart rate. On the other hand, when increase in circumflex flow occurred simultaneously with elevation of SGCVO2, a "continuous" flow pattern of the circumflex flow was noticed. We suggest that (1) the "intermittent" flow pattern would indicate that efficient O2 uptake from the supplied arterial blood is taking place in the myocardium and (2) the "continuous" flow pattern would indicate presence of arterial flow excess to the myocardial requirement, rendering the increased coronary blood flow less effective for its amount in terms of O2 supply to the myocardium.
  • Shigetoshi CHIBA
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 506-511
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The isolated right dog atrium was perfused through the sinus node artery with blood led from a heparinized support dog under constant perfusion pressure of 100mmHg. The positive chronotropic and inotropic responses to norepinephrine were not significantly suppressed by treatment with large amounts of quinidine or procainamide, but completely blocked by propranolol.
    From these results, it was demonstrated that quinidine and procainamide have no adrenergic beta-blocking activity on chronotropism and on inotropism in the heart.
  • Tomio KANNO, Toshihiro SUGA, Masao YAMAMOTO
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 512-520
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The rabbits were divided at random into 2 groups: one was fed for 6 weeks on the rabbit food containing 5 mg Crataegutt® per 100Gm food (CR group), and the other was fed for the same period on the commercial rabbit food and used as a control. Intracellular records were made from fibers in the ventricle of isolated rabbit heart. The inhibitory influences of hypoxia on the resting membrane potential and on the amplitude of action potential of the fiber of the CR group are significantly less than those of the control group. However, the inhibitory influence on the time courses of contraction of the papillary muscle was almost the same between these 2 groups.
  • Hideo UEDA
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 521-526
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The renin release is controled mainly by 3 mechanisms which are mutually not exclusive. The mechanisms can work together or 1 mechanism may play an important role than the other 2. The 3 mechanisms are the sympathetic nervous system, intrarenal baroreceptors, and the macula densa.
    In this paper, the renin release by electrical stimulation of brain stem, renin release by β-adrenergic receptor, renin release by catecholamine infusion and angiotensin-sensitive site in brain are reported and discussed.
  • Hiroyuki SUGA
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 527-530
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    A hypothesis is presented on a possible mechanism of development of the essential hypertension. The present theoretical consideration with Laplace's law and Poiseuille's law indicates that arteriolar constriction increases, unless the blood flow is reduced, both arterial blood pressure and vascular circumferential wall tension which is considered a trigger of medial hypertrophy of the constricted arteriole. If the medial hypertrophy aggravates the vascular constriction, it all the more increases arterial pressure and wall tension. Therefore, the initial arteriolar constriction, however slight, may progressively produce hypertension and augment medial hypertrophy by such a positive feedback mechanism.
  • Case Report and Review
    Hiroshige MURAKI, Masao SAKAI, Zen'ichiro UOZUMI
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 531-539
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 6-year-old boy with coronary artery fistula emptying into the left ventricle was reported. An attempt was made to outline clinical manifestations of this disease which have not yet been fully described, based on the experience of the present case and a review of 14 previously reported cases. It is concluded that clinical signs and symptoms are not specific for this anomaly and retrograde aortography is required to establish the definite diagnosis of the lesion. Authors' views are expounded as to the location of maximal intensity of the murmur, genesis of the systolic murmur and electrocardiographic features.
    1976 年 17 巻 4 号 p. 540-544
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2008/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 48 years old male developed acute cardiac pain manifested by prolonged P-R interval as the only electrocardiographic sign. Subsequently the electrocardiogram evolved an acute myocardial infarction with a normal P-R interval. Immediately thereafter prolonged P-R interval reappeared to become established even after digitalis was long discontinued.