As a social application of the power to gas (P2G) system, we envisioned a system that uses renewable energy, which is ubiquitous in the region, to satisfy the medium-scale heat demands of local businesses. Therefore, the feasibility of using an engineering numerical calculation model was investigated. In addition, the potential medium-scale heat demand for a region was estimated using questionnaire information on energy consumption statistics. Based on the engineering numerical calculation model, it was found that the minimum unit cost of hydrogen production is approximately 66.2 to 128 JPY/Nm
3, which is higher than the price of hydrogen parity for various applications. However, if the active use of unused renewable energy and sharing of hydrogen production equipment are considered, the hydrogen production price could approach parity price. Furthermore, from a macroscopic perspective, the potential of a region's surplus solar power is likely to cover the medium-scale heat demands of local businesses in the region. According to aggregated energy consumption statistics, there was a particular desire to develop a general-purpose P2G system that could be used in the medical, welfare service, and food manufacturing industries.