Online ISSN : 1880-3555
Print ISSN : 0918-6638
ISSN-L : 0918-6638
11 巻, 4 号
  • 佐々木 揚
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 237-244
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tissue culture costs of 3 superior wild clones of Prunus sargentii Rehder (PS 1, PS 2, PS 3) for the Japanese traditional handicraft industry was studied using sprout axillary buds. The overall degree of micropropagation difficulty of the 3 clones was in the order of PS 3, PS 2 and PS 1 judging from shoot propagation, rooting, plug and acclimation. The estimated cost of the plug was 304 yen (PS 1), 485-646 yen (PS 2) and 509-680 yen (PS 3). PS 1 was propagated with1 or 3.16μM BAP, but PS 2 and PS 3 only propagated with 1μM BAP. Under shoot propagation with 1μM BAP, the rooting was only observed in PS 2. Rooting and shoot development under rooting conditions indicated different patterns of IBA response among 3 clones. The clonal differences of phytohormonal response among 3 clones are considered to be due to the physiological status and/or genetic background.
  • 奥田 延幸, 藤目 幸擴
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 245-253
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    カイラン白花品種を用いて, 花芽形成に及ぼす低温処理期間, 苗齢並びに催芽種子の低温処理の影響について検討し, 次の結果が得られた.
    1.低温処理 (10℃/5℃, 明/暗期) により花芽の形成が促進され, 着花節位が低下した.
    1週間処理よりも2週間処理で花芽形成の促進効果が大きくなった.'白心', 'カイランT''および'カイランM'では低温処理中に, '中国芥藍', '白花黒葉'と'芥藍K'では低温処理後に花芽が形成された.
    2.'白心'と'カイランT'では1週齢以上, 'カイランM', '中国芥藍', '白花黒葉'と'芥藍K'では2週齢以上の植物体に低温処理したとき花芽を形成した.
    3.'白心'と'カイランT'の催芽種子低温処理では, 花芽形成がやや促進された.しかし, 催芽種子を低温処理した場合よりも生育温度がより大きく花芽形成に対して影響した.
  • 松原 陽一, 蓮尾 和哉
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 254-258
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    To estimate the relationship between free sugar contents and growth enhancement through symbiosis of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Glomus fasciculatum and Gigaspora margarita), we investigated the changes in free sugar contents through AM fungus symbiosis in tomato (Licopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. Momotaro-T 93) seedlings.
    Five weeks after inoculation, AM fungus infection level in a whole root system reached 17.6% in Glomus fasciculatum, while in Gigaspora margarita, 24.2%, although no major difference between noninoculated and inoculated plants appeared in the plant growth. Regardless of fungus species, total free sugar contents showed greater values in shoots, tap roots and branched roots of AM fungus-infected plants than in noninoculated ones; trehalose was detected in roots of plants infected with each fungus species. Twelve weeks after inoculation, exceeding noninoculated plants, AM fungus-infected plants gave greater values of plant height, proximal diameter of shoots, and dry weight of both shoots and roots, regardless of fungus species. Water contents of both shoots and roots showed similar levels among the treatments. AM fungus infection level showed 25.8% in Glomus fasciculatum, 38.2% in Gigaspora margarita. Total free sugar contents increased in shoots and tap roots of infected plants in both fungus species; the effect was pronounced more in Glomus fasciculatum than in Gigaspora margarita. Free sugar, which caused the increase in total free sugar contents, differed among the parts of the plants. Trehalose was detected in shoots and branched roots in Glomus fasciculatum-infected plants. These results suggest that increase of free sugar contents are closely associated with plant growth enhancement through AM fungus symbiosis in tomato seedlings.
  • 施肥管理・水管理による果実品質向上
    松村 博行
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 259-266
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    カキのコンテナ栽培における高品質果実生産を, 窒素肥料の肥効から解析し, 地植えと比較した.
    1.灌水量は地植え栽培よりコンテナ栽培では多く必要で, 3.0~5.0l/日の灌水量が高品質の果実を生産できた.
    2.4, 5, 6, 7月に施肥する方法によって地植え栽培よりコンテナ栽培で高品質の果実を生産できた.
    3.施肥量は地植え栽培よりコンテナ栽培では多く必要で, 窒素施肥量は10g/container/Yearで高品質の果実を生産できた.
    4.肥料の種類は地植え栽培よりコンテナ栽培で肥効に差が表れ, IB化成, NK化成および有機質肥料 (花ごころ) を使用すると高品質の果実を生産できた.
  • 羽藤 堅治, 竹内 利信, 山本 浩二, 橋本 康
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 267-273
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    To reduce the prevalence of illness and detect physiological disorders in their early stages, pathological diagnosis of plants is important. When a plant image stored as a large data file is sent, transmission takes a long time. To reduce transmission time, image compression is needed. The most widely used compression format for photographs is JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). The advantage of JPEG is its high compression rate. A weak point is irreversibility; it is impossible to reproduce the image perfectly.
    We use plant images for pathology diagnosis and investigated an algorithm to compress such images without loss of information. We adopted a method that separates the photographic image into useful parts (plant) and other parts (background), and stores and compresses only the useful part. The algorithm is as follows : I. Mask to get the plant information for diagnosis from a photographic image; 2. Delete the background; 3. Compress and store the image of only the plant image. We wrote a program to recognize and to mask the plants based on HSI (Hue, Saturation, Intensity). The program covers not only green vegetables, but also fruits. Furthermore, the program was investigated in combination with existing image compression techniques (for example, tiff and tga). We achieved a compression rate of about 45% compared with original photographs. We expect the compression rate to be increased in the future by optimizing the HSI parameters.
  • 処理水の種子バーナリゼーションへの応用
    田村 緑朗, 石川 勝美, 岡田 芳一
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 274-280
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to apply wheat (Triticum vulgare VILL.) seeds of winter habit to the late-summer sowing culture, the vernalization treatment method was carried out using water treated with ceramics.
    The plant height and the growing speed were promoted with the low temperature treatment using water treated with ceramics instead of tap water, and the maximum tillering stage was faster than that using tap water in the pot test. On the other hand, in the field test, the tiller was promoted, and the number of stems increased with low temperature treatment using water treated with ceramics instead of tap water.
    The heading period was accelerated by performing low temperature treatment using water on seeds. However, the difference of the heading date between the low temperature treatment using tap water and the low temperature treatment using water treated with ceramics was 2-3days.
    The effect of treated water with ceramics on the yield component was observed to be greater than the control and treatment using tap water in the pot test, however, the difference of the yield of the treatment using water treated with ceramics and other treatments was not clear in the field test.
  • 松原 陽一, 細川 亜紀
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 281-287
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The means of enhancing the growth of seedlings of Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) through inoculations of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi [Gigaspora margarita (GM), Glomus aggregatum (ga), Glomus fasciculatum (gf), Glomus mosseae (gm) and Glomus sp. R-10 (gr)] were investigated.
    Fifteen weeks after inoculation, plant height showed significantly higher values in AM fungus-inoculated plants (except gm) than in noninoculated ones; the effect was more pronounced in GM-, ga- and gr-inoculated plants than in gf-inoculated ones. The number of leaves and leaf area were superior in AM fungus-inoculated plants compared with noninoculated ones. The shoots of GM-, ga- and gr-inoculated plants had greater dry weight than did those in noninoculated ones, while for the dry weight of roots, GM-, gf- and gm-inoculated plants gave significantly greater values than did noninoculated ones. Although AM fungus infection occurred in all the seedlings inoculated, GM, gf and ga showed higher infection levels than gr and gm. The increase in P concentrations was confirmed in both tap and lateral roots of almost all infected plants. Consequently, it was clarified that both AM fungus infection level and plant growth enhancement through symbiosis differed with AM fungus species in Japanese persimmon seedlings.
  • 渡辺 慶一, G. Stephen LAWES, David J. WOOLLEY
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 288-293
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    リンゴ果実の着色におよぼす白色光+UV-Bおよびα-トコフェロールの影響について調査した.実験にはニュージーランド, マッセイ大学果樹園で栽培されている'Royal Gala'および'Braeburn'を用いた.リンゴ果実の着色には紫外光の効果が大きく, 着色が促進された.また, α-トコフェロールの影響は果実処理では着色およびUVによる障害の軽減に効果がみられた.しかし, 果皮片処理では顕著な効果はみられなかった.
  • 各種精製水の植物生長に及ぼす影響
    梅木 俊郎, 石川 勝美, 田辺 公子
    1999 年 11 巻 4 号 p. 294-298
    発行日: 1999/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    各種精製水を用い, カイワレダイコンの発芽や下胚軸の生育を調べ, 水機能化のメカニズム解明の基礎知見を得る実験を行った.
    1) 原水や製造法の異なる精製水の違いは, 発芽勢, 発芽率, 平均発芽日数に影響していることが分かった.
    2) 下胚軸の生育試験において, 各試験区間に有意差は見られなかったが, 平均伸長を比較するとPC区>PB区>PA区の順となった.
    3) 各種精製水を岩石処理することによる, 水質の変化と下胚軸の生育に対する影響を調べた.その結果, 岩石処理によりEC値はいずれの試験区においても処理前に較べ高くなり, Ca2+の溶出量が各試験区でわずかに増加した.また, 各岩石処理精製水試験区では対照区に較べ, 下胚軸の生育は良くなり, 1%水準で有意差を示した.
    4) 上記の発芽試験・生育試験の結果より, 原水や製造法の違いによる, 水の運動速度や製造などの状態変化の違いが, 発芽や生育に影響していることが推察された.
    5) 岩石処理精製水に使った生育試験の結果より, EC値の変化に関係したと推定される, 極めてわずかな差を示したCa2+が, 直接的あるいは水の構造等の物性変化に間接的に影響し生育が改善されたと考えられる.