We have conducted a survey concerning attitudes toward fashion, in which we compared the attitude structures of various groups of people, for example male vs. female, or young vs. old. Some of the main findings are as follows: The most important dimension of the structures of attitude toward fashion can be labeled as “ involvement for fashion ” for all groups of people. Another dimension labeled “ favorable vs. unfavorable attitude toward fashion ” was extracted either as the second or as the third factor. The relation between these two foctors was almost consistent for any of the groups. In other words, while the most involved people turned out to be the most favorable, the least involved people were not the most unfavorable, but rather they were neither favorable nor unfavorable toward fashion in general. These fundamental features were moreor less consistent throughout various groups of people, however, the order of the factors extracted, the contribution of each factor to the total variance, and the relations among factors were subtly different from group to group. Statistical techniques such as factor analysis and quantification theory were also proved be very useful to describe these structures of attitude toward fashion.