One of the general health questionnaires, the Todai Health Index(THI), developed by S. Aoki et al. in 1974, is composed of 130 questions concerning subjective symptom, mental health, personality, health habit and the ones to check the reliability of the answered THI. Twelve scale scores are available from THI which tell the pattern of complaint and personality, and are able to identify psychosomatics from normals by Fisher's discriminant function. The authors applied THI to the several groups of psychiatric outpatient who had been definitely diagnosed by psychiatrists to be neurosis(52patients), schizophrenia(37), depression(16), epilepsia(15)and maina(3), and characteristic patterns were analysed of the 12 scale scores in the respective patient group. Two discriminant functions were obtained and they proved to identify 42 out of 52 clinical neurotics as it and 30 out of 37 clinical schizophrenics as it. The method of forward selection by means of Mahalanobis generalized distance was also applied for the identification of the two patient groups.