This review covers metric and nonmetric multidimensional scaling(MDS)studies. Topics reviewed include metric vs. nonmetric methods, similarities, distances and the Minkowski power metrics, distance vs. content methods, the additive constant problem in the2-way and the3-way MDS, computational problems(gradient vs. rank image methods, the alternating least squares method, the N-way Eckart-Young decomposition, maximum likelihood, convex function analysis, continuous transformation, lincar programming), computer programs, individual difference scaling of similarity and preference data(the3-way scaling and factor analysis, the unfolding vs. vector models), Monte Carlo studies, incmplete designs, interactive scaling, integrated approaches, books on MDS, and a quantitative look at main contributors to the MDS literature. Because of the limited space, applications of MDS are not reviewed, and an extensive bibliography on MDS had to be deleted from(2).