Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku)
Online ISSN : 2189-7212
Print ISSN : 0366-6611
Volume 45, Issue 1
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
  • Shoji Ijiri, Masahiko Akiyama, Masatoshi Goto
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 1-18
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
    The purpose of this paper is to indicate a biological misunderstanding on the neoteny doctrine and a danger of the biological determinism inevitably included in the doctrine. The neoteny doctrine discussed in this paper is used in a broad sense, including Bolk's fetalization, Montagu's neoteny and Gould's retardation theories. A general understanding of the term (concept) of neoteny is a mixture of the above-mentioned three, though exemplifications of their characters for neoteny are not always same. Morphogenesis is classified into the following eight types by de Beer; 1) caenogenesis, 2) deviation, 3) neoteny, 4) reduction, 5) adult variation, 6) retardation, 7) hypermorphosis, and 8) acceleration. According to this classification, Bolk's fetalization and Montagu's neoteny correspond to neoteny, and Gould's retardation is to retardation and neoteny. Anatomical characters of Homo sapiens are enumerated in Table 1, where characters identified as neoteny by Bolk, Montagu and Gould are marked with circles. However, the critique of the neoteny doctrine should be focused on the anatomical characters for bipedal walk in erect posture, since this posture is the most important biological character of Homo sapiens. Bipedal walk in erect posture consists of erect posture, bipedalism and walk. The most fundamental characters are sigmoidal flexure of a vertebral column for erect posture, shape of a pelvis for bipedalism, and plantar arches for walk. If the neoteny doctrine is correct, those fundamental characters of Homo sapiens should appear in fetus or infant stages of anthropoids. Anatomical and comparative embryological examinations reveal that those characters are not observed in these stages. It is, therefore, concluded that the above-mentioned characters of Homo sapiens do not support the neoteny doctrine. Since the fundamental characters of Homo sapiens do not support neoteny, discussion on the other characters hitherto related to neoteny seems to be unnecessary. However, we discussed such characters as cranium, cranial flexure and direction of vagina so far regarded to be representative for neoteny, and proved that these characters are not to be neoteny. All of those who support the neoteny doctrine of Homo sapiens believe the human body as a perfect (harmonic) reality without any contradiction and are, at the same time, lacking in historical (geohistorical or phylogenic) viewpoints to human body constituent organs. Moreover, the neoteny doctrine originates in neglect or disregard of the importance of 'human society' in the course of humanization of the genus Homo. Lastly, we discussed the background for the birth of the neoteny doctrine and suggested the existence of biological determinism behind. We insist that organically unified natural and social sciences could become only the science in the 21 century.
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  • The Study of the Shimanto Terrain in the Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan (Part 12)
    Kishu Shimanto Research Group
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 19-38
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
    In the surveyed area, the Yukawa Formation occupies the northern part and the Miyama Formation outcrops in the southern part. Being separated by the Yanase fault in the north from the Hanazono Formation, and by the Yukawa fault in the south from the Miyama Formation, the Yukawa Formation consists of massive and bedded sandstone, flysch-type alternation of sandstone and mudstone, and is accompanied with black shale. It is lithologically divided into the Y 1, Y 2 and Y 3 Members in ascending order, and its total thickness attains to 3400 m. Based on radiolarian fossils, the formation is assigned to be late Albian to Turonian in age. The Yukawa Formation was deformed into a large synclinorium, of which fold axis is trending in east-west direction. The Miyama Formation is mainly composed of massive sandstone, flysch-type alternation of sandstone and shale, and black shale, being accompanied with lenticular exotic blocks of greenstones, chert and red/green shale. The formation is divided into the M 1, M 2 and M 3 Members, being separated by faults from each other, and the geologic age of each member becomes younger toward south. Whole strata are severely deformed and repeated by numerous reverse faults. Abundant radiolarian fossils found from black shale suggest the geologic age of the Miyama Formation to be Turonian to early Campanian. The Yukawa Formation is supposed to deposited in a sedimentary basin situated on an outer continental shelf or on an upper continental slope, while the Miyama Formation is an accretionary complex formed around trench floor during Late Cretaceous subduction process.
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  • Modal Analyses and their Comparison
    Toshio Kusunoki, Makoto Musashino
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 39-50
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
    Four formations named Ajima, Yamashita, Nagaoyama and Takatsuki, are extensively distributed in the southwestern part of the Tamba Belt and have been regarded as parts of the Tamba Group. Those are mainly composed of clastic sediments such as alternating sandstone and shale, and black shale. Detrital modes of their sandstone are rich in acidic to intermediate volcanic rock fragments, plagioclase, and poor in quartz. Multivariate analyses including regression analysis and cluster analysis reveal that these sandstones are very similar to those of the upper Permian Oi Formation in the Ultra-Tamba Zone. Those formations are differentiated them from the Tamba Group (the Type I and the Type II suites) and named the "Non-Tamba Group" b formation. Furthermore, this b formation lies on the equivalent strata of the Hikami formation, and both of them are separated the Tamba Group by fault. Incidentally, there is a little difference between the facies of the Oi Formation and that of the "Non-Tamba Group" b formation. The Oi formation is an accretionary complex in the subduction zone, On the contraly, it is concluded that the "Non-Tamba Group" b formation deposited on a forearc basin during late Permian to early Triassic time.
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  • Tetsuyoshi Yamazaki
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 51-59
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
    Kuttara Volcano belonging to Northeast Honsyu arc, is situated at southwestern Hokkaido. The eruptive history of Kuttara Volcano has the following three stages; Somma Stage, Caldera Stage and Post-caldera Stage. During the Somma Stage, this volcano erupted basaltic and andesitic lavas and scoriaceous ejecta. In the later of the stage, when the volcano grew up to a stratovolcano, andesitic lavas were erupted to form Mt. Kita-yama. In the Caldera Stage, a large amount of dacitic pumice flows were erupted, resulted into forming of the caldera. Finally, a dacitic lava dome was built and two explosion craters were opend in the Post-caldera Stage. The Kuttara Volcano Effusive Rocks vary in composition from basalt to dacite, depend ing on the stage. The Somma Stage Effusives are mostly basaltic rocks associated with andesitic rocks. These rocks have the following five; Lower Deposit, Middle Deposit, Upper Deposit with Takeura Scoria Deposit, Uppermost Deposit and Kita-yama Lava in ascending other. These deposit show conformable relationship with each other, excepting for the relationship between the Uppermost Deposit and Kitayama lava. Microscopic examination has revealed that the Kita-yama Lava is classified as hypersthenic rock series, and the others are pigeonitic ones. On the SiO2-Σ FeO/MgO diagram, most of the basaltic lavas, are plotted in the field of tholeiitic series, and some of the andesitic lavas are plotted in the field of calc-alkalic series. The cotent of Na2O and K2O of the Quaternary volcanic rocks from southwestern Hokkaido, increases from the Pacific Ocean side to the Japan Sea side. In particular, the K2O content of the Kuttara Volcanic Rocks shows the lowest values.
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  • Jun-ichi Tazawa, Atsushi Kaneko
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 61-63
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
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  • Hisao Adachi, Yoshiaki Ishida, Kiyoshi Koizumi, Natsuko Ganzawa
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 65-68
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
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  • Mizue Nishimura, Miwa Yokokawa
    Article type: Article
    1991 Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 69-70
    Published: January 25, 1991
    Released on J-STAGE: June 06, 2017
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