This paper presents an appropriate installation angle of a solar panel in consideration of reflections of snow surface. Power generation caharacteristics are measured by indoor and outdoor experiments using a solar panel and a simulated solar lighth. A non-reflective material(black sheet) or a reflectve material(white polystyrene plate)is laid down between the light and the solar
panel in indoor experiments. New fresh snow is used instead of the reflective material in outdoor experiments. Maximum output power of the solar panel is measured by use of a solar tester changing the panel installation angle from 0 to 170 degree with reference to a horizontal plane. It is clear from the indoor experiments that the generated power using reflective material increases 33.3% at the maximum condition (installation angle of the solar panel is 90 degree,on a fine day,near the culmination,near the winter solstice) compared to that of non-reflective material experiments. Furethermore,the generated power increases by 32.7% using new fresh snow for a reflecive maetrial in outdoor experinents. It is confirmed that the appropriate installation angle of a solar panel for maximizing annual output power is 70 degree in consideration of snow-reflection season and non-snow-reflection seasons by the simulation with Solar Pro 4.3.