Internal Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-7235
Print ISSN : 0918-2918
ISSN-L : 0918-2918
52 巻, 18 号
  • Yusuke Nakade, Masaki Fujimura, Noriyuki Ohkura, Masako Nakata, Yuko N ...
    2013 年 52 巻 18 号 p. 2017-2023
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/09/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Objective Partial expiratory flow-volume curves have the potential to detect mild bronchoconstriction because they are not affected by the modulatory effects of deep inspiration. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the efficacy of bronchodilator therapy (BDT) in treating the cough and to assess the increase in the expiratory flow of the partial flow-volume curve at 40% above the residual volume level (PEF40) caused by treatment with a short-acting beta-2 agonist (SABA) in patients with chronic nonproductive cough.
    Methods We measured the reversibility of PEF40 caused by a SABA in 42 patients with chronic nonproductive cough at visit 1 (day 0). The patients received BDT for six days. The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess the efficacy of BDT in treating coughing at visit 2 (day 7) (0 mm, 'no cough;' 100 mm, 'no change in coughing').
    Results Reversibility of the PEF40 was correlated (r=0.690, p<0.001) with the VAS score determined at visit 2 and was higher in the patients with cough variant asthma (CVA) (44.9±18.3%) than in those with atopic cough (13.4±10.4%) (p<0.01).
    Conclusion Reversibility of the PEF40 predicted the efficacy of BDT in patients with chronic nonproductive cough and helped to identify patients with CVA.
  • Noriaki Kawano, Yuri Nagahiro, Shuro Yoshida, Kiyoshi Yamashita, Daisu ...
    2013 年 52 巻 18 号 p. 2025-2030
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/09/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Objective Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare clinical entity characterized by anemia due to severe suppression of erythroid precursors, where the other cell lineages in the bone marrow remain morphologically normal. A standard treatment has not yet been established for PRCA due to the rarity of this condition. Recently, however, the administration of either cyclosporine (CSP) or prednisolone (PSL) has been reported to be an effective treatment for PRCA.
    Methods To clarify the clinical characteristics of PRCA, 11 PRCA cases were retrospectively analyzed over a 13-year period at our institution. Since acute PRCA was found to be self-limiting, we administered the immunosuppressive treatment of CSP or PSL after providing supportive care for 4 weeks.
    Results The causes of PRCA were as follows: idiopathic (3), acute parvovirus infection (1), chronic parvovirus infection (3), thymic tumor (3), and end-stage renal disease with hemodialysis (1). Complete remission (CR) was achieved for 4 of the 5 patients treated with CSP, for 2 of the 3 patients with chronic parvovirus infection treated by immunoglobulin (Ig), and for all 3 patients treated with PSL. During the follow-up periods, 4 of the 11 patients relapsed. Complete remission was achieved a second time in all 4 cases by therapies that were more intensive and had longer administration periods than those provided during initial treatment. Consequently, 9 of the 11 patients were still alive (80%) after 5 years.
    Conclusion Depending on the cause of the PRCA, treatment with CSP, PSL, or Ig was found to be effective in most PRCA cases.
  • Marco Luigetti, Emanuele Pravatà, Cesare Colosimo, Mario Sabate ...
    2013 年 52 巻 18 号 p. 2031-2039
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/09/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Objective Idiopathic brachial plexopathy is a non-progressive disorder characterized by the sudden onset of shoulder pain associated with weakness and sometimes paraesthesia of the arm. Clinical and electrophysiological examinations are the primary diagnostic tools and allow physicians to localize the site of damage. MRI neurography is rarely performed in this setting.
    Methods We herein describe the cases of eight consecutive patients suffering from idiopathic brachial plexopathy. All patients underwent clinical visits, neurophysiological evaluations and MRI neurography.
    Results We confirmed the primary role of clinical and neurophysiological evaluations in the diagnosis of idiopathic brachial plexopathy and demonstrate the usefulness of brachial plexus MRI neurography for confirming the presence of inflammatory changes.
    Conclusion In patients with idiopathic brachial plexopathy, MR neurography is a helpful tool for excluding different aetiologies, such as compression or tumour formation, and/or confirming inflammatory changes.
  • Shigeru Kobayashi, Waka Nakata, Hideharu Sugimoto
    2013 年 52 巻 18 号 p. 2041-2050
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/09/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Objective We retrospectively investigated spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifestations at neurological onset in Japanese patients with spinal cord sarcoidosis.
    Methods Between July 2000 and April 2012, we reviewed our database and recruited patients with spinal cord sarcoidosis. On spinal MRI performed at neurological onset, the following items were evaluated: the vertebral-segment distribution and length of intramedullay T2-elongated lesions, abnormal enhancement patterns and distributions and the concomitant presence of spondylosis and associated extraspinal lesions. If available, brain MRI scans were concomitantly assessed.
    Results Nine patients were enrolled (four men and five women; median, 49 years). Reflecting Japanese epidemiological backgrounds, a predilection for occurrence was observed in young men and middle-aged women. Intramedullary T2-elongated lesions were present in eight patients, peaking at the C5 level, with a mean length of 3.7±2.6 vertebral segments. Spondylosis coexisted in the middle-aged patients. Abnormal intramedullary enhancement with concomitantly involved the nerve roots was observed in six patients, comprised of two types reflecting the disease progression: linear- and/or nodular enhancement along the surface of the spinal cord and intramedullary enhancement consisting of patchy, broad-based enhancement adjacent to the cord surface. Five patients had associated extraspinal lesions, including lymphadenopathy in four patients and brain involvement in four patients.
    Conclusion Spinal cord sarcoidosis exhibits a predilection for young men and middle-aged women among Japanese individuals and is characterized by intramedullary T2-elongated lesions spreading more than three vertebral segments peaking at the C5 level, two types of abnormal intramedullary enhancement reflecting disease progression, frequent nerve root involvement and lymphadenopathy.