Recently ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is getting popular to be used in data communications. It will open the wide area of application in various aspects in the near future. In this paper, in order to develop a variety of applications for ISDN communications, an effective construction method is proposed. First, a layered structure for communication systems is described together with the layer operation on the communication objects and the disciplines for layering system. Then, the ISDN communication toolkit is developed according to the layered structure. Finally, applying the proposed construction method, a novel image transmission system is realized, which was used in the experiment of image transmission during the international flower and green expo '90 in Osaka. By using the image transmission system, a distance database of Hi-Vision image was re-constructed, which was used in the teleprinting experiment in August 1990. The results of two experiments were quite acceptable. And, the proposed method is effective for constructing ISDN communication systems, which needs fewer changes for re-construction.