Frequent traffic accidents caused by older adults became a serious social problem in Japan. In order to decrease the number of traffic accidents and victims, older adults are now encouraged to give up their driver’s license, when they become anxious about their driving ability or are diagnosed as dementia. However, it poses problems for their social lives, and even takes away their fun or something to live for. In worst cases, not only quality of life (QOL), but also activities of daily living (ADL) may deteriorate. Technologies such as driver assistance systems or automated driving system compensate declined functions of human beings and secure their mobility. Especially full automation driving system is expected to secure higher safety. However, their fun and something to live for are not brought back by such a full automation system. To ensure both safety and fun, the idea of “person-centered care” would be a good reference. Within person-centered care, the care recipient is considered as an independent and capable individual with his/her own abilities to make informed decisions. Caregivers take the whole person into account including one’s abilities, or resources,wishes, health and well-being as well as social and cultural factors. Advanced driving assistance system in near future is expected to sense the “driver” continuously, to give some suggestions or to support discreetly regarding both his/her condition and moods at the right time, so that the person can drive safely with fun.