We studied the effects of non-smoking education using a survey of first-year students in 2016 at the Schools
of Dental Hygiene and Dental Technology. Non-smoking education was conducted on 52 subjects (42 School of
Dental Hygiene students, 10 School of Dental Technology students). The surveys were conducted both before
and after the lecture, with the main questions as follows: age; whether they have experienced non-smoking
education lectures; reasons for not being able to stop smoking; understanding of the physical harm of smoking;
passive smoking; diseases caused by smoking; the mechanisms of diseases caused by smoking; smoking
cessation methods; whether currently smoking; and knowledge of smoking experiences. In terms of the harm
caused by smoking, before non-smoking education, all students knew that smoking was harmful to the human
body and impacted surrounding people. In the question “Name diseases caused by smoking,” the number of
diseases in the answers was tabulated with a score of 0–4. The score for this question was 93 before the lecture
and 152 afterwards. For the question “Please explain the mechanisms of diseases caused by smoking,” nine
subjects answered they could explain only a little before the lecture, and 33 did so after the non-smoking
lecture. Compared with before the lecture, increases in knowledge of smoking and the motivation to stop
smoking were seen as a result of lecture attendance.
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