Japanese Journal of Smoking Control Science
Online ISSN : 1883-3926
Volume vol.15, Issue 04
Displaying 1-1 of 1 articles from this issue
  • Yoichi Yamano, kaori hatanaka, Youko Nonoguchi, Nanako Mizukawa, Miyuk ...
    2021 Volume vol.15 Issue 04 Pages 1-7
    Published: 2021
    Released on J-STAGE: October 14, 2021
    Background: In recent years, as a result of replication in psychological studies, it has been pointed out that many studies are not re-producible. This study aimed to verify if with or without reproducibility and test-retest reliability by replication of Japanese version of Smoking Decisional Balance Scale and Japanese version of Smoking Abstinence Self-Efficacy Scale, which were translated and stand-ardized from overseas.
    Method: The target persons were 156 former smokers (70 males, 86 females, average age 42.58±11.51 years). The interval between the first and second surveys was four weeks to measure test-retest reliability.
    Results: It was reproduced that the score transits with changes in Fact Structure and Stages of Behavior Change similar to those in the previous study. Besides, retest reliability factor is 0.67 - 0.70.
    Conclusion: The research revealed that Japanese version of Smoking Decisional Balance Scale and Japanese version of Smoking Abstinence Self-Efficacy Scale are reliable and reflective.
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