The purpose of this study was to reveal the lifestyle of mountain climbers by comparing lifestyles of middle–age female mountain climbers belonging to the Japan Alpine Federation (n=41, age=53.8∓5.0yr) and a control group of women who did not regularly perform any exercise (n=34, age=56.5∓5.4yr). By serving the participants a survey, we collected and date on anthropometric informatics, exercise customs, dietary habits, and lifestyle issues. The study yielded the following four results: •The BMI, abdominal girth, and body fat percentage were significantly lower in the mountain climbers than the control group. •M ountain climber's length of walking time in a day is longer than control group. (χ
2=20.899,p¬<0.001) • Smoking, Alcohol intake, and sleep patterns were not similar between mountain climbers and the control group. •Mountain climbers had better eating habits than the control group. These results showed that mountain climbers have healthier exercise and eating habits than the control group. As a result mountain climbers keep appropriate lifestyle for mountain climbing.