Computer & Education
Online ISSN : 2188-6962
Print ISSN : 2186-2168
ISSN-L : 2186-2168
Current issue
Displaying 1-19 of 19 articles from this issue
Special Reports on "Prospects for New Education Using Generative AI"
  • Takaaki Okura
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 12-18
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     We started an e-learning program for mathematical,data science,and AI education in 2021. We have introduced flipped classrooms in 2022,and in 2023 we developed and operated Online Evaluation System providing individual support for learning outside of class hours. As a result,we saw a reduction in basic errors such as incorrect graph submissions or misidentifying graph types. On the other hand,since the method of judging reports based on the similarity between reports and the correct answer does not provide specific areas for improvement,it is difficult for students to understand the areas that need improvement,leading to them repeatedly making simple fixes. To address this issue,we conducted experiments and found that individual feedback from a generative AI was necessary. We propose incorporating a generative AI into Online Evaluation System to provide feedback and suggest improvements.

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  • How Does Technology Support Learning?
    Maiko Takahashi
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 19-24
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     In the midst of significant transformations in the field of education catalyzed by the GIGA School Concept and the COVID-19 pandemic,the emergence of generative AI necessitates a reevaluation of educational approaches. This paper explores the potential and considerations of integrating generative AI into education. It particularly focuses on the incorporation of Generative AI within the context of ICT-assisted learning,aimed at augmenting cognitive functions such as reading and writing. The practical application of ChatGPT in supporting elementary and secondary school students in generating book reports is discussed,along with the participants' responses to this implementation. Through these insights,the paper contemplates the future of education in an era where generative AI plays a significant role.

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  • Kojiro Yano
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 25-31
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     In this study, I developed an automatic grading system using OpenAI’s Chat API as a means to promptly grade the answers obtained from short-answer format questions posed during lectures to check students' understanding, and introduced it in a university programming class. The results showed that it is possible to grade with a certain level of accuracy by having AI evaluate the answers based on their similarity to the model answers. However, it was also revealed that there were some mistakes in marking. In the future, I aim to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the system by improving the prompts and combining it with other answer analysis methods such as keyword matching.

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Research Articles
  • Naoya Endo, Haruki Murofushi
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 32-37
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     This study developed a smart house teaching material that can be used for problem-solving learning in "D. Information Technology" in Japanese junior high school technology education. The developed smart house teaching material enables micro:bit programming connected to a PC via Bluetooth Low Energy for virtual home appliances and house equipment provided on the Web. Programs are created using MakeCode, a block-type programming environment. We have developed our own blocks for smart houses, making programming easy even for novice programmers. In addition, the connection between the PC and the micro:bit uses the Web Bluetooth API, which can be executed on a Web browser. As a result, a learning curriculum that combines measurement/control and interactive content programming can be realized.

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  • Focusing on Perception of Cost, Effectiveness of Strategy, and Meta-Cognitive Strategy
    Akio Suzuki, Shunji Awazu
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 38-44
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     We investigated the effects of perception of cost, effectiveness of strategy, and meta-cognitive strategy for 1st to 4th year university students. As a result of our survey, it was found that the effectiveness of distance learning, the perceived cost of distance learning, and the meta-cognition suitable for distance learning are all related to the affirmation of distance learning. When we adopted the concepts of a learning strategy, as more experience was gained in distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis, the perception of cost was high, the perception of its effectiveness declined, and the meta-cognition was not gained. Since the affirmation of distance learning is also affected by these factors, the experience of distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis has slightly reduced the affirmation of distance learning.

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  • Akira SHIMOZAKI, Mitsunori YATSUKA, Takeshi MORISHITA
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 45-49
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     In this study,we implemented interventions based on the assumption of eliciting learner interest and attention in video instructional materials,and subsequently conducted an analysis on the impacts of these interventions on learner interest and attention. The findings suggest that creating chalkboard enumerations listing keywords to evoke learner interest,along with providing explanations while making direct eye contact and posing questions by instructors,proved to be effective. It can be argued that in video instructional materials,the ability to readily organize information,and subsequently having instructors initiate questioning based on the information,holds a high potential for eliciting learner interest and attention. Additionally,it was determined that interventions should be applied to video instructional materials not only in their role as educational content,but also to concurrently serve the role of the instructor in face-to-face instruction. Conversely,interventions were observed to have a detrimental impact on learner interest and attention,including metaphorical expressions and gestures. Therefore,we contend that intentionally endowing video instructional materials with the dual role of both educational content and instructor during their creation is of paramount importance for eliciting learner interest and attention.

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Pedagogical Articles
  • A Study of Practices Using LoiLoNote School and Google Workspace for Education
    Yasushi Hirayama
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 50-55
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of using ICT to share individual opinions in moral education classes. Moral education classes were given to three fourth-grade elementary school classes. In the experience recall/sharing scene,three types of methods were used. Three types of methods were used in the experience recall/sharing scene: the first class was using LoiLoNote School to share images of students' notebooks,the second class was using Google Form to share students' notebooks remaining anonymous,and the third class was using no ICT supports. The use of ICT enabled the collection and sharing of opinions of children who were not willing to speak up,and anonymous posting of experiences was thought to have the potential to gather more opinions than sharing through notebook images. In all classes,sufficient time was allowed for sharing opinions and ideas.An analysis of the results of the postlesson questionnaire confirmed that recalling one's own experiences with moral values had an impact on understanding moral values in all classes.

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  • Through the Deepening of Learning Activities with the Help of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
    Ryusuke Fukui, Taichi Yasunaga, Shingo Shiota
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 56-61
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     The GIGA school concept has led to the rapid development of one terminal per student and high-speed,large-capacity communication networks,and there is a demand for the promotion of ICT-enhanced classes. In order to promote classes that effectively utilize ICT,this study aimed to develop a class design support tool that focuses on learning activities,to practice conduct training for in-service teachers,and verify the results. The results of the post-questionnaire suggested the effectiveness of the support tool. Through the practice in schools at different stages of ICT use,it became clear that there were issues in sharing learning activities and support tools based on the use of ICT in schools in the early stages of ICT use.

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  • Hitomi Komaki, Moeko Akashi, Hinano Gunji, Eriko Kiguchi, Masaki Takeu ...
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 62-67
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     In response to the lack of research on classes that teach problem-solving methods using the DX concept, this study aimed to develop a class program for teaching problem-solving using the DX concept within the “Time for Integrated Inquiry” curriculum at upper secondary schools. The study involved conducting a class for first-year students at a public senior high school. The post-lesson questionnaire showed a generally positive subjective evaluation of the students' understanding of the class content. However, in the multiple-choice test assessing their comprehension of DX cases, only a few students provided correct answers. This indicates the need for further investigation into the thinking process and the communication method of these concepts.

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  • Eiji Ikuma, Yasunori Nakamura
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 68-73
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     This study aimed to clarify the differences between face-to-face classes and teacher-supported remote classes using Zoom(hereinafter referred to as "remote class")in the "Antarctica Class" career education conducted as a visiting lecturer. A quantitative text analysis(text mining)was conducted to compare the two methods based on the student's written comments collected after the class. The results showed that the face-to-face class was more effective in career education than the remote class. On the other hand, the remote class may be superior to the face-to-face class in how images of Antarctica are conveyed. In addition, the remote class showed new learning possibilities, such as capturing favorite images of Antarctica for enjoyment.

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  • Takuya Yoshida, Shu Yamamoto
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 74-79
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     In this study,we proposed a class incorporating new teaching materials and practical training on information security in the junior high school "Technology" course ,with an awareness of the collaboration between the junior high school and high school. The trial lessons were given to 204 first-year junior high school students,and a questionnaire survey was conducted before and after the class to verify its usefulness. In the trial lessons,we selected a subject that was familiar and interesting to the students,and conducted hands-on activities using visual experience tools. As a result,the mean scores of "knowledge and skills," "thinking,judgment,and expression," and " proactive attitude toward learning" increased significantly.

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  • Examination Based on Distance Learning in the Classroom
    Kazuya Iida
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 80-85
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of chat-based questioning on students' questioning behavior in a distance class connecting a research institute and a junior high school. The following points were revealed from the practice of teaching with Zoom. First, the number of questioners increased significantly more when the questions were anonymous, meaning that only the student who asked the question and the speaker could see the questions, than when the questions were explicitly shown to all participants in a normal chat session. Second, students felt more comfortable asking questions via chat than by raising their hands. Third, junior high school students rated the anonymity and freedom of timing of questions as useful for chatting in a distance class with other students around.

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  • Wataru Okazaki, Tomoyuki Narumi, Keiko Akimitsu
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 86-91
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     Previous studies on educational materials have shown that video materials can be effective for Japanese language learning by children from foreign countries. However,it needs to be clarified what elements of video materials are responsible for their effectiveness. In this study,we conducted a questionnaire survey of Japanese language instructors at elementary and junior high schools who used the video materials developed by the authors to determine their evaluation of various elements related to the materials. The results indicated that the video materials were generally highly rated in terms of ease of use for instruction,use by one child,ease of understanding the learning content,and appropriateness of learning items,suggesting that these elements support the effectiveness of learning through the video materials. On the other hand,we also found that they were insufficient in promoting children's self-directed learning.

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  • Kazuya Takase, Yui Saito, Hodaka Kachi, Shingo Shiota
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 92-97
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     This study developed and evaluated teaching materials for junior high school students under the theme of selfie trouble. Based on the method of sabotage analysis in human factors,we designed teaching materials that focus on making learners think about the situation in which they send pictures of themselves,and make them see selfie trouble as their own personal matter. This experiment was performed with a sample of 165 junior high school students,and questionnaire surveys were administered to the students before and after the implementation. It was found that the material was effective in improving the scores of students' awareness of the possibility of being victimized and of imagining a situation in which they would encounter trouble. In the items of “Recognizing the possibility of damage” and “Imagining the situation of sending pictures”,interaction effects were observed between two factors: the presence or absence of interaction with strangers on social networking services,and pre- and post-class practice. The class enabled learners to envisage potentially harmful situation and perceive selfie trouble as personal matters more readily. Furthermore,the degree of these transformation was notably more pronounced among learners who typically abstain from using social networking services.

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Research Notes
Practical Reports
  • Takeshi Murakami, Masaru Saito
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 106-109
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     This study investigated the use of ICT to support a child with learning disabilities,particularly those with writing difficulties. The results showed that introducing ICT tools increased letter writing,reduced missed assignments,and improved learning motivation among this child. This suggests that ICT can be an effective approach for enhancing education for children with learning disabilities,aligning with the trend of personalized and optimal learning in schools.

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  • Yukihisa Kurisu, Fumihiko Mitsunaga
    2023 Volume 55 Pages 110-113
    Published: December 01, 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2024

     In 2020, COVID-19 caused many schools to go digital at once. This trend toward digitalization not only affected online classes, but also club activities and various events, bringing about many innovations. Nishiyamato Gakuen established the Directorate General of Technology led by students. In order to solve the difficulty of holding the festival in a face-to-face format, the school switched to an online implementation using the cloud. In the course of this project, the Directorate General of Technology developed 6 solutions, resulting in the creation of a high-performance cloud-based system. Even now that COVID-19 has converged, and a face-to-face format is possible, students are still considering the cloud as an option for extracurricular activities, confirming the effectiveness of implementing cloud solutions for extracurricular activities in high school.

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Editorial Notes