Using the paper lisk-agar plate method the growth of Chloyella pyrenoidosa was inhibited by diacetoxyscirpenol, roridin A, T-2 toxin, verrucarin A, aflatoxins B
1, B
2, G
1, and G
2, and patulin. The growth of Bacillus subtilis was inhibited by the aflatoxins, eitrinin, dicumarol, patulin, penicillic acid, xanthotoxin, and zearalenone, Rubratoxin B, kojic acid, and oxalic acid did not inhibit the growth of either organism. The trichothecenes, especially roridin A and verrucarin A, also inhibited the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Chloyella appears to be a useful organism for the detection of the mycotoxins with phytotoxic activity.
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