Aflatoxin B
1, contamination was surveyed in Virginia, large-type, (5,595 lots) and Spanish-Runner, small-type (19,863 lots), raw shelled peanuts, imported to Japan during September 1972 to December 1991. The regulation level of aflatoxin B
1 in food is 10 ppb in Japan. Aflatoxin B
1 was detected in 0.4% (24 lots of 5,595) of large-type raw shelled peanut samples, and 0.1% (5 lots) of the samples were rejected as having above the regulation level of aflatoxin B
1. Aflatoxin B
1 contamination of small-type raw shelled peanuts was detected in exports from 20 of 31 countries. Aflatoxin B
1 was detected in 3.4% (670 of 19,863 lots) of small-type raw shelled peanut samples and 1.4% (269 lots) were rejected as having above the regulation level of aflatoxin B
1. The mean aflatoxin B
1 levels for large-and small-type raw shelled peanuts were 56 ppb (range 0.3-608 ppb) and 202 ppb (range 0.1-8,065 ppb), respectively.
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