Online ISSN : 2434-5636
22 巻
  • 一後方宙返りの指導を対象として一
    周東 和好
    原稿種別: 研究論文
    2009 年 22 巻 p. 1-11
    発行日: 2009/12/10
    公開日: 2020/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     According to the teachers’ textbook of gymnastics, direct assistance by the supporter is always used for training of the backward somersault. However, the method to assist directly becomes the big obstacle, in physical education classes where there is a limit to time and the number of leaders.

     The purpose of this study is to create a learning step to achieve a backward somersault by oneself of Asaoka et al. in high teaching process of the achievement rate while maintaining high safety standards. A new learning step was devised, and the point to keep in mind in teaching was shown. In a class at a university, unlike the study of Asaoka, it was carried out by a different teacher. The result showed a high achievement percentage considering the small number of lessons. The versatility of this teaching process had been shown in this study.

  • 一ラケット操作による打動作の運動発生について一
    灘 英世
    原稿種別: 研究論文
    2009 年 22 巻 p. 13-23
    発行日: 2009/12/10
    公開日: 2020/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     Our case study shows that we may easily teach racket games such as tennis, badminton, and table tennis to elementary school pupil who cannot hit a ball well with a racket. First of all, we prepare a gut-free racket and a special “butterfly net”racket, because we got a good hint of teaching young children how to play tennis using a “butterfly net.” It is well known that they can learn the kind of movement necessary to hit a ball by letting do catching insects like movement.

     Our experiment of using such a net racket brings out the clear movement and form of stroke used when playing tennis. There are a big backward swing, a follow-through swing and a smooth stroke with the children’s weight shifting. We can recognize enough movement to be able to play tennis.

     Our conclusion is that in the physical education classes of elementary school, we can apply our result study as one of the ways to instruct by using sporting goods that improve the movement ability of elementary pupils.

  • ー幫助者による幫助なしでできる段階の分析一
    村山 大輔, 渡辺 良夫
    原稿種別: 研究論文
    2009 年 22 巻 p. 25-34
    発行日: 2009/12/10
    公開日: 2020/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     Der Zweck dieser Betrachtung besteht darin, dass die Unterstützung des Überschlages rückwärts beim Gerätturnen vom Standpunkt der ästhesiologischen Bewegungslehre des Sports aus betrachtet werden soll. Darum wurden die folgenden Analysen gemacht.

    - Die Analyse der Lernenden, sie nicht den Überschlag rückwärts ohne Helfer machen können.

    - Das Vorzeigen von Methode zur Ausführung der Überschlag rückwärts ohne Helfer.

    - Die Kinästhesiologische Bewegungsanalyse über eine Lernstufe zur Ausführung des Überschlages rückwärts ohne Helfer.

     Daraus konnten wir einige fruchtbaren Vorschläge für die Lehrweise des Überschlages rückwärts beim Gerätturnen darstellen.

  • 吉本 忠弘, 田口 晴康
    2009 年 22 巻 p. 35-42
    発行日: 2009/12/10
    公開日: 2020/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     Der Zweck dieser Betrachtung besteht darin, dass die Übungen über die Gruppe „Kontersprung“ am Boden beim Kunstturnen vom phänomenologischen-morphologischen Standpunkt aus systematisiert werden sollen.

     Die Methode dieser Untersuchung und das Verfahren der Analyse sind wie folgt.

    - Die Untersuchung des gegenwärtigen Zustandes über das System der Übungen über die Gruppe „Kontersprung“.

    - Eine strukuturelle systematische Analyse der Übungen über die Gruppe „Kontersprung“.

    - Das Vorzeigen eines neuen System der Übungen über die „Kontersprung“.

     Dadurch wurde folgendes Ergebnis der Analyse klar gemacht.

     Wir haben von der Bewegungsaufgabe im System „Sprung in den Liegestütz vorlings“ und „Sprung in den Handstand“ klassifiziert.

     Weiterhin kann das System von „Sprung in den Handstand“ im „Sprung vorwärts“ und „Sprung rückwärts“ daraus klassifizieren werden.

     Durch diese Betrachtung konnten wir uns über die Bewegungsaufgabe der Übungen über die Gruppe „Kontersprung“ und ein Entwicklungssystem der Übungen von der Gruppe „Kontersprung“ klar werden.

  • -硬式野球のバッティング指導を例として-
    浦井 孝夫, 浪越 宏樹
    原稿種別: 実践報告
    2009 年 22 巻 p. 43-53
    発行日: 2009/12/10
    公開日: 2020/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     This study is concerned with how to improve the instructors’ ability in physical education, focusing on the case of batting in baseball.

     These points of observations are as follows;

     1) the aim of the batting, 2) how to move and how to feel of the batting, and 3) the quality of movement. These researchers would like also to analyze and examine the contents of observations, and moreover to acquire the knowledge about the teaching of the batting. First of all, for this study, 4 college students who belong to a baseball club were chosen as the self-observers; and another 4 persons, 2 researchers and 2 college students who have played baseball for more than 15 years, were chosen as the other-observers. The subjects were playing for the batting training. And those trainings were observed eight times during four months on the baseball field.

     These points of observations were 1) the aim of the batting, 2) how to move and how to feel of the batting, and 3) the quality of movement. The results were written on the descriptive sheets. Especially, “the quality of movement” was based on and “the eight categories” that were made and advocated by Meinel. Regarding the self-observation, the interview was carried out after the batting training according to the descriptive sheets. And the other-observations were carried out during the batting training.

     After comparing and examining the contents of different observations by the self-observer and the other-observer, the present findings could attain the knowledge concerning the teaching of the batting as follows;

     1) There were a few differences among “the aim of the batting”. So a teacher needs to ask and to clear the player’s “aim of the batting” before the training. And teachers and students need to deepen the mutual understanding of each other. 2) There were few differences among “how to move and how to feel of the batting”. However, a teacher needs to ask players “how to move and how to feel of the batting” before the training. And the teacher and students need to raise the level of sympathy concerning movement, that is, “how to move and how to feel of the batting” between players. 3) In terms of the quality of movement, there were few differences in “the harmony of movement”, and “the rhythm of movement”. There were a few differences among “the coupling of movement”. There were differences among “the anticipation of movement”. Those were difficult to observe previously “the anticipation of movement” by the other-observetion. Therefore, the teacher and players need to deepen the mutual understanding about the contents of the quality of movement beforehand. And the teacher needs to ask players for the student’s awareness of self-observation during or after the training.
