【Background】Today, food education is recommended and, support is thus required to improve the expertise of school nutrition staff. 【Objective】The purpose of this report was to examine a support seminar led by an occupational therapists, and obtain a starting point to improve its content. 【Methods】The seminar was targeted at 24 students, and was followed up by an anonymous self-administered questionnaire covering basic questions such as usefulness of each lecture topic and its degree of difficulty, appropriateness of time allocated to daily lectures, and seminar length. 【Results】Regarding usefulness, more than 95.8% students responded that all lecture topics were "useful" or "fairly useful". As for theirs degree of difficulty, 87.0-100% answered "I could understand" or "I could understand it more or less", for all topics; for the brain function topic, 13.0% answered "I could not understand it very well". 【Conclusion】The questionnaire showed that the lectures were useful, but it emerged that there was a need to modify lecture contents such as brain function and sensory nervous system to make them more understandable.