The Japanese Journal of Psychology
Online ISSN : 1884-1082
Print ISSN : 0021-5236
ISSN-L : 0021-5236
Volume 10, Issue 3
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • K. Yamane
    1935 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 327-390
    Published: 1935
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2013
    In diesen Untersuchungen handelt es sich um den Unterschied zwischen der taktilmotorischen und der optischen Raumwahrnehmung.
    A. Figur-herausfinden bei Blinden.
    Es fragt sich: können die Blinde mit Händen irgendeine Figur aus andeter etwas verwickelter Figur herausfinden? Die Figur aus Punktlinien ist in das Papier eingedrückt. Am Anfang liessen wir den Blinden (6 Vpn.) eine einfache, eingeschlossene, geometrische Figur (a-Fig.) als Vorlage auffassen, und dann dieselbe a-Fig. aus einer sie enthaltenden Komplex-figur (b-Fig.) herausfinden. (Vgl.:-Abb. 1, S. 331.) Bei Sehenden wurde auch das optische Herausfinden mit denselben, auf dem Papier gezeichneten Figuren gepruft (6 Vpn.). Was fur ein Unterschied finden wir zwischen dem Herausfinden bei Blinden und dem bei Sehenden?
    Die Resultate lauten folgendermassen:
    1) Die Blinde können auch Teilfigur herausfinden, aber im allgemeinen mit viel langerer Zeit als bei Sehenden.
    2) Blinde können a-Fig. B (Kreis) leichter als andere a-Fig. (A, C, und D) herausfinden.
    3) Wenn es andere Strichen innerhalb a-Fig. gibt, die in der b-Fig. enthalten sind, so ist die Auflösung der Aufgabe sehr schwer bei Blinden.
    4) Bei Blinden finden wir mehr “Falschfinden” als bei Sehenden
    5) Bei Sehenden leicht einbetten die Strichen der Figuren in die sie enthaltenden grösseren Geraden, wahrend bei Blinden zerstfickelt manchmal auch die grosse Geraden in die vielen Strichen.
    Woven entsteht dieser Unterschied? Um auf diese Frage zu antworten, bedurfen wir noch der folgenden Untersuchungen.
    B. Die Figurauffassung bei Blinden.
    Wie auffassen die Blinden die Stricbfiguren durch “Tasten”? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen der Auffassungsarten der Blinden und der Sehenden?
    95 Figuren sind gebraucht bei 14 Blinden und bei 28 Sehenden.
    Die Eigentümlichkeite der Figurwahrnehmung bei Blinden sind folgendermassen:
    1) Die Ant der Gliederung und Zusammenschluss ist oft verschieden von der bei Sehenden.
    Der Faktor der guten Fortsetzung-guten Gerade, guten Kurve-ist nicht so bevorzugt wie bei Sehenden. Der Faktor der gut eingeschlossener Figur ist ziemlich wirksam. Die Rolle des Umschlossenheitsfaktors ist verschieden von der bel Sehenden. Bei Blinden gibt es oft die starke Tendenz, dass entweder eine Ganzfläche der Figur als eine einheitliche Flähe auffassen wird, cder die Figur zerstückelnd in die einzelnen Teilflächen erscheint. Die Faktoren der “Gerade mit Gerade” oder “Kurve init Kurve”, der Symmetrie und der Wiederholung wirken dabei sehr wenig.
    Kurz, bei Blinden ist schwer das Zusammenfassen des grossen Bereiches der Figur, und entsteht leicht die Auffassung des zerstückelten, schmalen Bereiches.
    2) i) Selten sieh man Grenzfunktion der Linien abet niemais die der Rachen. ii) Die Yerdoppelung der Punkte oder Linien wird beobachtet, aber nicht die der Fläche. iii) Die Rolle der Teile im Ganzen ist sehr begrenzt: die Punkt in der Figur hat nicht die Funktion als “Ecke (Eckpunkt)” einer Korper, ebenso hat die Linie nicht die ars “Kante”. iv) Die dreidimensionale Auffassung der Figuren, die bei Sehenden oft entsteht, ist ganz unmoglich bei Blinden.
    3) Die phänomenale Abweichung von der gecrnetrischen Eigenschaft der Figur ist sehr gross Im Vergleich zu der bei Sehenden.
    4) Um erne Figur vollständig aufzufassen, brauchen die Blinden so lange Zeit, z. B. etwa 10 Minuten bei Fig. 62 (S.382).
    C. Die Bedingungender taktilrnotorischen Raumwahrriehnaung.
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  • Y. Wada
    1935 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 391-408
    Published: 1935
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2013
    Problerm: Although the role of background in the successive comparison has become to be discussed in recent studies of time-errors with relation to Lauenstein's assimilation theory, it has not been fully investigated. The purpose of the present work was to observe the influence of tonal backgrounds (Tongrund) upon time-errors in the discrimination of intensity of tones.
    Appratus and prmdure: The sound-source was a dynamic cone actuated by an electric tube oscillator. Frequencies of tones were 101 v. d. (Exp. I-III)and. 800 v. d. (Exp.IV-VII). The intensity of the tone could be varied by means of variable resistances in the circuit. The temporal relations of stimuli were controlled by means of Meumann's time-sense apparatus. The method of limits and modified form of the method of constant stimuli were used in this study. Os were graduate students in psychology and members in our psychological laboratory. The instructions required a judgment upon the second stimulus as stronger than, weaker than,or equal to the fist with respect to the intensity.
    Results: I. When the tonal backgrounds were stronger than the tones of comparison pair, the results were somewhat irregular, yet it could be recognized that the positive time-errors increased with prolonging time-interval. These results are similar to those secured by Lauenstein. (see Table II,III in the Japanese text. In this experiment 4 intervals were used, 1, 4, 7 and 10 sec.)
    II Results of experiments in which the backgrounds were weaker than the tones of comparison pair.
    (1) As the intensity of the background was increased, at first the positive time-errors increased up to a certain limit, then shifted in the negative direction, and finally the negative time-errors appeared. These also increased up to a certain point and then decreased. This tendency seems to correspond to that of contrast and assimilation in case of so-called geometrical-optical illusions. (see Table VI and Fig. 4.)
    (2) As the intensity of the standard stimulus was decreased (10-5 phon), keeping the background constant (2 phon), time-errors shifted from the positive to the negative. (Table IX, Fig. 5.)
    (3) As the intensity of the standard was decreased without the tonal background, there appeared no such tendency. (Tabie XI, Fig. 6.)
    (4) With the exception of extreme cases, the form of curves of the change of time-errors with prolonging time-intervals did not vary remarkably as the intensity of the background was increased. (Table I, Fig. 2.)
    (5) When the background was considerably strong, the negative timeerrors appeared even at a short time-interval (11/2 sec.). (Table I,Fig. 2.)
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  • K. Yamamoto
    1935 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 409-435
    Published: 1935
    Released on J-STAGE: May 21, 2013
    In everyday life we have a pleasant experience of success in a certain result of work and an unpleasant experience of failure in another result. These experiences of success or failure, according to Ferdinand Hoppe's experimental study, depend not on the objective results of the work but on the subjective conditions of the worker himself, on what Hoppe called “Anspruchsniveau”, the transposition of which was the central problem to be solved in his work.
    In this work I wished to inquire into the manner of the transposition of Anspruchsniveau as well as the manner of the outbreak of competitive attitude in a joint work, by which I mean a work done separately by two persons who aim at the same end shown by the experimenter in the same work field.
    The present study comprises five experiments. In the first experiment two persons were told by the experimenter to do the following six kinds of work in a situation freest to them: 1, Picking up soybeans as many as possible. 2, Shooting a target. 3, Guessing at the number of balls in two cups. 4, Mirror-drawing. 5, Waking a verse. 6, Solving a puzzle-problem. In this experiment it was found that they did their work sometimes in competitive attitude sometimes cooperative and less frequently they behaved quite indifferently to each other.
    The purpose of the second experiment was to determine whether these differences were caused by the conditions of doing a joint work or by the individual difference of character and also to see the general difference of behavior of workers in joint work and in a work done alone.
    This experiment seemed to show the competitive attitude is more closely related to the character of work than that of worker.
    In the third and the fourth experiments in which I used question methods I found every worker had his own view of work, his own opinion of work from the view point of value; in the other words each work was evaluated in his own way after the system of value of the worker.
    The last experimemt was done in joint work its results and the transposition of “Anspruchsniveau” were shown in curve with an aid of particularly devised question methods.
    Through these above mentioned experiments it was found that the competiave attitude was affected by the very “system of value” of the workers and by the relative faculties concerning the work, and the serious competition could only be seen bstween the persons who did not much differ in their faculties concerning the work which wasestimated high by both of them. In the pulling up of “Anspruchsniveau” the workers were more impatient in. the joint work than in the work done alone and in the pulling down of it the contrary is true.
    The schematic expression of the manner of transposition of “Anspruchsnlveau” is shown in the text classified in three: the first is the case where two workers show faculties of almost the same level, the second where there is some distance between their faculties the third where there is an extreme difference between them.
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  • Y. Baba
    1935 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 437-468
    Published: 1935
    Released on J-STAGE: July 16, 2010
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  • 1935 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 469-485
    Published: 1935
    Released on J-STAGE: July 16, 2010
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  • 1935 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 486-501
    Published: 1935
    Released on J-STAGE: July 16, 2010
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