Lithium starts to lose its high reflectivity at 19 GPa and turns black like graphite. The color change is reversible with large hysteresis. The black color does not change to 200 GPa. At 75 GPa, it is not transparent to visible light, nor to a laser beam at 0. 785 eV, nor to a laser beam at 0. 12 eV. This behavior means it is either a semiconductor with a gap below 0. 12 eV, or a semi-metal like graphite although such behavior could arise from multiinternal reflections as a result of the anisotropy of the permittivity in the single crystal. There is no vibron peak from a lithium molecule up to 150 GPa. The Raman spectrum at 160 GPa has a broad peak around 600 cm
-1 on a large background, which is considered to be caused by the fluorescence of diamond.