The volume compression of Bi, Pt and Au has been measured to megabar pressures by x-ray powder-diffraction experiments using a synchrotron radiation source. The EOS's of Pt and Au as the pressure scale have been crosschecked up to 145 GPa, and a considerable inconsistency between them is revealed in the megabar pressure region. The EOS of Au has been determined up to the megabar pressure range by the Pt scale. Stability of the high-pressure
bcc phase of Bi is confirmed up to 222 GPa. The equation of state (EOS) of
bcc-Bi is determined in a megabar pressure range with the bulk modulus,
B0 = 35.45(26) GPa, its pressure derivative,
B0' = 6.294(32) and the relative atomic volume,
V/V0 = 0.8927(8) at atmospheric pressure, respectively.