Online ISSN : 1348-1940
Print ISSN : 0917-639X
ISSN-L : 0917-639X
19 巻, 2 号
特集 ― 高温超伝導体の新潮流―鉄系新超伝導体 ―
受賞記念解説 ― 日本高圧力学会学会賞 ―
受賞記念解説 ― 日本高圧力学会奨励賞 ―
  • 寺崎 英紀
    2009 年 19 巻 2 号 p. 156-162
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/06/03
    ジャーナル フリー
      Physical properties of liquid iron-alloy under high pressure control the planetary core formation, evolution and its dynamics. In this review paper, high pressure behaviors of some physical properties (viscosity, wetting property and interfacial tension) are discussed and applied to the planetary core. The viscosities of Fe-S and Fe-C liquids measured using X-ray radiography falling sphere method up to 16 GPa show low viscosity values (~10 mPa-s) and the activation volume of viscous flow is also very small (~1.5 cm3/mol). The influence of light elements on the viscosity and the activation volume has only a minor contribution. Dihedral angle, i.e. wetting property of Fe-S-O liquid among mantle minerals is mainly controlled by an interfacial energy of liquid iron-alloy and not by that of solid phase. The effect of light elements on interfacial tension of Fe-S and Fe-P liquids measured using sessile drop method depends on element species. Sulphur corresponds to a surface-active element. The trend observed at high pressure is quite consistent with those at ambient pressure.