Online ISSN : 1348-1940
Print ISSN : 0917-639X
ISSN-L : 0917-639X
18 巻, 4 号
- High-Pressure Structural Science on Non-Simple Liquids! -
特集 —非単純液体で高圧構造物性!—
  • 大谷 栄治
    2008 年 18 巻 4 号 p. 360-369
    発行日: 2008/11/20
    公開日: 2009/01/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a review paper presented as a Norman L. Bowen Lecture at the 2007 AGU fall meeting in San Francisco in December 2007. Melting relations of the mantle minerals together with the physical properties of silicate melts at high pressure have been extensively studied during recent decades. Melting relations of minerals and equation of states of magmas are especially important for formation and differentiation of the Earth, such as nature of the terrestrial magma ocean, and subsequent formation of the core, mantle, and crust of the Earth. Since the magmas are compressible, we can expect that an olivine-magma density crossover played an important role for controlling the geochemical nature of the primitive mantle after the magma ocean of the primordial Earth. The crystal-magma density crossover is also expected at the base of the upper mantle in presence of volatiles, and at the base of the lower mantle. Existence of dense magmas in the present earth is consistent with seismological observations of low velocity regions existing at the base of the upper mantle beneath Japan, Europe, and US, and ultralow velocity zone (ULVZ) at the core mantle boundary of the present Earth.
  • 林 力丸
    2008 年 18 巻 4 号 p. 370-377
    発行日: 2008/11/20
    公開日: 2009/01/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    High-pressure processed food is in the stream of hundred years’ history of “high-pressure biology” which concerns high-pressure effects on biological systems. This review briefly describes the research histories of high-pressure effects on deep-sea organism, biological reaction, enzyme and protein, cell membrane and lipid, and muscle contraction, citing proceeding books of several symposia, which were mainly held in Europe and U.S.A. from 1950 to 1990. Burst of study on high-pressure food science in 1987 stimulated to found an international organization with high-pressure biology and food science, and led to the successful establishment of the International Conference of High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology (HPBB). The first conference was honorably held in Kyoto as HPBB-2000, promising the successive holding in every two years. This review also suggests artificial science in addition to natural science to give a logical background in applying unnaturally high compression of water to living systems.