Survey of International Service Design Conference and Workshop.
Akira Kondo, Naoko Kondo
Session ID: 1-01
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In this paper, we focused on the trend of service design research. Our presumption is that many research deal in new industrial category which is different from current industry classification. Then we could define new service industry framework. However there are no clear new findings of service business structure from this servey.
We conclude that service design research is still on the way to be established research field. User experience is also close situation then we watch such related area to build service design as practical research field.
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Customer Journey Map for user experience design
Akio Yoshihashi
Session ID: 1-02
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
"Service design project" is the practice on information design department. New service products were designed through the process - learning the definition of services, observation, fieldwork, drawing CJM, idea development, sketching, prototyping and acting out for service. In this project, CJM (Customer Journey Map) was drawn to describe user experience. CJM was drawn to understand the service, and to design new service. It was effective 1) to imagine that the user experience to use the service for hours, 2) to understand which object to be designed, 3) to draw a whole service systems.
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Proposal of design jump method (DJ method)
Yuhei Hirose, Toshiaki Kume, Kenta Ono, Yusuke Ashizawa, Makoto Watana ...
Session ID: 1-03
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In this paper, we propose design jump method(DJ method) to create design concepts based on the user research. in this method, we focused on the designer responsible for creating a design concept from research results. In order to clarify the perspective of the designer, who created the KP cards to express the experience of him. Results of experiments using the DJ method, was found to be able to support the creation of ideas by using the DJ method.
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Ryuji Sakamaki, Hiroyuki Kamo, Soh Masuko
Session ID: 1-04
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The number of users purchasing fashion-related items through e-commerce sites has increased in recentyears. In most cases, however, item search results are displayed as a list of images and it is hard to imagine the fitting and coordinates with other clothes. In this paper, we created cloth-only image data by mechanically extracting cloth regions from a large number of item images on e-commerce sites. And we proposed search inter face for fast browsing coordinates of tops, bottoms and shoes by displaying the extracted images side-by-side using carousel panel. Finally, we applied the proposed method to an actual e-commerce site and confirmed that proposed interface enhances
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A visualization of user experience by experience plot
Yoshinori Wakizaka, Kazuhiko Yamazaki
Session ID: 1-05
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
We proposed “Experience plot” to shorten a lead time to create user story by applying storytelling approach. To create user story, we utilize a story structure as an outline of the user story. The outline can be a plot by using the structure. And the plot make the story more impressive and persuasive. The experience plot can bring a plot to a user story. Preparing the plot first, then weaving anecdotes ont the plot, we can create qualified user story more efficiently.
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Kazuhiko Yamazaki, Yoshinori Wakizaka
Session ID: 1-06
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The purpose of this study is to discover a design methodology for user experience design.
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Session ID: 1-07
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between shapes and images that are associated by aroma.
Therefore, experiments were drawn to the images that are associated with that aroma.
The results of the experiment, the following two points were found.
Concrete image is determined to be associative and aroma. As a result, the shape similarity is likely to be expressed.
Even in different associative image by a different aroma, there is a possibility that a similar shape is expressed.
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SuKyoung KIM, Youngil CHO, Kazuhisa NIKI, Toshimasa YAMANAKA
Session ID: 1-08
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This study investigates if information assimilation affects product evaluation considering various factors of product, and
Reality Sets (Uninominal-Binominal). Car images are used as stimuli. The experiment consists of item screening and product evaluation. Subjects are participated in both. Item screening aims to select subjectively preferred/non-preferred images per subject. The selected images are reconciliated and used as stimuli in product evaluation. The findings show that information assimilation by
Reality Sets influences product evaluation differently.
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Takanobu Yakubo, Mitsunori Kubo, Takatoshi Tauchi
Session ID: 1-09
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In the past research, spatial impression comes from phase difference between right and left side sound stimulation that is called "stereo effect".We found the result from comparative survey between stereophonic sound stimulate and monophonic sound stimulate. If spatial impression only comes from stereo-effect, we can see significant difference in evaluated value of spatial impression. However, there is no significant difference for them. This result shows us that spatial impression is not only come from stereo-effect.
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Shiuan-Ruei Yang, Geng-Yi Lin, yen-yu Chen
Session ID: 1-10
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The objective of this study is to develop a cultural value assessment scale that is applicable to cultural commodity for designers and the industry. The research had two stages. The first stage involved developing items for cultural value assessment. The second stage involved the construction of a cultural value assessment scale. Experimental samples representing cultural spirit, economic value and other assessment items were scored on a 0-5 scale. Through the establishment of a cultural value assessment scale, the culture aspects of spiritual symbols, historical preservation, aesthetics, and economic costs could be obtained.
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yukiyo seri
Session ID: 1-11
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The aim of this paper is to examine Th. W. Adorno's criticism of Kant's definition of function and ornament. According to Adorno, functionalism, that emphasized the integration of art and technology, was based on Kant's aesthetic. In Kant's aesthetic, function and ornament are absolutely separated from one another. Yet, according to Adorno, those two notions are historically interconnected. Function is based on ornament and reverts to it in its historical dynamic. Adorno criticizes Kant's paradoxical definition because it dose not account for the historical and dialectical relationship between function and ornament.
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- from the Theory of Deleuze and Guattari
Toru Koga
Session ID: 1-12
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In the field of design, concept plays a significant role in the constitution of a design object. As a concept designates a goal for a design process, it has to be deliberately defined in order to maximize the functionality of the object. In other words, the concept should play a mechanical and an organic role at the same time. In their writings What Is Philosophy? Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari define the concept as a mechanical component that consists of sensory elements, each of which is itself a concept. We transplant their thought to the field of design as a tool capable of evaluating the sensory quality of the design object.
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Introduction to Japanese Design Aesthetics -1
Taketo Kurokawa
Session ID: 1-13
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The purpose of this study is to clarify it about a climate of Japan and relations of the design aesthetics. There were environmental designers in Japan, but there was not an architect. This is because a garden, the room-interior surrounding building and it were regarded as composite art in Japan. It is the beautiful natural environments that a lot of rain and snow fall to have brought up the way of thinking. And the traditional culture such as Waka Japanese poems came out of such a background, too.
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Masanori Oikawa , Seiji Hidaka , Akira Manjyoume
Session ID: 1-14
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Today, in regional SMEs, the strategic design has become very important in development of attractive products to adapt needs for greater sophistication and diversity. However, most SMEs think design as aesthetic aspects of the product, and the approach is adhoc responses to individual products, not strategic. To meet them in this study, we identified designmanagement area in business and proposed design maturity model.
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Mikito Sugino
Session ID: 1-15
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In this study, types of design in innovation studies and their features are clarified. It is expected that an understanding of them will lead to implication of contribution of design to innovation. To clarify types of design in innovation studies, Quantification Theory Type III and cluster analysis are applied to studies focusing on design in Journal of Product Innovation Management, a prestige journal in innovation studies. In the end, it turned out that there are four types of design in innovation studies. Furthermore, it is clarified that, from viewpoints of the origin of innovation, more attention should be paid to dynamic design engaged by a designer collaborating with users, one of the four types of design.
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DONGJIN KIM, Kenta Ono, Satoshi Hachima, Yosuhiro Ohara, Yusuke Ashiz ...
Session ID: 1-16
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Maintaining Touch Point, which means “the contact point of customers and services”, such as ATM machines is very important for financial institutions which should provide and sell new products and services to their customers. This research contains the 2 observations to figure out the using behavior of ATM area. we found out there have been significant changes of the using behavior of ATM area of customers, and we moved on the next research focusing on the way to provide a new method of communications between the banks and their customers. In the result, we found some needs of providing commercial services during customers waiting times. And it is important for banks to perform financial marketing targeting on individual customers.
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Naohito Nakagawa, Masaaki Aida
Session ID: 1-17
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
A setup of a theme word is performed from the experiential knowledge of those who perform a theme setup in many cases, and what kind of influence the theme word has on a result and what kind of educational effect there is have many which were shown objective.
Then, this research clarifies influence that a theme word has on a result paying attention to the theme word in the product design process.
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Masayuki Morishita, Toshihiko Kanamaru, Teppei Mihara
Session ID: 1-18
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This study develops the new curriculum for comprehensive art education consisted from inputting data for the design to outputting the forms using by 3D System which has the latest 3D CAD and 3D printers. We will depart from the traditional methods like sketching, drawing, modeling which have been done separately, and will take the new method to improve the creativity and the sense of design.
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Masuo Ichihara, Masayoshi Kubo
Session ID: 1-19
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
On March, 11, 2011, Tohoku Earthquake occurred.The tsunami by this earthquake brought destructive damage to Tohoku and the Kanto district. This research paid its attention to people called "vulnerable people". They havevarious problems in their temporary house life, so the purpose of this research set to the proposal of temporary house. As a result of the hearing investigation they cannottake the bathroom, because it has the large level difference and it hasn’t a space required for care. So, the sharing bathroom was proposed as one of improvement proposals.
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Fukushima revival activity with character by way of example
Nobumasa Takahashi
Session ID: 1-20
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Suitable Gear Design is new concept that the author would like to propose to affect the regional activation by the design, and to talk about this conveniently. Although the author is engaged in the design educational research in connection with the area, catching with a new concept has been continued practically. This time, the author considered the example Fukushima Prefecture which makes a character a core and tackles revival. As a result, the independent gear is not established, and it is thought that plural gear interdependent and established synthetically.
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Story Block
Shiho Miyatake, koji Higashide, Kenichi Kimura
Session ID: 2-01
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Joint ownership, a framework to succeed is pursued in the local community thought and experience today.A member is an expert of the activity, but one of the reasons that data cannot share includes that it is not an expert of the editing. A method to participate as an editor of the intellect is required.Therefore this study suggests the framework that can participate in the editing of the document of the local community as a narrator in members continuously.
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Kei Mishima, Makoto Okamoto
Session ID: 2-02
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In this paper, I suggest new system to promotethe citizens to go out towards the destination. The methodologyof a survey is group interview and diary investigation.Second, analyze data obtained from the research and understandingthe whole context of request from citizens. Next,make prototype system that supports movement of the citizens. The prototype is citizen can simulate of new function.Then, test the prototype to the citizens. The methodology of atest is questionary investigation and protocol analysis. Studyresults is the evaluation of participatory design methods andproposed new transportation system.
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Akiyo Makino, Junya Kitazima
Session ID: 2-03
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This study's purpose is to clarify the effective environment educational program and tools toward sustainable society. We experimentally made a picture-card show, a research report, etc, on the topic of satokawa's fish "Oily Bitterling".The research was conducted at four elementary schools in Komono town, Mie Prefecture.
The results showed that the importance of the design in environmental education, and we obtained the understanding about the biodiversity conservation and the regional identity from the children.
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Investigation for good communication by social media
Saiko Nakamura, Haruo Kimoto
Session ID: 2-04
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
When it is said, "Deai System", many people often have a bad image. It is a certain creative crop working, and, as for the act "coming" across, there is originally a person got an irreplaceable bond through the Internet a lot in human society. The precious information are the product by the bond. This study considers it about the Internet society, the bond with the person who was able to be provided using social media.
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Yuka Honma
Session ID: 2-05
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
The main purpose of this paper is, at first, to take up design of public relations of local activity “codomode @ Adachi” which worked together local government in Adachi area, secondly, to reveal and discuss this design activity’s process, designs and results. This is considered as one of good examples of demonstrating an importance of design related to public relations. The design concept of “codomode @ Adachi” was determined from territorial character of Adachi area, and then an original character “Adara” was produced for public relation tool which made people feeling warm towards to this activity. In addition to it, for promoting the transmission of information, 7 patterns of leaflets was made. From October 2011 when full-scale public relations activity had started, the number of attendance of “codomode @ Adachi”, especially youth one, increased.
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Yutaka Nagami, Daisuke Arai
Session ID: 2-06
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In late years inhabitants gathering in Small park decrease.The reasons are because the low birthrate and the change of the user for the generation change cannot be coped with. To such inside, needs of the user, parks to renew increase.However, the harvest of an opinion of local inhabitants becomes the problem.By this study, we introduce examination process of inhabitants participation type Park renewal plan by realtime simulation and the demand of inhabitants and the point of the collection of the opinions.
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Akihito Morino
Session ID: 2-07
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This paper is intended to report three project based learning programs which aimed to educate information design based on utilization of photography. These projects used photography as primary media in order to convey information on the subjects. Training of communication ability by students was one of the most essential elements to these project, for students were assigned to communicate the purpose of project with unfamiliar people. The results indicate rather high efficiency of project based learning, since students created further networks among community.
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Yasushi Togo, Ryoichi Tamura, MInako Ikeda
Session ID: 2-08
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This study is to present the role of a designer in the local branding through the viewpoint of the authorization requirements for the local-food brand. At first, authorization requirements (hypothesis) for the local-food brand were derived from the recognition system of 9 local governments by content analysis. Then, the hypothesis was tested to local organizations by interview investigation. In conclusion, the roles of designers which are the brand resource survey, marketing, promotion planning, package design and etc. were derived from the research.
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Nomothetic Research on Design Implementation in Open Source Software Development Communities
Aleksandar Kovac, Katsuhiko Kushi
Session ID: 2-09
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Digital information networks are rapidly growing as a space for meaningful social interaction and collaboration. Internet ”open-source software development” (OSSD) communities are localized around a common idea and share an ethos for software development collaboration. It is observed that design contributions in OSSD communities are fairly unsuccessful. Paper proposes a set of processes for improving a designer’s competence to contribute meaningful design solutions to OSSD communities. Conclusions are aimed to contribute to understanding relationships between designing and community dynamics in general.
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- Part3 - Iyama Hofukuji in Soja-city
Ryo Masuoka, Makoto Tono, Yosuke Sadashima, Hiroshi Ozaki, Naoko Tanim ...
Session ID: 2-10
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
We introduced the digital contents production into the design practice and selected the Iyama Hofukuji in Soja-City as a research zone for the effects of digital contents into the area impression. And we investigated the change in the impression with the experience of their contents. We discovered that the subject has pointed out a charm in that area more concretely after the experiment. Therefore, we confirmed a certain effect of digital contents into the area impression.
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Yasushi Harada, Maiko Kobayakawa
Session ID: 2-11
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In this study, we tried “Real Time Documentation (RTD)” by several scribers for one short event. As a result, we clarified the following viewpoints. First, it is necessary to catch the skill of RTD scribing with two axes. One is the editing method of the contents told as words, and another is the skill of the graphic design which expresses it visually. The second point is that many variations are made by the combination of words and graphics about an RTD expressional level. A scriber needs to make the purpose meet and needs to use these expressions properly.
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Development of Mobile Applications for Tourism
Masahiro Horie, Ryo Suzuki
Session ID: 2-12
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Collaboration between designers and software engineers is a key issue in the development of mobile applications.This research holds workshops using prototypes in order for the software development. There are 4 purposes for that; (1) the verification of designs by the designers, the software engineers and the users as well as the discovery of possibilities for new design, (2) obtaining a common language for the designers and the software engineers to collaborate, (3) the education of new members and (4) User Experience Design, which has been added this time. In this report, (4) the effectiveness of the workshops for User Experience Design of mobile applications will be described.
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Yumiko Nagai
Session ID: 2-13
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
At the ‘WorkShop of Expressive Personal Memories’, participants sheared their personal memories by their telling. The purpose of this paper is for participants to clarify what is sharing and what concretely. In the one day workshop, the participants told the memory about their object and they named it through their discussed. Participants are calling the named "name" and were pointing at the "contents" of their "telling." This WorkShop may be able to share "personal memories" not only with a family or the old friend but also others who became acquainted newly.
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-Practice of the expression activity that using " Expression Nebula"
Maiko Kobayakawa, Chisato Takami, Takeshi Sunaga
Session ID: 2-14
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
We are focusing on the design outcome that will be used to create a situation in society. The goal is explore the mechanism and transition subject to the user from the designer. In this paper, we discuss about our design outcome "Expression Nebula" and implementation process in society. "Expression Nebula" is a participatory platform where visitor of event or exhibition in museum is able to enjoy own expression. We reflect one case of the practice and described the stakeholder. From that process , we found the problem for social implementation. It is to externalize the knowing of operation of method and tool.
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Tomohiro Uemura, Ikuko Gyobu , Masashi Toda
Session ID: 2-15
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Workshops represent a new type of learning which is gaining in popularity. In this study, we developed an observation tool for use in clarifying the "meaning and mechanisms of learning in workshops." Learning in workshops is creative and open, being the product of spontaneity and contingency. A minimum unit (F2LO model) was established for grasping learning events. The tool that has been developed is an application capable of using the F2LO model and text to describe and analyze images recorded with a video camera and input into a notebook PC.
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From a Platform Design Process for People Art by Information Design
Koji Yokokawa, Takeshi Sunaga
Session ID: 2-16
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
We are developing activity programs and tools to support expression by ordinary people and researching design method for activities which has not existed yet. In this report we analyze 'Phased Design including Investigative Design' which is used in our project by activity theory and discuss design method to create new activities.
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An alternative concept for facilitating long-term co-creativity in local communities
Mariko Nakamura, Jan Lindenberg
Session ID: 2-17
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Based on the experience from a participatory design project in a Tokyo neighbourhood community, we suggest an alternative approach for long term co-creation processes. By introducing the metaphor of “farming” we are proposing a set of dynamic “tactics” for managing co-design workshops that are significantly different from the traditional way of strategic goal-focused planning. We broadly outline our concept by introducing the main aspects of exploring, preparing, seeding, nurturing and cultivating in regards to collaboration and creativity.
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Tamaki MOTOKI, Mikihiko MORI, Hajime KITA
Session ID: 2-18
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
We executed " MONODZUKURI-Workshop " to aim to solve a daily problem by the MONODZUKURI and the design. After the workshop had ended, we did the interview investigation to the participating person related to manufacturing. We report on the result with this thesis. We have understood the personrelated to manufacturing sees designer's production process in this interview, and there is an influence in their consideration to " MONODZUKURI and design".
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Akira Kito, Yuki Mizumachi, Koichiro Sato, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka
Session ID: 2-19
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This paper describes a basic study on the emergent design system which occurs serendipity from interaction between man and machine. Serendipity is a natural ability to make interesting or valuable discoveries unexpectedly. There is a possibility to generate new design ideas if we can utilize serendipity. Therefore, we propose the emergent design system using serendipity, and perform experiments that pro-designers and pro-engineers design chair by using this system. Additionally, we interviewed them to assess the usability of this system. As a result, we showed the possibility generating new design ideas by using the proposed system which prompts the chances of getting inspirations and unexpected discoveries by using serendipity in the process of deriving solution.
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Using Face Graphics for Recording Emotion
Kenta Nakai, Tamon Hosoya
Session ID: 2-20
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
As you see in weblog pages, recently, recording daily life has become popular. Lifelog records our daily life as a digital data, and they are used as a material for Weblog and Photolog. In this study, we especially pay attention to "emotion"(emotional tag) in our various action records. In our daily life, we often recall our past experience by emotion. We aim to assume the situation in which emotion records as a lifelog, and hoping to design the system of supporting the recall of a past experience. The use of emotional tag is searching a visual data such as photograph and movies which were taken in past. It can be used as a personal time machine.
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An investigation of processes that guide dogs lead to the blind people
Aika Tsukada, Masayuki Sakai
Session ID: 2-21
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In this study, we suggest that we should design living environment from the stand point of affordance for both humans and animals. As a beginning, we observed behavior of pet dogs, next had interview with some trainers for guide dogs. It was found from the result that there were some possibilities of increasing efficiency in training guide dogs by using the concept of affordance.
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A case study of pre and post-design and creativity training for wooden sandal craftsmen in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Yukari Nagai, Deny Willy Junaidy, Muhammad Ihsan
Session ID: 3-01
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This four years study combines an action research and semi-ethnography method by employing observation, interview, reflection, and monitoring to evaluate the whole process of design and creativity training. A series of design training, post-training informal random visits, and online trading monitoring was conducted and analyzed. We found that curriculum should articulate craftsmen’s customs/familiarity and introduce another symbolic domain. A simply transfer of the conventional Design Principles and Creativity Icebreaker exercises would later create an odd feeling and hesitation instead.
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Kaori Yamada, Yohei Koguchi, Toshiharu Taura, Yukari Nagai
Session ID: 3-02
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
We are developing a method to design a creative and emotional motion that might resonate with deep feelings by combining base motions. However, how base motions should be selected was not discussed. In this study, we attempt to support selecting base motions by focusing on mimetic word. Mimetic word express sound, motion, and phenomena. Hence, we believe mimetic words can express deep feelings. Further, we created a database of base motions from the motion of natural objects; mimetic words are related to those base motions.
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Koutaro Sano, Gwilt Ian, Yukari Nagai
Session ID: 3-03
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
For many people outside of scientific community statistical information and graphics remain abstract and unintelligible regardless of progress of an information technology and extensive growth of an information network. This research investigates how we might interrogate statistical information from the engineering sector through the creation of material/physical objects, with the intention of bringing better understanding and increased accessibility to scientific data. Undertaken by a multidisciplinary team of designers, engineers, technologists and end-user communities the project aims to investigate how a strategy of media transformation can be used to communicate and transfer knowledge between different stakeholders.
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Ritsuko Izuhara, Tatsuya Miura
Session ID: 3-04
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
In recent year, interest in local traditional handicrafts is steadily declining. One of the reasons is the gap between consumer’s needs and traditional crafts produced by craftsmen. The purpose of this research is to propose and produce the web community site for discussion and creativity of local traditional handicrafts by crafts men and consumers in the local area. Furthermore, we promote our web community site through the interactive contents in the digital signage with Kinect sensor in the town.
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A Turn from V-Shaped to Lambda-V-Shaped Model
Shigeru Otsuki
Session ID: 3-05
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Type of not only waterfalling, but also agile development process, are bound to curse fix the requirements specification, then, that to do the implementation. In principle, these are so-called V-shaped in accordance with the process of development. Software is executable knowledge be placed in the real world, and also must be considered to be the target of the design artifact. Use of software is a process of action and reaction by its execution. Through this, recognition and requirements are changing. In this paper, we propose a process of software construction and evolution process model called Lambda-V-shaped model considering the user feedback process.
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Yoshimune Ishikawa
Session ID: 3-06
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This article focuses on how a furniture producer, Sanshiro Ikeda (1909–1999), revived Mingei in modern society, and it clarifies the level of creativity in his handiwork. Ikeda, who organized various types of furniture by its woodworking, which was distinguished by its detail, produced new Mingei furniture with a sense attained during reproduction, a sense that helps craftsmen to adequately modify parts of furniture and assemble them for durability. This sense represents the resistance against the standardization of modernism that links Mingei furniture to contemporary design.
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Session ID: 3-07
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This report is about the develop of Design education method. It is given good result to having an experience of realizing an Exhibition. We have realized 8 exhibitions by students for 10 years. Those exhibitions are about "The process and result to make Goat hut", "Universal design", "Diatoms", "Children and Future", "Millet", "Tree house", "Dark cloud" and "TOHOKU QUALITY". Those have given me many kinds of idea about Design education. And three point for better training are appeared. 1) Good experience about subject makes high motivation for exhibition. 2)It is important to communicate directly with visitor of exhibition for understanding own design skills. 3) Students whose had experience of making something with high quality, had challenged better quality exhibition.
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Yu-Chia Chen
Session ID: 3-08
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
This study referred to the four stages of creative psychological processes proposed by Wallas (1926), namely preparation, incubation, illumination, verification as the basis, and organized these stages into four steps of guided teaching. The subjects of experimental teaching were junior high school students, who were divided into experimental and control groups, to engage in "personal image design" creation experiment.This study used the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) for the pretest and posttest. The comparison of the test results and the teachers’ evaluations on the works by the two groups of students were used to review the effects of guided teaching. The TTCT test results showed that the fluency, originality, elaboration, and flexibility abilities of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group.
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Ryo Takehara, Yukari Nagai, Junya Morita
Session ID: 3-09
Published: 2012
Released on J-STAGE: June 11, 2012
Understanding the users can contribute to creative design. Particularly, user behavior observation can explore potential needs. In this study, we proposed a method using episode description tool and video data
protocol. In a design idea experiment, we compared a group of participants using tool and a video only group. From the result of the analysis, in both groups, the design idea was considered from the presented video. Nevertheless, the group using the tool could watch video more efficiently. The episode description supported the exploration of user needs. Further discussion regarding episode description may explore needs more effi ciently.
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