Online ISSN : 1883-9193
ISSN-L : 1883-9193
6 巻, 3 号
  • 笠井 久雄
    1927 年 6 巻 3 号 p. 241-272
    発行日: 1927年
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 余ハ羊痘毒ヲ山羊ノ皮膚ヘ累代接毒スルコト15代ニ及ビシガ此間山羊ニ於ケル發痘ノ状況ハ終始殆ド同樣ニシテ毎ニ局所ニ固有ノ發疹ヲ生シKonewガ之レヲ山羊ノ皮下ニ累代接種セシ場合ニ見タルガ如ク山羊ニ對スル毒力漸次増進スルコトヲ認メズ又余等ガ牛痘毒ヲ緬羊ノ皮膚ニ累代接種セシ場合ニ見タルガ如キ初期一定期間發痘力ノ著シク減弱スルガ如キ事ヲモ認メザリキ
    (2) 羊痘毒通過ニ用ヒタル山羊ハ各其接種サレタル痘毒ニ對シ完全ナル免疫ヲ得ルノミナテズ後羊痘毒ヲ以テ再接種ヲ行フニ何レモ全ク陰性ニ終レリ然レ共此際尚ホ牛痘毒ニ對シテハ明カニ感受性ヲ有ス又此山羊通過羊痘毒ハ無處置緬羊ニ於テハ定型的ノ痘疱ヲ作ルモ羊痘ヲ耐過セル緬羊ニ於テハ全ク陰性ナリ即チ羊痘毒ハ皮膚接種法ニ依レバ山羊體ヲ通過セシムルモ本來ノ免疫元性ニ何等ノ變化ヲ受クルコトナシ
    (3) 皮膚接種法ニヨリ山羊體ヲ通過セシメタル羊痘毒ハ緬羊ニ對スル毒性著シク減弱シ之レヲ其皮膚、皮下又ハ血管内ニ注入スルモ決シテ羊痘樣ノ症状ヲ發セズ又之レヲ羊ヨリ羊ヘ累代接種スルモ其毒性ヲ回復スルコトナシ即チ余ハ之レニヨリテ恰モ人痘ニ對スル牛痘ノ如ク羊痘毒ヲ其本來ノ免疫元性ヲ變ズルコトナクシテ緬羊ニ對スル毒性ヲ生物學的ニ減弱且ツ固定シ一新Vaccineヲ作ルコトヲ得タリ(以下之レヲ『余ノCaprina』ト稱ス)
    (4) 余ノCaprinaヲ以テ緬羊ヲ免疫シタルモノ17頭ノ内2頭ハ之レヲ羊痘發病中ノ緬羊ト混同飼養セシモ羊痘ニ感染セス後何レモ羊痘毒ヲ人工的ニ接種セシニ其約半數ハ發病セス其發病セシモノモ經過極メテ良性ナリ即チ之レニヨリテ本Vaccineノ羊痘ニ對スル免疫元性能力ハ元毒ノソレニ比シ甚ダ弱キコト勿論ナレ共之レヲ以テ羊痘ノ自然感染ハ概ネ之レヲ防禦シ得ベシト信ズ之レヲKonewノCaprinaニ比シ豫防接種材料トシテ遙ニ理想ニ近キモノトス
    (5) 余ノCaprinaハ山羊ノミ繼續接種セシモノモ或ハ山羊第1代ヨリ之レヲ緬羊ニ再歸繼續セシモノモ其羊痘防禦力ニ大差ナシ又豫防接種ノ方法ニ就テハ皮膚、皮下、血管内等何レニ依ルモ効果ニ於テ著シキ差異ナキコトヲ示シタレ共試驗例少數ニシテ未ダ其優劣ル斷定シ得ズ其他實際上ノ問題ニ就テハ尚ホ今後ノ研究ニ俟タザルベカラズ
  • かるちうむ缺乏ノ原因的意義 其一
    新美 〓太
    1927 年 6 巻 3 号 p. 273-284_4
    発行日: 1927年
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 柘植 一夫
    1927 年 6 巻 3 号 p. 285-314
    発行日: 1927年
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The tuberculin-hypersensitiveness is now a generally known fact in the medical world, and it is applied, especially in the veterinary service, for the early detection of the tuberculosis, the true nature of it being obscure yet. Of course, many of scholars earnestly studied to explain the nature, and some of them said that the tuberculin reaction is caused as the reaction between the antigen and the antibody, while some others consider it as a mere increased sensitiveness or as a step toward the immunity against tubercle bacilli. I, also, attempted to explain the nature of this phenomenon expreimentally, employing the rabbit as experimental animals, and I selected the ophthalmic reaction as the best method. Followings are the results I reached from the experimental data.
    I) Not only living tubercle bacilli, but also, dead (heated) bacilli, as Kraus & Volk, and others said, have the ability to hypersensitize actively the animals against tuberculin. We are not able completely to devoid off the special antigenic property by heating the bacilli at the boiling point.
    II) The blood or the serum from the tuberculous and at the same time tuberculin-hypersensitive rabbits makes passively the same kind of animal tuberculin-hypersensitive, this special quality of the blood or the serum being destroyed at 100°C., and this quality can be taken off by absorption of the blood or serum with living or dead (heated) tubercle bacilli completely, therefore the special substance in the tuberculous blood is not tuberculin, but, on the contrary, antibody in its nature.
    III) Passive tuberculin-hypersensitiveness is established 24 to 48 hours after the serum-injection, and disappears in 2 or 3 days.