Online ISSN : 1883-9193
ISSN-L : 1883-9193
15 巻, 4 号
  • Vitamin Cノ生成ト光線ノ影響ニ就テ
    松岡 富治
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 222-232,en64
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 發芽中給肥シナイ場合ニ於テ生成セラレルVitamin Cノ量ハ光線ニ依ツテ影響セラレル事比較的少イノヲ見タガコレモ發芽期間ヲ長クシテ試驗スレバ光線下ノモノ漸次優リ其ノ差モ明瞭トナル
    (2) 發芽中給肥シタ場合(圃場ニ播種)ハ光線ノ影響極メテ明瞭デアツテ暗所ノモノハ光線下ノモノヽ約1/4含量デアツタ
    (3) 1尺5寸位ニ成長シタ大変ガ4尺位ニ伸張シ開花シ始メルニ至ルマデ覆ヲ作ツテ光線ヲ遮斷シタ試驗ニ依レバ光線下ノモノハ暗所ノモノヨリ優リ約4倍ノ含量デアツタ
    (4) 成長中ノ大根ヲ覆ツタ場合ニ於テモ光線下ノモノ優リ暗所ノモノノ4乃至5倍ノ含量デアリ光線下ノモノハ暗所ノモノニ比シ總重量遙ニ多イノデ該期間中生成セラレタVitamin Cノ總量ハ光線下ノモノガ數十倍デアツタ
    (5) 温州密柑ニ於テ結實後15日ニ至リ光線ヲ果實ノミ遮斷シテ結果ニ依レバ兩者ノ差比較的僅少デアツテ太陽光線下ノモノ約2倍含量テアツタ
    (6) 植物ノ生活中生成セラレルVitamin Cノ量ニハ光線ハ明瞭ニ影響ヲ與ヘ試驗期間ノ長イ場合コレガ比較的明瞭デアツテ特ニ植物體全體ヲ長ク覆ツタ場合ハVitamin Cノ生成ハ極メテ少イモノデアツタ
    (7) 以上ノ實驗結果ヨリ推斷シ植物ノ生活中生成セラレルVitamin Cニハ必ズシモ光線ヲ必要トセズ暗所ニ於テモ尚ホ生成セラレル事ハ確カノ樣デアル
    然シ乍ラ其ノ際生成セラレルVitamin Cノ量ハ光線ノ存在ニ依リ著ルシク影響セラレ暗所ニ長ク生活セル植物體中ニハ漸次其ノ含量ヲ減ヅルモノト云ヒ得ラレル
  • 本村 一郎, 梅津 元昌
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 233-244_1,en66
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three groups consisting of 120 albino rats, having been kept respectively on the complete, Ca-superfluous or vitamin A-deficient diet, were infected with Tricitinella spiralis. They were then observed for 120 days, as to the body weight, grade of infection, mortality, cyst-formation of the worms and calcification of their cyst, and the relation of diet to the susceptibility of rats to infection with Trichinella spiralis were traced. The results obtained from our experiments are as follows:
    (1) Of the growing rats fed on the complete or Ca-superfluous diet, those infected with Trichina are definitely inhibited in their growth, as compared with non-infected ones. In rats fed on the vitamin-deficient or Ca-free diet, however, the difference of growth was not noted between the infected and non-infected animals, so that the influence of the deficient nutrition was too large.
    (2) Rats fed deficiently in vitamin or calcium are far more susceptible to the Trichina-infection than those normally fed.
    (3) No distinction was observed in the progress of cystformation between the 3 above-mentioned groups of different feeding.
    (4) The calcification of cysts seems to be more delayed in animals deficiently fed in vitamin or calcium than those sufficiently fed. As far as our observation for 120 days shows, however, the calcification of cysts was slight even in the latter animals, a distinct instance being observed only in one animal (No. 22). (Fig. II).
    (5) In the period extending from formation of cysts to their calcification, we observed disintegration of worms in the muscle several times among rats of sufficient and superfluous feeding, while such a phenomenon did not occur in those fed deficiently. (Fig. III).
    (6) In the chemical analysis performed by us, the Ca quantity in the infected muscles did not show a definite difference of the 3 groups of rats.
  • 吉川 政市
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 245-261,en68
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Die Geflügelzucht in Japan hat in den letzten Jahren einen bedeutenden Aufschwung genommen. Einen Rückschlag erlitt diese Zucht durch eine häufig auftretende und durch Eimeria avium verursachte Krankheit, die Kukenkokzidiose, zu deren Bekampfung man weder uber prophylaktische noch therapeutische Mittel in Japan verfügte. Mein, auf vielen Versuchen aufgebautes Jod= Mittel “Jodinol” brachte ich zuerst im Jahre 1933 zur praktischen Anwendung. Bis heute habe ich die prophylaktischen und therapeutischen Versuche mit diesem Mittel fortgesetzt und seine Wirkungen festgestellt (siehe Tabelle 1-5).
    Zur gleichen Zeit bin ich bei diesen Versuchen zu folgenden Dosierungsmengen gelangt: Bei prophylaktischer Behandlung von zwei Monate alten erkrankten Küken alle vier Tage am frühen Morgen das Trinkwasser mit einer 0.125%iger Jodinol Lösung von 2c.c. vermengen und diese mit zunehmendem Alter des Kükens steigern, d. h., für einen und zwei Monate alte Küken 2c.c., für drei Monate alte Küken 3c.c., usw. Bei therapeutischer Versuche über Prophylaxe und Therapie der Kükenkokzidiose. 69Behandlung erkrankter Küken jedoch dem Trinkwasser dieselbe Lösung und Menge täglich einmal zusetzen und ausserdem mit der Pipette einflossen.
    Sofort ist ein Nachlassen der Krankheitserscheinungen bemerkbar und die prophylaktische wie auch die therapeutische Behandlung zeigt ihre gunstige Wirkung. Keine Nebenwirkungen sind beobachtet worden, jedoch Atrophie oder Aufquellung und Vakuolenbildung and Zerbrechen der Kot=Oozysten und nach zirka 10 Tagen ihr vollstandiges Verschwinden (siehe Abbildung 1 bis.10).
  • 赤澤 笹雄
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 262-276_2,en70
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In May 1933, some scabs, which had been obtained from the skin of a sheep suspected to suffer from sheep-pox were sent to our laboratory from X district. To the scabs. was added 1% carbol solution in 1: 4 proportion and, after shaking for 3 hours, the suspension was centrifugalized. The sediment was washed 3 or 4 times with saline solution and it was then emulsified in 1: 4 proportion with carbol (0.5%)-glycerin (60%) solution.
    Animal experiments were then performed with the scab emulsion thus produced and especially the vaccinization with this scabvirus was tried. The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    (1) Smearing of the scab-virus on the scarified cornea of sheep caused a clouding of the inoculated area on the 3rd day and this reaction continued 2 weeks. In pig, a slight clouding appeared on the 11th day after inoculation and it persisted for 40 days. In calves, a clouding of cornea occurred on the 3rd. to 4th day after inoculation and continued one month. We, however, couldn't observe such a reaction in goats, rabbits or guinea-pigs.
    (2) When the scab-virus was inoculated on the incised skin of sheep, vesicle appeared on the 3rd day and developed to its maximum on the 5th to 6th day. The desiccation stage comes generally after 2 weeks and the formed scabs begin to fall off after 3 weeks.
    (3) The dermal inoculation with sheep-passage virus as well as the intravenous injection with the 2nd passage-virus produced a beautiful, confluent eruption on the skin of sheep. If the blood, liver and spleen of thus infected sheep are inoculated on the skin of sheep or goats, these materials can also produce distinct eruption.
    (4) The scab-virus filtered through N or V candle of Berkefeld filter, produced a definite eruption by dermal or intradermal inoculation into sheep or goats. It was then proved that the virus under discussion is filterable.
    (5) When the scab-virus was inoculated on the skin of goats, the eruption developed its maximum nearly on the 6th day (Fig. 4) and the formed scabs began to fall off on about the 16th day.
    (6) Our scab-virus, when inoculated into calves dermally or intradermally, produced a papular eruption already in the 1st generation of calf-skin passage.
    (7) While the original scab-virus causes only a stimulating reaction on the inoculated skin of rabbits, the above-mentioned 1st rabbit-passage virus produced a characteristic red eruption, as large as the half size of red bean, on the skin of rabbits (Fig. 1). Similar eruption was still observed up to the 4th generation of rabbit-passage. The 5th transfer-virus, however, could first yield a papule-like eruption on the skin of rabbits (Fig. 2). The 4th transfer-virus did not yet cause any reaction on the cornea of rabbit, but it produced a papule-like eruption on the skin of calf. The 5th transfer-virus caused a clouding on the cornea of rabbits in 66%, but not yet on the cornea of calves, while it developed scattered pustules on the skin of calves.
    The rabbit, which has been inoculated with the 5th transfervirus, resisted the subsequent infection with vaccine virus. Then it may be considered that the 5th rabbit-transfer-virus began to lapinize, i. e., vaccinize. The 6th transfer-virus became decidedly virulent for rabbit and calf (Fig. 5), and it could develope confluent pustules on their skin. Moreover, it can produce a distinct clouding on rabbit's cornea, where we can easily detect the Guarnieri-bodies (Fig. 3). And it can also cause a clouding reaction. on the scarified cornea of calf.
    (8) The original scab-virus does not affect guinea-pigs at all.
    (9) The original scab-virus, like vaccine virus, could produce red eruptions on the skin of pigs.
    (10) The vaccination with the sensitized virus protected sheep, against reinoculation with this virus, as well as, with the sheeppox virus.
    (11) From the above-stated facts, it became known that this. scab-virus sent to us originated from a sheep-pox animal.
  • 能美 季一, 加藤 光澄, 唐澤 進
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 277-285,en73
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Abortion of swine due to Brucella-bacillus occurs in various countries of Europe and America, especially in the United States of America, very frequently. In Japan, however, it has not been reported as yet. Whereas, several years ago, a sow for breeding, imported from Great Britain, aborted seven fetuses on a certain farm, 2 months after it had been fecundated. Using the viscera of these aborted fetuses and the amniotic fluid, we carried out the isolation by means of ordinary agar slants and in 3 days we were able to obtain, in almost pure state, macroscopically visible numerous, transparent, minute colonies.
    As we could not distinguish this isolated bacillus from Brucella abortus, used as a control, either morphologically, serologically. biologically or by animal experiment, we decided the former to be of the Brucella group.
    Hereupon we carried out a test, following Huddleson's and the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) methods, in order to decide whether it was Br. abortus suis or Br. abortus Bang.
    According to the results of comparative tests with the isolated bacillus and the bovine type of Br. abortus, as regards to growth in media, each of which contained different kind of dye in various concentration, e. g., thionin, pyronin, basic fuchsin, methylviolet, 1) the isolated bacillus grew very well in the medium containing thionin, while the bacillus, used as a control, failed to develop in this medium at dilutions of 1:10, 000 and 1:15, 000.
    2) As regards medium containing pyronin, the isolated bacillus did not grow at a dilution of 1:1, 000 at all, and we could distinguish it from the control-bacillus at the dilutions of 1:1, 000-1:10, 000.
    3) In the medium containing basic fuchsin, the isolated bacillus was weak in reducing power, and the dilutions, at which we could distinguish it from the control-bacillus, were between 1:15, 000 and 1:30, 000.
    4) In the medium containing methyl-violet, the isolated bacillus was weak in reducing power and could not develop completely even at dilutions of 1:50, 000. We could, however, distinguish it from the control-bacillus in the sphere of dilutions between 1:25, 000-1:1(10, 000.
    5) In the medium containing gentian-violet, the isolated ba
    cillus did not develop completely at aa dilution of 1:25, 000. The
    most suitable dilution for distinguishig it from the control-bacillus
    extended from 1:25, 000 to 1:50, 000.
    In the next differential test, in which the hydrogen sulfide method was followed, either in solid or in liquid media, the iso-lated bacillus produced hydrogen sulfide rather remarkably in comparison with the controlbacillus, with the exception that one of the control-strains produced hydrogen sulfide to a considerable degree.
    According to the above mentioned tests, in which the Huddleson's and the hydrogen sulfide method was followed, we decided that the bacillus isolated by us from the fetuses is B. abortus suis, and conclude that the abortion in this case was caused by this bacillus.
  • 内蒙古林西滿鐵種羊場ニ發生セル羊ノ傳染性流産並ニ人ノまるた熱感染例ニ就テ
    板橋 敬一, 渡部 成三
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 286-295,en76
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In early spring of this year, contagious abortion broke out among ewes at the Rinsi Sheep-Farm (S.M.R.Co.) in Rinsi, Inner Mongolia, Manchukuo. The occurrence of the ovine contagious abortion seems to be the first one noted in the Far East, whilethe bovine contagious abortion has been recognized for 20 years. in Japan, and recently even in Manchukuo. There was also observed a febrile attack among the greater number of staff and shepherds at the same farm. It, however, must be remembered. that the occurrence of Malta fever has been several times reported up to this time in China, especially in Northern China.
    By our investigation, it was established that this epizootic abortion and the human affection both were due to Brucella melitensis. The results obtained from the present experiments are summarized as follows:
    (1) Out of 632 pregnant ewes at this farm, 133 aborted during a period extending from early January to middle of March. (Table I).
    (2) A bacillus was uniformly isolated from 4 aborted fetuses by cultivation and from 2 ewes that aborted by inoculation of their organs into guinea-pigs. (Tables II and III).
    (3) Having examined these 6 strains bacteriologically, the authors determined that the strains are the same one which they classified as Br. melitensis. (Table IV).
    (4) Sera of 20 ewes that aborted were examined by agglutination and complement-fixation tests and 18 of them showed a positive reaction against Br. melitcnsis. (Table V).
    (5) From the above-mentioned results, it was concluded that the ovine contagious abortion under discussion is due to Br. melitensis.
    (6) A febrile disease also has been observed to prevail among persons of this farm since last year. Considering the above-mentioned circumstances as well as results of serological tests, the outbreak was diagnosed as undulant fever caused by Br. melitensis. (Table VI).
  • 梅野 早苗
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 296-318_1,en78
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    From 87 stock-cultures of Streptococcus equi, colonies of 3 different forms were isolated by cultivating their 18-20 hour broth cultures on agar plate. We intend to designate these 3 types respectively G-(granular), F-(flat) and C-(compact) types.
    The present paper deals with the comparison of the morphological, cultural and biological characters of these 3 types with each other. The results obtained from our experiments are summarized as follows:
    (1) The relation between the age of subculture and the appearance of each colony-type have been traced and it became known that the recently isolated strains always generate only G-type and those subcultured over 2 years produce the C-type or F-type. Cultures stocked over 5 years tend to turn completely into F-type. So it is considered that the G-type is the original colony form of Str. equi and the C-and F-types represent its variant forms. (Table 1).
    (2) On the agar plate, the colony of G-type is round, minute (its diameter under 1 mm.), bluish-white, translucent and that of the F-type has almost the same form, but the C colony is markedly different from the colony of the other 2 types, namely, from variously sized, opalescent daughter-colonies on its surface, thus showing a granular appearance (Fig. I), while the F-type forms a smooth, flat colony, its thickened periphery being ringlike (Fig. II). The C colony has coarse surface, elevated at the centre like a cone. (Fig. III.)
    (3) All 3 types grow luxuriously on blood (horse) agar. The G-type forms a wet-looking, glistening, transparent film, taking an appearnce of water-glass, which flows down along the slant in its highest growth of 18-20 hours. The F-type shows a growth almost similar to that of G-type, though weaker. The C-type grows far more scantly, compared with the former 2 types, and forms a dry-looking, greyish-white, opaque film.
    (4) In broth, the G-type renders first the medium turbid and later forms a membraneous film at the bottom of the tube. The F-type shows minute flakes floating in the clear medium, later settling in a snowflake-like sediment. The C-type forms a granular sediment, later leaving the medium clear.
    (5) All 3 types are Gram-positive. The organisms of the G- and F- types show presence of capsule distinctly demonstrable by Benians' method, but the C-type forms no capsule.
    (6) Growing on agar, all of the 3 types assume generally a diplococcal form. In froth (8 hour culture), the G-type usually forms short chains of 2 or 4 spheres and the F-type chains of 4 or 6, while the C-type produces long twisted chains tending to settle.
    (7) In blood agar shake-culture, the 3 types form alike a marked hemolytic zone measuring nearly 4.0 mm. in diameter around the deep colony.
    (8) The hemolysin production of each type in broth culture was traced every 2 hours after incubation. The 3 types began to produce hemolysin already 2 hours after cultivation and seemed to show the greatest production in some 4 hours, and the hemolytic titre of broth culture revealed the highest in 6 hours of cultivation. Then the production of hemolysin diminished and simultaneously its destruction began, accordingly the hemolytic titre turned to decrease. When the production ceased and the destruction was completed, the hemolytic action of broth culture pin-point sized (under 0.5 mm.), compact, greyish-white and opaque. Under microscope, the G colony reveals protuberances originating disappeared, that of the G-and F-types in 16 hours of cultivation and that of the C-type showed the lower production in 14 hours. (Table 3).
    (9) The colony of the 3 types forms an hemolytic zone uniformly both on horse-blood and sheep-blood agars, whether they contain glucose or not. Thus, according to Kobayashi's classification, (10) the G-, F- and C-types all belong to the II type of Streptococcus.
  • 實驗流産馬ニ於ケル血清學觀察
    平戸 勝七
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 319-347,en82
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 靜脈内接種例ニヨリテハ感染後5・日,經口感染例ニ於テハ7日前後ヨリ凝集素ノ産生ヲ認メ爾後階段的ニ上昇シ感染後10-14日ニシテ大體凝集價最高ニ達ス而シテ接種菌毒力ノ強弱ニヨリ凝集素産生モ亦高低ヲ生ズ一般ニ流産後特ニ凝集價ノ増強ヲ來セルモノ尠ク唯ダ少數例ニ於テ一時増強スルモノアルヲ認メタルニ過ギズ斯クシテ流産後早キハ2週一般ニ30日前後ヨリ凝集價徐々ニ下降スル傾向ヲ示スモ尚健常値ニ比シ高度ヲ持續シツヽ年餘ニ及ブモノアリ(Tab.1參照)馬ノ傳染性流産ニ關スル實驗的研究. IV. 345
    2. 感染後沈降素ノ出現及ビ増強状態ハ大體凝集素ト平行スルモ少數例ニ於テハ反應微弱ニシテ鮮明ヲ缺クモノアリ而シテ流産後ハ凝集價ノ昇騰ト平行シテ沈降價ノ増強ヲ來セル少數例ヲ除ギ著明ナル動搖ヲ認メズ一般ニ流産後2週間前後迄反應最高値ヲ持續セル後次第ニ低減シ始ム(Tab.3參照)
    3. 補體結合性抗體ハ凝集素ニ比シ出現時稍遲延スルモ爾後大體兩者ト平行シテ増強スルモノ多シ但シ少數例ニ於テハ流産前反應全ク陰性或ハ微弱ナルモノアリ斯ル諸例ニ於テハ流産後8-13日ヲ經通シテ初メテ完全ナル陽性ヲ呈セリ而シヲ流産後30日以内ニ於テハ著明ナル低減ヲ示サズ(Tab.4參照)
    4. 豫防接種馬及ビ自然感染例ノ多數ニツキ同上諸反應ヲ檢スルニ豫防接種後或ハ流産後50日以内ノ期間ニ於テハ各種抗體ノ産生兩者ニ於テ殆ド同程度ニシテ感染ト豫防接種トノ判別困難ナリ(Tab.2參照)
    5. H並ニO凝集素産生状態次ノ如シa.姙馬ニ人工感染ヲ行ヘバ靜脈内接種或ハ經口感染ノ差別ナク主トシテO凝集素産生セラレH凝集素ハ微弱ナルカ或ハ缺除ス(Tab.5及6參照)
    b. 生菌ヲ〓馬又ハ非姙馬ノ靜脈内ニ接種スレバ姙馬ノ感染時ニ於ケルト軌ヲ一ニスルモ(Tab.7及8參照)皮下接種ヲ行ヘバH凝集素産生ハ増進シO凝集價ニ接近スル傾向ヲ示セリ(Tab.9參照)
    c. 獸疫調査所製豫防液(死菌)ノ皮下反復接種馬ニアリテハH並ニO凝集素産生共ニ著明ナリ但シ兩種凝集素ノ多寡ハ個體ニヨリテ一定セズ(Tab.10參照)
    d. 同上豫防接種馬ニ生菌ノ靜脈内接種ヲ行ヘバO凝集素ノミ増強シH凝集素ハ動搖ヲ呈スルコト少シ(Tab.11參照)
    e 同上豫防接種馬ノ自然感染ニヨル流産ヲ惹起セル場合流産後44日以内ノ期間ニツキ檢スルニ大多數ニ於テO凝集價ハH凝集價ヲ凌駕シO凝集素ノミ増強スル傾向ヲ示セリ(Tab.12參照)
    f. 牝馬ノ靜脈内ニ死菌ヲ接種セル場合ニハO凝集素産生主位ヲ占メH凝集素ハ低價ニ止マリ生菌ノ靜脈内接種例トソノ態度ヲ一ニス(Tab.13參照)
    g. 家兎ニ死菌ヲ反復接種スル場合注射部位ノ差ニヨリテ兩型凝集素産生ノ態度著シク相違ス即チ注射囘數ノ少キ時ハ靜脈内接種例ニ於テハO凝集素ノ産生主位ヲ占メ皮下接種例ニ於テハH凝集素ノ産生主位ヲ占ムルモ注射囘數ノ増加ト共ニ兩型凝集素ノ消長著明ニ動搖ヲ呈ス又腹腔内接種例ニ於テハ上記2例ニ比シ抗體産生遲延シ而カモO凝集素ノミ産生セラル(Tab.14參照)
    h. 以上ノ實驗結果ヨリH並ニO凝集素産生ノ強弱ハ明カニ抗元ノ注射部位ト相關聯スル傾向アルヲ認メ得ベシ
  • 江本 修, 近藤 正一, 渡邊 守松
    1936 年 15 巻 4 号 p. en41-en63,219
    発行日: 1936年
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The brain showed a slight meningitis with perivascular infiltration which formed nodules in the parenchyma. There was found degeneration of nerve-cells, and at times haemorrhage especially in the "Ta-strain" Almost all the infiltrative elements were lymphocytes, rarely combining. with eosinophilic leucocytes and histocytes, but no neutrophilic leucocytes were to be seen. In the "Tc-strain", the intranuclear corpuscles described by Joest and Degen were found in some large ganglion cells of the cornu ammonis. In the cerebellum, there was found a slight infiltration and degeneration. Haemorrhage occurred rather severely in the nucleus dentatus of the "F-strain" in which the degeneration of the nerve-cells was striking. In the spinal cord of the "Ta-strain", a trace of meningitis and an intense perivascular infiltration were found in the grey matter or in the white matter of the cord, especially in, the posterior horn. In this strain, the infiltration and degeneration were more intense than those which occurred in the, brains, and haemorrhage was much advanced in the cord and brain, while the infiltration was not so pronounced. The spinal ganglia were intensely affected, showing. both infiltration and haemorrhage. It may be pointed out that the changes were always found in the central and also in the peripheral nervous system and, except the "Ta-strain", they were more intense in the brain than in the cord. The results obtained are shown in the following table.