Journal of The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
Online ISSN : 1883-9193
ISSN-L : 1883-9193
Volume 7, Issue 2
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
    1928 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 91-108
    Published: 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Germanin ("Bayer 205" for human use) are compared in the therapeutic and prophylactic activity against the infection of mice with T. evansi, Sp. morsus-muris and Sp. duttoni. The results obtained in the paesent experiment are summarized as follows:
    1. With a large dose of 0.005g per head, germanin protects mice positively against the trypanosomal infection for 4 months after injection, while naganol keeps them non-infective for 3 months.
    2. These 2 drugs, in a small dose as 0.00005g, exhibit no difference in the prophylactic action, both uniformly preventing mice from the infection for 4 days after application.
    3. A dose of 0.005g germanin per 20g of body weight rendered the blood of mice heavily infected sterile in 12-16 hours after injection, the same dose of naganol sterilizing them in 14-20 hours.
    4. The application of small doses, such as 0.001, 0.00005 and 0.00003g, does not distinguish the 2 preparations in the therapeutic power.
    5. In case of a combination chemotherapy with the recidive dose of neosalvarsan (1:700) or tartar emetic (1:3000) on one hand and the non-influential dose of germanin or naganol (0.00001g) on the other, no difference in the sterility was detected between the 2 chemicals under discussion.
    6. In the combination chemotherapy with 1:3000 of tartar emetic and 0.00001g of germanin or naganol, we observed so-called “antimutative action” (Morgenroth) of the latters.
    7. Against the infection with Sp. morsus-muris, "Bayer 205" in a large amount as 0.005g rendered the infected mice apparently sterile only for 1-4 days after introduction. The spirocheticidal influence of germanin, however, is somewhat superior to that of naganol.
    8. A dose of 0.005g germanin kept the blood of mice infected with Sp. duttoni free from microbes for 6-8 days after injection, while naganol of the same dose showed no noticeable therapeutic action.
    9. Concluding from the foregoing results, germanin seems to be more effective than naganol in both prophylactic and therapeutic activities against the trypanosomal and spirochetal infection.
    10. By the prophylactic application of "Bayer 205" (0.005, 0.0001 and 0.00003g), the duration of protection is shortest against the most virulent T. gambiense, longer against the less virulent T. evansi and longest against the least virulent T. equiperdum.
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    1928 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 109-111_2
    Published: 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    1928 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 112-124
    Published: 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    I have found two species which belong to the genus Philophthalmus in the nictitating membrane of Formosan domestic birds (duck and chicken).
    The species from chicken closely resembles Philophthalmus gralli MATHS and LÉGFR (1910). I think that my species will be the same as Philophthalmus gralli.
    In some degree the species from duck resembles Philophthalmus gralli and Philophthalmus palpebrarum LOOSS (1899), but it will be found that my species differs from these species in many respects. I think that my species will be new and I give it the name Philophthalmus anatinus n. sp.
    Philophthalmus anatinus n. sp. (Fig. 1-4)
    Diagnosis. The worm light yellowish in the fresh condition, lancet-shaped, small sized, about 3.57 to 6.5mm. in length and 0.84 to 1.05mm. in maximum width which lies at the anterior part of the posterior third of the body, from which point the body gradually narrows anteriorly to a broadly rounded end.
    The cuticle somewhat thick aud the spines absent.
    The suckers well developed. The oral sucker, situated a little ventrally in the anterior end and somewhat traverse-elliptical, and about 0.39 to 0.51mm. by 0.36 to 0.37mm. in diameter. The ventral sucker, situated a little behind the anterior intestinal archin the part of anterior quarter and about 0.47 to 0.54mm. in diameter.
    The well developed pharynx spherical in shape, with diameters of 0.29 to 0.34mm. by 0.27 to 0.49mm. The oesophagus short, rather expansive. The intestinal caeca extends posteriorly.
    On the median line, more or less behind the commencement of the posterior third of the body, the two testes arranged on a straight line, and the testes are large, globular in shape, but owing to pressure of the testes the posterior margin of anterior testis and the anterior margin of posterior testis somewhat flat, the anterior testis measuring 0.3 to 0.5mm. by 0.22 to 0.47mm. and the posterior testis 0.3 to 0.4mm. by 0.25 to 0.45mm. The cirrus pouch is long and extending posteriorly far behind the ventral sucker. The seminal vesicle occupies the posterior third of the pouch and continues anteriorly into a prostate region. This terminal duct opens into the cnmparatively long genital atrium, the exterior aperture of which lies on the median line at the level of the intestinal bifurcaiion. The cirrus long, measuring 1.2mm. in length and lies in the cirrus pouch while living.
    The ovary generally spherical in shape, measuring 0.22mm. by 0.22mm. in diameter, situated on the median line and before the anterior testis. In my specimen, it is difficult to find out the position of the ovary, being covered by the uterus convolutions filled with immature eggs. Laurer's canal is short and opens on the median line of the dorsal face. I cannot determine the existence of the receptaculum seminis, but here is an expansive region filled with spermatozoids. Perhaps, it will be replacement of the receptaculum seminis.
    The york glands tubiform, light chocolate in colour, and the anterior half situated on the external side of the intestine, and extends anteriorly to the level of the posterior margin of the cirrus pouch, and posteriorly to the level of the anterior testis. The paired york ducts lie in the region of the anterior testis, and uniting at the antero-dorsal margin of the anterior testis.
    The uterine loops fill up the space between the ventral sucker and the testis. The part of the uterus convolution near the ovary extending to right and left, going beyond the intestine, and arriving to both side of the body. A party turns posteriorly on the outside of the anterior testis and another proceeds forward until the cirrus pouch and then ending to the vagina. The long vagina proceeds forward, parallel to the cirrus pouch, opening into the genital pore.
    The mature eggs are elliptical, with a thin shell, about 0, 109 to 0.117mm. long and 0.058 to 0.062mm. wide, both sides being asymmetrical.
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    1928 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 125-145
    Published: 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    In der Mandschurei fand bis beute noch niemals Rotzquarantaene statt. Wir verhaengten dieselbe zum ersten Mal ueber 1419 mandschurische Pferde, welche als Zugtiere in Dairen und Ryojun dienten, und kamen auf Grund der dabei gemachten Erfahrungen zu nachstehenden Schluessen:
    1) Fuer die Rotzdiagnose gibt es verschiedene Verfahren. Wenn man aber im allgemeinen Pferde gleichzeitig der Quarantaene unterwerfen will, so glauben wir, dass fuer die Vorwahl verdaechtiger Pferde die Mallein-Ophthalmoreaktion und zur Enddiagnose die Komplementbindungsreaktion, welche wir angestellt haben, in jeder Hinsicht die zweckmaessigsten sind.
    1) An 125 verdaechtigen unter 1419 Pferden wurden serologische Reaktionen angestellt. Unter allen Reaktionen ist die Komplementbindungsreaktion vom groessten diagnostischen Wert. Die Agglutination steht der Praezipitation ein wenig an Erfolg nach.
    3) Was den diagnostischen Titer dieser drei Reaktionen betrifft, so belaeuft sich nach unserer Untersuchungen der Komplementbindungs- auf 0.05ccm. der Agglutinations- auf 2000 und der Praezipitationstiter auf 20 fach (Mallein-Verduennung).
    4) Wir nahmen an 18 von 1419 Pferden Sektion vor und fanden durch makroskopische Befunde, dass 9 von Rotz befallen waren, und durch histologische Untersuchung, dass 3 an dieser Krankheit gelitten haben. Aber die Morbilitaet muesste in Wirklichkeit noch groesser gewesen sein, erstens well es unter den Tieren solche gab, bei denen die Komplementbindungsreaktion positiv ist und dennoch unter den Druck der Umstaende keine Sektion vorgenommen wurde, und zweitens weil wir bei Quarantaene zur einmaligen Methode unsere Zuflucht nahmen.
    5) Bei 2 Faellen von 12 an echtem Rotz erkrankten Pferden konnten wir Bazillus mallei isolieren.
    6) Es duerfte wohl hervorgehoben werden, dass klinisch bei dieser Quarantaene kein rotzkrankes Pferd gefunden wurde.
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    1928 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 146-157
    Published: 1928
    Released on J-STAGE: February 19, 2009
    Zusammenfassend ergeben die bisher vorliegenden experimentellen Befunde:
    1. Bei langsamer Intoxikation kann der Kaninchenkörper ungefähr die Hälfte der Letaldose des Kupfers ertragen,
    2. In der Milz findet die Speicherung des Kupfers verhältmässig stark statt,
    3. Die durch die Niere ausgeschiedene Kupfermenge ist nicht proportionell zu der eingeführten,
    4. Die Kupfermenge im Harne ist veränderlich durch verschiedene Diuresen.
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