Reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase (Rex, EC. is an inverting xylanolytic enzyme, belonging to the glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 8, which hydrolyzes xylooligosaccharides to release xylose (X
1) from its reducing end. Rex hydrolyzes α-xylobiosyl fluoride (α-X
2F) to yield xylobiose (X
2) only in the presence of X
1, confirming the Hehre resynthesis-hydrolysis mechanism. A library of mutant Rex at the catalytic base (D263) was constructed by saturation mutagenesis, in which D263C accumulated the highest level of xylotriose (X
3) from α-X
2F and X
1. However, F
− releasing activities of the mutants were much less than that of the wild type. Next, Y198 residue of Rex that forms a hydrogen bond with nucleophilic water was substituted with phenylalanine, causing a marked decrease in hydrolytic activity and a small increase in the F
− releasing activity from α-X
2F in the presence of X
1. Y198F of Rex accumulated more product during the glycosynthase reaction than D263C. Recently, an inverting α-1,2-fucosidase belonging to GH95 was converted into glycosynthase by mutating a catalytic base residue. In both cases, the catalytic base should be intact.
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