Although mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced carbon (C/C) composites under high temperature environment have nowadays been widly studied, the influence of thermal shock on C/ C composites have scarcely been investigated due to the lack of high-speed heating equipment. Ourequipment based on a high frequency induction heating method provided a solution. In the present study, we examined the influence of thermal shock on the interlaminar shearing strength (ILSS), which is one of the most important subjects of designing the plain woven C/C composites with a three point bending test. By the change of the span-to-height ratio (l/h), the failure mode shift of the interlaminar shearing to the bending was observed. By a series of tests, we proposed an appropriate l/h ratio to obtain a reliable interlaminar shearing strength of C/C composites, which would be higher than that for the conventional CFRPs. The observation of the fracture specimens was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. Not only 0°/90° inter-facial debonding but the expansion of transverse cracks were observed in the thermal shocked specimens. 0°/90° interfacial debondings were suggested to be the main source of the interlaminar shearing strength deterioration.