Monitoring of delamination is indispensable for CFRP structures. In authors' previous studies, the delamination can be monitored with electric resistance change method. This method provided excellent performance of estimations. However, the method requires complicated electric circuits and uses a two-probe method: electrical resistance at electrodes has significant effect. To resolve these problems, an electrical voltage change method is adopted in the present study. Since the electrical voltage change method provides poor performance of estimations in our previous study, the present study employs a standardization method that has shown significant improvement of estimations for the electrical resistance change method. Moreover, the effect of zigzag shape of delaminations caused by the matrix cracking on the performance of estimations is investigated using FEM analyses. As a result, the electrical voltage change method shows good performance of estimations for delaminations located near the edges of the specimen and poor performance near the middle of the specimen. The zigzag shape has large effect on the performance of estimations when the delamination locates near the middle of the specimen. FEM analyses show the small electrical current through the thickness direction near the middle of the specimen causes these effects on the performance of estimations.