Takaomi Itoi, Syoichi Inoue, Keigo Okagawa
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Effect of gap length on welding characteristics of 2000 series aluminum alloy sheets in magnetic pulse welding (MPW) was investigated. Collision time for the 2017-T3 sheet welded at gap length of 1.2 mm and 4.6 mm were 6.16 μs and 16.9 μs respectively, which were increased with increasing of gap length. The collision speed calculated from collision times increased as the gap length increased, showed a maximum value of 380 m/s with a gap length of 2.0 mm, and then the speed declined. This result indicates that it is possible to join sheets at a higher collision speed even with the same discharge energy by adjusting an appropriate gap length. Strong lap joint was achieved for the 2024-T3/2024-T6 and the 2024-T3/7075-T6 lap joint sheets by welding condition of gap length more than 1.0 mm. Thus, it could be possible to improve the weld strength by widening the gap length and performing MPW at high collision speed. SEM and HAADF-STEM observations showed no clear oxide films formed on the weld interface. From microstructure observation, it was considered that lap joints fabricated by MPW were welded at solid state.
This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. JILM 67 (2017) 423–429.
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Azusa Konno, Naoko H. Oono, Shigeharu Ukai, Sosuke Kondo, Okinobu Hash ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: October 20, 2017
Ni-based ODS superalloy is found to be an effective candidate for a core material of Gen. IV nuclear reactors by means of a Fe/He dual-ion bombardment simulation technique. It accumulates He cavities at the dispersed oxide particle/matrix interface, and avoids the aggregation of the cavities at the other sinks even after the irradiation up to 100.1 dpa at 1000℃. Swelling was reduced less than 1%. Cavity growth and sink strengths were estimated based on TEM observation and the rate theory. The estimations support the capability of the oxide particles for trapping the He cavities and suppressing their accumulation at grain boundaries.
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Atsushi Matsumoto, Shunsuke Sasaki, Tatsuro Katsumura, Hiroki Ota
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
During the multipass hot processing of alloy steel, restoration processes such as static and dynamic recrystallization and recovery occur. Owing to these phenomena, flow stress characteristics are affected by various deformation conditions, such as temperature and accumulated strain. The objective of this research is to develop a mathematical model for predicting flow stress to represent these effects by simply considering the processing history and restoration. Hot compression experiments were conducted and the results were compared with the predicted results. It was found that the prediction accuracy can be improved by simultaneously considering the effects of accumulated strain and restoration.
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Takahiro Masuda, Yoichi Takizawa, Manabu Yumoto, Yoshiharu Otagiri, Ze ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 06, 2017
In this study, the method of high-pressure sliding (HPS) was applied for grain refinement of an A2024 alloy. Sheet samples with 10–15 mm width and 100 mm length with 1 mm thickness were processed by HPS under pressures of 2–3 GPa. Microstructural observations revealed that the grain size was refined to ~200 nm. Tensile tests showed that the ultimate tensile strength reached 886 MPa with a total elongation of 7.1% and the anisotropy of samples was less developed in the HPS-processed samples. Extra strengthening was attained by aging at 423 K after HPS processing, leading to an ultimate tensile strength of 967 MPa at the peak aged condition. Superplastic elongation of more than 400% appeared when the A2024 alloy processed by HPS for 20 mm was deformed in tension at a testing temperature of 623 K with an initial strain rate of 1.0 × 10−3 s−1.
This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. Japan Inst. Met. Mater. 80 (2016) 593–601. In order to convey the results more precisely, Fig. 3 included the average hardness and the standard deviation for each sample. Miller indices were also added in the selected area electron diffraction patterns in Figs. 4, 10 and 13.
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Hiroaki Rikihisa, Takashi Mori, Masayuki Tsushida, Hiromoto Kitahara, ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 06, 2017
Tensile tests of single crystalline and polycrystalline Mg-Y alloys were carried out at room temperature to investigate the influence of yttrium on activation of <c+a> slip systems and to clarify the relationship between ductility of magnesium and the activation of <c+a> slip systems. Tensile directions of single crystals and polycrystals were parallel to (0001) and their rolling direction, respectively. Mg-(0.6–1.1)at%Y alloy single crystals yielded due to the first order pyramidal <c+a> slip (FPCS). Yield stress and ductility of Mg-(0.6–1.1)at%Y alloy single crystals were higher than those of pure magnesium. Mg-0.9at%Y alloy polycrystals showed higher ductility than pure magnesium. The number of grains where second order pyramidal slips were activated was the largest in those where non-basal slips were activated in pure magnesium, while those where FPCS were activated increased with increasing strain in Mg-0.9at%Y alloy. High ductility of Mg-0.9at%Y alloy would be caused by activation of FPCS due to yttrium addition.
This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. Japan Inst. Met. Mater. 81 (2017) 458–466.
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Shumpei Ozawa, Yu Kudo, Kazuhiko Kuribayashi, Yuki Watanabe, Takehiko ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: October 20, 2017
Density of liquid titanium was measured free from any contamination over wide temperature range of 1640 and 2090 [K] including the undercooling condition by electrostatic levitator (ESL). When the diameter of upper electrode of ESL was modified to be smaller than that of lower one, it was decreased the uncertainty contribution of the droplet volume estimated from its image with respect to the density measurement by 30% through the suppression of the horizontal movement of the levitated droplet. The expanded uncertainties of the measurement plot were less than only ±1.4% when the coverage factor k = 2 was selected. Furthermore, it was evaluated the expanded uncertainty in the temperature dependence of density for liquid titanium expressed by a primary approximation of the plots.
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Rongguang Wang, Junya Kaneko, Keijiro Nakasa, Akihiro Yamamoto, Yunhan ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: October 20, 2017
Hydrophobic polyethylene (PE) and perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane (PFDS) were deposited on stainless steels and the contact angle of aqueous NaCl solution on these surfaces was measured before and after applying different currents through a Pt wire. The polarization curves on some surfaces were measured and their relationship to electro-wetting behaviors was determined. Negative rather than positive current greatly reduced the contact angles on both the plane surface of polished SUS304 steel and the rough surface of sputter-etched SUS316 steel (SUS316SE), which were deposited with PE and PFDS, respectively. On rough surfaces, the negative current-induced reduction in contact angle was greater on SUS316SE-PE than on SUS316SE-PFDS specimens. Prior cathode polarization reduced the pitting potential on SUS316SE-PE specimens, but had no effect on 316SE-PFDS specimens. This difference was likely related to the difference in solution invasion into the root of protrusions, from which chromium was depleted by sputter etching.
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Yoshinobu Yasuda, Hiroyuki Abe, Ryozo Matsubayashi, Toru Maruyama, Tak ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: July 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
In this study, we aimed to understand the corrosion behavior of Pb-free Cu alloys (Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) CAC411 and CAC901) and their crystallized substances (Cu2S and Bi, respectively) particles in a 3.0 mass% NaCl aqueous solution, in comparison with those of a Cu alloy (JIS CAC406), its crystallized substance (Pb) particles, and a Cu alloy (JIS CAC403) with no crystallized substances. A Cu2S specimen was produced via sintering Cu2S powders, and a Bi specimen was produced by Bi electro-plating on a Cu substrate. The measured corrosion potentials of CAC411, CAC901, and CAC403 were close to that of Sn instead Cu. The current density peak near the corrosion potential of CAC403, which was the highest Sn concentration, was the largest in comparison with those of the other Cu alloys. Conversely, rapid increase in the current density, which was shown for all the Cu alloy at the potential above −0.20 V vs. Ag/AgCl, was similar to that of Cu. Therefore, it was concluded that these increase in current densities of Cu alloys was due to the dissolution of the Cu matrix. Cu2S was converted into CuS during the anodic reaction. However, the corrosion potential of Cu2S was higher than those of Cu and CAC411. Therefore, it was concluded that the Cu2S particles in CAC411 act as cathodic sites and remain stable during the natural corrosion. The corrosion potential of Bi was higher than that of CAC901 and slightly lower than that of Cu. Further, at the potentials below −0.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl, Bi was thought to be covered with the passive film of Bi2O3 that was expected to protect Bi from corrosion. Therefore, it was concluded that the Bi particles in CAC901 hardly suffer severe corrosion. The corrosion potential of Pb was lower than those of the Cu and Cu alloys expect for CAC406. In addition, Pb exhibited a large anodic current density and dissolved actively around the corrosion potential of Cu. Therefore, it was concluded that the Pb particles dissolved preferentially during the corrosion of CAC406 owing to the galvanic corrosion. It was finally concluded that the Cu2S and the Bi particles in CAC411 and CAC901, respectively, hardly suffer severe corrosion than the Pb particles in CAC406 in chloride-containing aqueous solutions like sea water.
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Hitoshi Hayashibara, Eiji Tada, Atsushi Nishikata
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: January 12, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
The early stages of the degradation of thick epoxy-coated steels used for water ballast tanks were monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). 200-μm-thick epoxy-coated steels were exposed to accelerated corrosion tests containing humid air at 70℃ for 246 days before immersion in a NaCl solution at 70℃ for 79 days. They were removed from the corrosion test chamber during the test so that EIS measurements could be performed in order to determine the coating resistance (Rf) and the coating capacitance (Cf). In addition, the water volume fraction (XV) and the diffusion coefficient (DH2O) in the coating were determined from the Cf vs. t1/2 curves during the water desorption process. These parameters were compared with the degradation morphology of the coated steel after a pull-off test. Only “physical aging” of coating was observed for first 80 days. After 190th day, Rf decreasing, Cf and XV increasing started. Underlying corrosion also initiated between 80th and 190th day. On the other hand DH2O did not indicate the clear change associated with the degradation. The changes in Rf, Cf, and XV were closely correlated with the progress of the degradation of the coated steels.
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Mai Mizubayashi, Takuya Sakuragi, Naoki Watanabe, Kenji Matsuda, Masat ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 10, 2017
In zinc alloy die casting, the thin oxide layer generated on a mold surface causes soldering reactions, and the outer surface becomes coarser as the soldering proceeds. To minimize casting defects such as zinc deposits, we propose a surface modification of the mold to prevent soldering reactions. In this study, we observed the diffusion state of constituents generated between a molten zinc alloy (ZDC1) and the surface-modified mold material (maraging steel) using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Furthermore, we analyzed the interfacial reaction layer between the surface-modified mold and the zinc deposits observed on the mold by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and considered the effect of surface modification on suppressing soldering reactions.
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Junko Umeda, Takanori Mimoto, Hisashi Imai, Katsuyoshi Kondoh
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: October 20, 2017
The recycling process of the coarse machined chips from the commercial Ti-6%Al-4%V (Ti-64) alloy products to fine powders available for powder metallurgy (PM) components was established. The brittle TiH2 compounds formation in Ti chips via heat treatment in hydrogen gas atmosphere significantly improved their milling ability. TG-TDA and XRD analysis suggested the hydration and dehydration behavior of pure Ti and TiH2 powders. The suitable hydration temperature over 873 K in H2-Ar mixed gas successfully caused TiH2 compounds synthesis in Ti-64 chips, and resulted in reproduction of fine Ti-64 powders with a median particle size of 120 µm from the machined spiral chips by mechanical milling process. The green compact of reproduced Ti-64 powder after vacuum sintering at 1273 K showed a relative density of about 93%, larger than that of the sintered material in using the commercial Ti-64 powder. The hydrogen and oxygen contents of the sintered specimen using reproduced Ti-64 powder were satisfied with JIS-60. Accordingly, the machined Ti alloy chips were directly recycled as valuable starting materials to reproduce PM components via combination of hydration-milling-dehydration process.
This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy 64 (2017) 81–87.
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Kouji Kanno, Souichiro Nishino, Kunio Ohya
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 10, 2017
Steel plate with tensile strengths of from 440 MPa to 980 MPa is increasingly being adopted for the structural elements of automobile bodies to both reduce weight and increase collision safety. However, the use of such material brings defects in press forming and other problems. The research reported here focuses on the form-forming method, which is effective for forming high tensile strength steel plate. To clarify the features of form-forming, we used eight types of steel plate having tensile strengths of from 270 MPa to 980 MPa in three forming processes, draw-forming, one-step form-forming, and two-step form-forming, to evaluate the shape freezing property. The results showed that the shape freezing property depends on the mechanical properties of the material; specifically, a correlation with tensile strength, 0.2% proof stress, and elongation was seen. The effectiveness of form-forming for materials of higher strength was confirmed. Improved shape freezing by dividing the form-forming process into two steps was also confirmed. For draw-forming, the entire shaped surface was affected by unbending, so form-forming effectively suppresses unbending. The spatial distribution of unbending was evaluated quantitatively by measuring the residual stress distribution, confirming that residual stress serves as a useful index for clarifying the forming mechanism.
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Hiroki Fujimoto, Koji Akioka, Masatoshi Tokunaga
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 06, 2017
In this study, we investigated the effect of shot blasting on the corrosion properties after electrodeposition and the fatigue properties of the arc welds in automotive steel sheets. The corrosion properties of arc welds after electrodeposition were significantly improved by shot blasting due to the removal of slag and fume, which can cause painting defects. Also, the fatigue strength of welded joints was enhanced by shot blasting, because the mean stress effect due to compressive residual stress improved the fatigue properties. These results suggest that shot blasting has the potential to reduce the thickness of arc welded steel parts in automobile chassis.
This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. JSTP 58 (2017) 299–303.
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Shao Bo, Zhang Haitao, Qin Ke, Cui Jinazhong
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
A mathematical model based on commercial finite volume package FLUENT has been developed to describe the melt flow and heat transfer during planar solidification casting process of 7050 alloy ingot with cross-section size of 600 × 600 mm. The effects of two fixed sprues and two movable sprues served as the feeding system on the temperature field and velocity field of planar solidification were investigated. Moreover, the model has been verified by the temperature measurements obtained from experiments. The numerical results reveal that the effect of feeding system on melt temperature field is dominating during planar solidification casting process and the movable sprues are significantly superior to the fixed sprues. The characteristics of planar solidification front and uniform temperature field are achieved by movable dense sprues. According to the numerical results, an ingot without V- shaped shrinkage and crack on the surface, and with uniform microstructure and small difference in composition was casted successfully.
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Fumiyoshi Yamashita, Masamitsu Wakoh, Koji Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Shibata
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
It is well recognized that the fatigue characteristics of NiTi alloys are greatly influenced by the presence of nonmetallic inclusions. A high fatigue strength is required for the application of these alloys to medical devices, especially stents, to allow them to withstand the repeated processes of pulsation-induced expansion and contraction. In this study, the phases and morphology of the inclusions in commercially produced NiTi alloy were investigated. The inclusions in an as-cast ingot consisted of a single phase of Ti(C, O) and possessed a fiber shape with a diameter of about 0.5 µm, and were formed during the solidification of the NiTi alloy. In situ observation by confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the inclusions formed and grew in the region of residual melt (consisting of concentrated Ti, C, and O) during the solidification process.
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Q.B. Kuang, L.M. Zou, Y.X. Cai, X. Liu, H.W. Xie
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
The objective of this paper is to improve the performance of high temperature titanium alloys with a high Si content by powder metallurgy. Firstly Ti-6.5Al-1.4Si-2Zr-0.5Mo-2Sn alloy powders were prepared using two different rotating speeds by plasma rotating electrode process (PREP). Then two sintering temperatures were selected to fabricate titanium alloys by hot isostatic pressing (HIP). The relationship between rotating speed and particle size distribution was investigated. X-ray diffraction, SEM, and OM were used to characterize the phase compositions, morphologies, and microstructures of the powders and titanium alloys. The mechanical properties of titanium alloys were investigated at room temperature,300℃ and 600℃. The results show that high quality titanium alloy powders were prepared by PREP. The mechanical properties of titanium alloy fabricated by powder metallurgy were superior compared to casting.And the strength is higher than typical Ti-1100 high temperature alloy.

Fig. 6 SEM images of HIPed titanium alloys at sintering temperature of (a) 940℃ and (b) 980℃.
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Taichi Murakami, Takayuki Takahashi, Shoko Fuji, Daisuke Maruoka, Eiki ...
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 10, 2017
Iron-based porous metals have several advantages such as high strength and low cost compared with aluminum alloy foams. In recent years, a number of manufacturing technologies for iron-based porous metals have been proposed. However, a practical process could not be developed because of lower porosity, higher cost of raw materials, and so on. In this study, a new manufacturing principle of porous iron was proposed by applying carbothermic reduction using a composite of hematite and carbonaceous material. In the reduction experiment, graphite, coal, and three different charcoals were used as reductants. Based on the results, the characteristics and mechanism of the volume change of the composite were investigated under different pressures.
Reduction behavior significantly varied among the different types of reductants. The composites containing graphite and coal shrank during the reduction process when heated up to 1373 K. However, swelling behavior was observed for the composite prepared using charcoal containing some amounts of sodium and sulfur as ash components. When this composite was heated up to 1273 K at a rate of 0.167 K s−1 at 0.3 MPa, porous iron with a maximum porosity of 97.7% was successfully obtained. The bulk density of the composite changed during the reduction of wustite to metallic iron and formed iron whiskers. The formation of the whiskered iron texture led to a considerable swelling of the composite. On the other hand, the composite prepared using charcoal with low sodium and sulfur concentrations in the ash did not swell after the formation of metallic iron. Furthermore, when such elements in the charcoal were preliminarily removed, the composite did not swell.
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Shigeru Katsuyama, Yusuke Kusafuka, Toshihiro Tanaka
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 06, 2017
The sintered composite of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 and ionic liquid, BMImTFSI, was synthesized by sintering the mixture of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 powder and BMImTFSI at 573 K by hot pressing, and its microscopic structure and thermoelectric properties were investigated. The dispersed micropores, where BMImTFSI occupied, were observed by SEM observation on the cross-section of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3-BMImTFSI sintered composite. With increasing the amount of BMImTFSI, the Seebeck coefficient of the composite generally decreased, while the electrical resistivity increased and the electrical resistivity of the composite with 0.5 ml of BMImTFSI is about two times larger than that of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 with no BMImTFSI. The thermal conductivity of the composite with 0.01 ml of BMImTFSI was reduced by about 20% compared to that of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 with no BMImTFSI. These results indicate that the dispersed BMImTFSI in the composite acts as a scattering center for electric carrier and phonon. As a result, the dimensionless figure of merit ZT of the composite with 0.01 ml of BMImTFSI showed a maximum value of 0.70 at 373 K, which was about 20% larger than that of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 with no BMImTFSI.
This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy 63 (2016) 719–724.
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Pemika Suksongkarm, Surasit Rojananan, Siriporn Rojananan
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 06, 2017
The aim of this work was to create and apply a recycled bismuth-tin (Bi-Sn) solder in novel machinable lead-free brass. The Bi-Sn alloys were obtained from a recycled solder used in the electronics industry to reduce cost and to partially solve electronic waste issue. The relationship between mechanical properties, microstructures and machinability of the brass were investigated. The results showed that a based lead-free Cu-38Zn-0.5Si brass without Bi-Sn alloy addition exhibited highest tensile strength, required the highest machining force and produced an undesirable long continuous chip type. An addition of 1–3 mass% Bi-Sn alloy resulted in significant decrease of both the tensile strength and the machining force. The chip formation changed from an undesirable long continuous chip to a discontinuous chip in moderate size. On the other hand, the addition of 4 and 5 mass% Bi-Sn alloy slightly increased the tensile strength and the machining force, the chip formation changed from a moderate chip size to a very short chip under every test condition. The lead-free brass with 3 mass% Bi-Sn alloy showed the best effective machinability as it required the lowest machining force and produced a short chip. Furthermore, the mechanical properties were about the same as those of the commercial EnviroBrass®III. Thus, the recycled Bi-Sn alloy can be used to improve the machining properties of lead-free brass and offers a possibility for new and better lead-free brass alloys.
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Atsushi Iizuka, Miyuki Takahashi, Takashi Nakamura, Akihiro Yamasaki
2017 Volume 58 Issue 12 Pages
Published: December 01, 2017
Released on J-STAGE: November 25, 2017
Advance online publication: November 17, 2017
Metaettringite was prepared by heat treatment of ettringite, and its boron removal performance from solutions at low concentrations (25 mg/L boron (mg-B/L)) was investigated. With a calcination temperature of > 65℃, amorphous metaettringite formed, and this showed better boron removal performance than ettringite. The dominant mechanism for boron removal by metaettringite was incorporation of B(OH)4− in the ettringite structure during its regeneration from metaettringite by hydration. The highest uptake was 15.1 mg of boron per gram of metaettringite. Boron in solution could be effectively removed by metaettringite over a wide initial pH range of 5.22 to 11. Residual boron concentrations were lower than those specified by the Japanese effluent standard (10 mg-B/L) even when using metaettringite with a large particle size. Boron removal was strongly suppressed by high temperatures, but a residual boron concentration lower than 10 mg-B/L was obtained when the mass concentration of adsorbent in the boron solution was increased.
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