Journal of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-6785
Print ISSN : 0038-7002
ISSN-L : 0038-7002
Volume 6, Issue 3
Displaying 1-4 of 4 articles from this issue
  • Kenichi TAKEDA, Yoshiki MATSUI
    1957 Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 1-9
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
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    1957 Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 10-14
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    1. Effects of P. V. P. addition upon pH range for color-changing and fluorescence of several dyes are examined. With Congo red (C. r.), color-changing point is shifted about 2 pH units. There are abserved some color change with benzopurplin 4B and its half-structure compound and the disapperance of fluorescence with eosin.
    2. By means of two kinds of P. V. P. with different particular weights, absorption curves are drawn at PH 7.0 with and without P. V. P. In the presence of P. V. P., C. r. shows striking optical exaltation.Its half-structure compound (1/2C. r.) shows no absorption increase, but the shift of the wavelength at maximal absorption is observed. Methyl orange shows little difference whether P. V. P. coexists or not.
    3. By means of eqilibrium dialysis technique, binding capacities of methyl orange and 1/2C. r. with P. V. P. and the competition between C. r. and 1/2C. r. towards P. V. P. are examined at pH 7.0 and 23°C. Compared with serum albumin, methyl orange shows less binding and 1/2C. r. more binding with P. V. P. Competition between C. r. and 1/2C. r. is verified.
    4. Absorption measurement is carried out by varying P. V. P. concentration under constant dye concentration and at a given wave length. C. r. shows striking increase of absorption, followed by a saturation. 1/2C. r. and methyl orange show no increase.
    5. It follows that the combination between C. r. and P. V. P. takes place through hydrogen bond between the terminal amino group of the former and the carbonyl group of the latter, and with methyl orange hydrogen bond can hardly be formed because of the presence of methyl group in dimethyl amino group.
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  • Ryohei ISHIDA, Tokunosuke NAKAJIMA, Takeji KOIZUMI
    1957 Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 15-21
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    Application of Quantometer to routine analysis of low alloy steel is studied . As the operation was continued all day long, instrumental conditions became stabilized more and more with ever improving results. As for the standardization, once for every set of 200 samples seemed enough for accurate analysis. In the case of multisource spark-like condition, Quantometer is far more reliable than a rapid chemical analysis. At a high concentration range, chemical analysis gives higher accuracy than, quantometric analysis, but at a low concentration range, the reverse is the case. Owing to some particular phenomenon, prespark longer than 40 seconds was necessary for the analysis of nitriding steel. Molybdenum spectrum line of 2816A is affected by alminium spectrum line and can not be used;better results were obtained by the use of 2848A line of molybdenum . Chrominium lines is probably affected by the presence of aluminium, and analytical results were 24% too high on the average. This could possibly be lowered by renewing the graphite electrode .
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  • Eiichi KIMURA
    1957 Volume 6 Issue 3 Pages 21-25
    Published: 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    The rapid scanning spectrophotometer, a product of American Optical Co., is a new instrument to display spectrophotometric curves almost instantly on a cathode-ray tube. Single spectrophotometric curve in 400 to 700 mμ region is produced in approximately 0.006 seconds. The trace of the curve is repeated 60 times per second. This instrument is useful for the study of rapid changes in medical or biological materials, especially hemoglobin, cytochromes and visual substances . For the study of visual substances, however, some reconstruction of the instrument is needed.
    Several spectrophotometric curves-oxy and reduced hemoglobin, methemoglobin, oxy and reduced cytochrome c-taken by this instrument are shown and the accuracy of the curves is discussed.
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