Journal of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-6785
Print ISSN : 0038-7002
ISSN-L : 0038-7002
Volume 6, Issue 4
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Hiroyuki TADOKORO
    1958 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 1-12
    Published: March 31, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
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  • II. Determination of Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium and Phosphorus.
    Yoshihiko OHYAGI, Masao TAKAHASHI
    1958 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 13-19
    Published: March 31, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    Tuberculous calcified foci of several stages of calcification were quantitatively analysed by internal standard method, using copper as the internal standard element and pure carbon powder as spectroscopic buffer.
    Results are discussed trying to explain the process of calcification. As the observed atomic abundance ratio shows, phosphorus is found so much in the earlier stage that it may surpass calcium: in the latter stage, however, phosphorus decreases to a half of calcium. It may be said that in the solid calcified foci of the latest stage, whole calcium is not always in the form of tertiary calcium phosphate.
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  • Hideo KUBO
    1958 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 20-28
    Published: March 31, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    L'interaction physico-chimique entre l'enzyme, la coenzyme et le substrat a été étudiée dans notre laboratoire. Ce rapport a pour but d'exposer les resultats obtenus principalement au moyen de la spectrometrie sur le systemè de l'enzyme des acides amines et celui de l'enzyme d'acide glutamique.
    1. L'absorption du rayon ultraviolet de la solution du p-chloromercuri benzoate augumente par l'incorporation du groupe SH de l'enzyme d'acide glutamique. Selon cette operation, le nombre du groupe SH a été de 52 pour une molécule de l'enzyme, dont 20 se combine avec le substrat, L-acide glutamique.
    2. L'atome fer enzymatiquement actif a été trouvé dans la molecule de l'enzyme des acides aminés, ce qu'on ne savait pas jusqu'à. aujourd'hui.
    3. En utilisant l'o-phénanthroline, indicatrice de l'existence de Fe+2, nous avons trouvé ceci: Fe+3 de l'enzyme préparée est reduit concurement avec la réduction de la FAD à measure que le substrat, D-alanine, est oxydé par l'oxydase.
    4. D'apres les résultats des recherches cinétiques, nous voulons exposer le schéma concernant la combinaison entre les élements enzymatiques.
    5. Une méthode spectrophotométrique pour calculer la constante de combinaison du système de l'enzyme a été exposée par la ferri coloration du p-chloromercuri benzoate incorporé.
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  • Takeo ONUMA
    1958 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 29-35
    Published: March 31, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    For flame photometric measurement, the use of interference filter as the wave-length selector simplifies the operation: it facilitates routine analyses. With Type FPF-2 Hitachi Flame Photometer, quantitative analyses of Na, K and Ca are possible. For these analyses, an interference filter of the band width of narrower than 15 mμ reduces the mutual interference of the elements to negligible amounts.
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  • Kazuo MURAKAMI, Shigeru KIMURA
    1958 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 36-41
    Published: March 31, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
    In recent years, photometric titration technique has beeen developed in analytical chemistry and its several applications reported.
    A photometric titration unit for Shimadzu photoelectric spectrophotometer Model QB-50 has newly been produced. This apparatus is used for titrations making use of the effects of not only absorption, but also fluorescence, turbidity and chemical luminescence. Its sample chamber can be heated and filled with any desired gas.
    Measurements made on each of the above titrations are shown, the titration error being within 0.5%
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  • [in Japanese]
    1958 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 42-46
    Published: March 31, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2010
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