Online ISSN : 1884-8303
Print ISSN : 0913-4034
ISSN-L : 0913-4034
Volume 13
Displaying 1-50 of 109 articles from this issue
  • Koh Horie
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 1-22
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
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  • Takashi AKAMATSU
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 23-48
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
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  • An Empirical Study on The Attribute-Regression Method
    Kazuo NISHII, Tsutomu DOI, Hiroe MIURA, Misao TANAHASHI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 49-56
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    A LOGMAP model is applied to understanding image structure of railroad line area. This model includes the attribute regression step in which the elements having the coordinate values on the 3D dimensions image map are positioned spatially on the evaluation axis of the attribute image. In this paper, methodological aspects on this attribute-regression analysis in LOGMAP are discussed empirically. A Comparative analysis of the image structures between five private railroad lines is also presented. As a result, the proposed method is useful for positioning the elements on the evaluation axis which determines the image structure of the studied railroad line area.
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  • Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Makoto OKUMURA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 57-66
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The arrangement of rapid transport systems provides city systems with basic means for face-to-face communications, and accelerates economic growth. This paper present a multi-regional growth model to investigate the impact of rapid transport systems upon regional division of producion function and regional disparities in regional incomes. Our focus are upon knowledge spillover among cities.
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  • Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Koubun Kim, Takaaki Okuda
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 67-74
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Road capital stock in Japan was formed within a short period after World War II. This study examines the financial system for road investment implemented in Japan, through which high supply of road infrastructure could be maintained. The study also proposes a macro socio-economic model for analyzing the impacts of this system on economic growth. Using this model, the extent this financial system contributed to Japanese economic growth is evaluated. The results of this study may provide general guidelines for road investment policies for some Asian developing countries which are now under rapid economic growth.
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  • Yoshitsugu HAYASHI, Yang Zhong-Zhen
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 75-84
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Recently in China, benefit analysis of road improvement has become very important in order to rationalize the investment. The aim of this study is to develop a model which can predict the effect of expressway construction on foreign investment which is considered as an accelerator for regional economic growth. Considering the data limitation, based on a single-equation approach, we model the attraction and distribution effects of expressway construction on foreign investment. Then we describe the simulate process using the developed model. As a result, we verified the correctness and usefulness ofthis model.
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  • R. Rameezdeen, Yuzo Akatsuka
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 85-91
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The paper focuses on the effectiveness of evaluation of infrastructure projects implemented in Asia. It is intended to highlight major deficiencies found in the evaluation function, which undermines the understanding of the effectiveness of development assistance. It was found that strategic level information needs coupled with exogenous factors related to project performance was not adequately captured by the present evaluation systems. It is recommended that donor agencies have to go beyond project evaluations to take into account the overall pattern of development in recipient countries. Donor agencies should understand the recipient country conditions through evaluations, rather than concentrating mainly on the efficiency and effectiveness of the aid delivery system.
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  • Kazuo NISHII, Toshimichi SATO, Hideki FURUYA, Kazumi TAKAHASHI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 93-101
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This study focuses on the qualitative factors determining the effects of highway construction. They correspond to convenience on inhabitant's daily life, communication opportunity, and amenities of highway-driving and mobility. Two types of linear structural Models are developed for evaluating the effects of highway construction: One is an individual-based model that deals with the relations between the latent variables and observed qualitative factors. The other is an aggregate typed model. The latter can estimate the whole effects related to the qualitative factors and compare them with each other.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 103-110
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    In an urban renewal project several agents (e. g., landowners, city government, and road administrator) participate in infrastructure arrangement. Infrastructure arrangement is collaborated by such agents to create a high-quality urban environment in the project area. This kind of collaboration becomes feasible only when inherent conflicts are resolved among them. We propose Petri-net models as an analytical tool to discuss the basic structure of such conflicts and to examine effective schemes of resolving them.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 111-119
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Formal game-theoretic models are developed to study systematically the self-reporting systems that indus-trial and other enterprises are often required to implement to demonstrate their compliance to environmental regulations. Two specific systems are modeled and analyzed in detail using extensive form games. The first self-reporting system includes strict liability, whereby an operator is liable for injurious discharges, but can use defenses if it can demonstrate that reasonable care was taken to prevent discharges in violation of envi-ronmental standards. The second extensive game models of absolute liability system, in which the operator is solely responsible for violations, no matter how they were caused. Comparison of Nash equilibria for a range of values of model parameters indicates when self-reporting systems are truly effective, and suggests the circumstances under which a strict liability system, or an absolute liability system, is preferable.
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  • Tatsuhito KOHNO, Tohru ARAI, Takashi ITO, Shigeru KASHIMA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 121-128
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Traffic congestion leads to increases of both travel time and travel time variability. It is therefore necessary to consider the cost of increased travel time variability when measuring road-user cost. This study is separated in two parts. 1) An attitude survey was carried out to estimate the disutility function. Using this disutility function, we measure monetary values for travel time, travel time variability and exhaustion arising from congestion. The conventional theoretical hypotheses about the monetary value of time are substantiated by our results. 2) We first measure time waste and variable trip time due to traffic congestion on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway It is then attempted to measure the cost by multiplying these figures with the values of time and travel time variability estimated in 1).
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  • Tetsuo MITANI, Hideo YAMANAKA, Yoshitaka AOYAMA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 129-136
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This study aims to propose an easily understood method for the difficulty of constructing arterial streets considering land use and conditions of roadside areas. First, subjective utility of local government officials for the difficulty of constructing arterial streets is investigated by questionnaire. Second, a difficulty prediction model of land purchasing is developed using land use and conditions of roadside areas. By evaluating improving schemes of urban street networks from the viewpoint of difficulty and cost or effect, it is clarified that the cost does not always reflect the difficulty of building streets.
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  • Kenji DOI, Kazuki KOBAYASHI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 137-143
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Public involvement is one of the key issues in urban development projects. However, there are many cases in which public hearing and meeting are not sufficiently used for lack of adequate measure to characterize the land owners and related interest groups.
    This study aims at developing a tool to quantify the relationship between knowledge level and consensus level of land owners based on the Item Response Theory. It was shown that landowners can be characterized and classified into several groups which show the different behavior toward the information provision each other.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 145-152
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This paper treats a method of evaluation for the appropriateness of scale which is utilized in AHP (The Analytic Hierarchy Process) application. The evaluation method is based on the boundary range curves for scaling, which are derived from a non-linear programming model about the scale, to reflect human feeling. A method of new scale building is also proposed. Based on the practical survey on the travel route choice, the appropriateness and usefulness of the several scales are evaluated by the proposed methods.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 153-160
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This study introduces a model for the decision maker's stress which occurs in the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).There are three types of decision maker's stress:(1) bugs in the course of comparisons, (2) cognitive disposition, and (3) circular relation. The latter two can be identified as new independent value systems. The decision maker's stress can be inspected by the Consistency Index and the mechanism analysed by means of phases of stress triangle transformations.
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  • Daijiro KITAGAWA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 161-172
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Railway network development in Tokyo has led not only to incomparable urban growth but to some distortion of living conditions. To go beyond this discording urban history, we should at first specify the nature of city and railway evolutions.
    With a view to establishing a point of comparison with Tokyo's case, our study treats city form and townscape evolutions in Paris through the railway network formation. We will show that the railway was created as a complementary link to urban development in Paris at the close of long discussions on tradition and modernization of the city.
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  • Seizo TAKEBAYASHI, Hirokazu FURUKAWA, Yasuhiko NOMURA, Yoshiyasu SUZUK ...
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 173-184
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    In regional development projects, it is essential to elaborate such a design on the basis of a unified theme as in harmony with the local conditions regarding natural environments, cultural climate, history, culture and life. This paper will clarify how the authors established a unified concept for architectural design and software design (i. e. naming, etc.) of plural facilities in a dam construction and catchment area development project. Further, the authors will introduce a conception of a supporting system employ ing the authors developed approach method from cultural climate engineering aspect, of which effectiveness was confirmed through adopting it for actual projects.
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  • Masaya KAWANO, Toshinori NEMOTO, Takeshi CHISHAKI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 185-192
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This study aims at providing a new methodology for getting vision of regional structure in future. The future vision, which is written by experts on transportation planning, consists of several future prospects. Each future prospect has scenarios with the detailed action programs and guiding principles.
    The proposed method is applied to the North Kyushu Metropolitan Area, Japan, to discuss the way of making an initial future vision and to examine how to update the future vision by the Delphi questionnaring. Finally, the future vision succeeded in presentation of the multi-modal transportation planning.
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  • Hideyuki KITA, Takahito TAKIMOTO
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 193-200
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    There is a big disparity in places in the level of emergency medical service, because it strongly depends on the location of local medical facilities and the geographical conditions. Therefore taking these local conditions into consideration is important for improving emergency medical systems in rural areas.
    However there is no sufficient methodology based on an index of level of service which reflects the difference of local conditions.This study proposes a methodology to select an improvement alternative which raises the level of emergency medical service in point bases.
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  • Toshiyuki HANAOKA, Isao OYAMA, Yoichi MIYAWAGA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 201-208
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The purpose of this paper is to study a change of location for other business which is broughtabout by a new shopping center. The aim of this is to analyze the effect of a new shoppingcenter construction not to the activities of other commercial business but to the location forother business near here at the time of a car age in an urban area. The results are as follows.
    1. A shopping center construction stimulates location for other business.The effective area ofit is not more than a radius of 400m from the shopping center.
    2. When a shopping center is constructed at the place where is already built up a little, it givesa good effect for other business location.
    3. When the place where a shopping center is constructed is not far from existing businessarea, the effect is on high level.
    4. The existence of arterial roads and the level of the improvement of arterial road networkhave an effect on other business location.
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  • Seiichi KAGAYA, Masayuki MIKI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 209-216
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The aging society in Japan is proceeded so rapidly as the other countries has never experienced. We built many large-scaled new town in the fringe areas of the cities in 1960's and 1970's. Now most of the residents who removed in those years become an advanced age. Such housing complexes have a structural aging problem. In terms of the urban facilities planning we can observe an Unbalance between the facility allocation and the potential of use. Therefore it is important to improve the accessibility for the facility and to consider an appropriate facility allocation. It is also necessary to evaluate the level of improvement in the use of facility more spatially and minutely.
    In this study we apply Geographic Information System (GIS) to the evaluation of accessibility and the degree of improvement in the use of medical facilities by using the construction of traffic network and the removal of the facilities. It was found that the combination measure with the removal of medical facilities and the increase of bus networks produced an effect on the rectification of regional disparity of accessibility. Through this discussion we also revealed the spatial population distribution and the accessibility distribution in each generation.
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  • Fuminori BANNO, Takashi NAKAMURA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 217-224
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Under the circumstances that whole Japanese population will decrease in the near future, the key to Japanese regional planning lay in making good use of population related closely to the region as well as regident population. The number of the population derived from the domicile registers, and the rate of this population per resident population suggest the charm and attachment of each region. The aim of this paper is to analyze population derived from the domicile registers.
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  • Mamoru TANIGUCHI, Shunsuke ARAKI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 225-232
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Infrastructure improvement gives great influence on regional competition. As the economical growth has become not so large now, regional competition has shifted its weight froff economical base to cognitional base. This study aims to catch these “Cognitional Region” and factors to affect them. The indexes of “Probability of the Land Name Choice” is introduced to catch the area, and effect of infrastructure improvement is estimated in case of Tsukuba city.
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  • Kentaro MIYOSHI, Norihisa YOKOUCHI, Shin-ichi SAKURAI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 233-240
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Due to the decline of transport through canals, many canals have been reclaimed or converted in to underdrains. Considering such a situation, this research tries to quantify the currency values of canals, based on the view that they are still valuable as the base for improving the urban environment.
    The research verified that the inherent environmental value of some canals is latent, because their surroundings have been left as they are, but that the canal-involved environment will have a high value, if appropriate investments are made. These results indicate the necessity of launching surrounding environment/land utilization plans based on the environmental values of canals.
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  • Katsutoshi KATO, Yoshikazu IWASAKI, Masahiko AICHA, Kotaro ENDO, Chihi ...
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 241-246
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The purpose of this paper is to explore factors of private research institution using various variable based on logit model of disaggregate behavioral analyses in consideration of industrial location factors the whole of Japan. As the results of this study, we could obtained any available indexes which included policy factors of industrial location. There indexes are the ratio of Technopolis Area. the ratio of Brains of Industry Location Area, the degree of industrial estate development. We could obtained any accumulation factors which were very important locational conditions for research institute location.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 247-256
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    A location guidance measure which helps a planning authority execute transportation demand management is proposed in this paper. The measure combines the two components which the planning authority should consider, land use efficiency and traffic environment. Land use activity allocation using this measure leads to a land use pattern close to that of the planning goal problem in the sense of planning aim evaluation which maximizes land use efficiency under the allowed link congestion constraints. The results of test calculation in Matsuyama city supports this idea.
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  • Makoto OKUMURA, Ken-ichi MATSUMURA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 257-264
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Renewal of small-scale shops provides long-range competitive force to commercial districts. This paper presents an optimal renewal model of a retail shop utilizing dynamic optimization technique. The model clarifies the free-ride mechanism that each shop in a commercial district expects other shops' contribution and grudge its own renewal effort. Some policies to get rid of the free-ride motivation are discussed.
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  • Eiji OHNO, Akira HOSOMI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 265-271
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The interregional transport developments, such as the Shinkansen and the expressway projects, may make a possibility of interchange better between both regions which are connected by such transport systems, and a higher growth for both regions can be expected. However, there are some cases that the agglomerate region enjoy the more benefit than the non-agglomerate one. This paper presents a population distribution model which can forecast the interregional transport developments effect, and estimate the population distribution change due to the future Shinkansen projects. As a result, we can find that the projects may have a possibility of population decentralization.
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  • Analysis of a Role of Local City Planning Council
    Masayoshi TANISHITA, Masahiro MATSUURA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 273-278
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This paper aims to analyze the planning procedure of city planning project which has only been researched by administrative lawyer. The key question concerns how interest conflict on planning procedure should he solved. First we review former researches and analyze present planning procedure. Then through the model analysis, we shows that local city planning council plays an important role in planning procedure and should make the criteria to adopt a project clear.
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  • Takashi AKAMATSU, Masaki HANDA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 279-287
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The purpose of this study is to present some efficient algorithms for solving the nested LOGIT type combined residential-location and transportation network equilibrium model. Preliminary to the analyses of the combined location and transportation model, we first formulate the nested LOGIT type transportation network equilibrium problem as a mathematical programming. The uniqueness and equivalence of the solution are proved and an efficient algorithm that can be applied to large scale networks is presented. Then, the model above is extended to the combined residential-location and transportation equilibrium model. Based on the equivalent mathematical programming formulation of the model, we develop some efficient algorithms that are proved to converge to the equilibrium solution. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed algorithms is examined by numerical experiments.
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  • Atsushi KOIKE, Takayuki UEDA, Hisayoshi MORISUGI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 289-294
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Unbalanced distribution of population, or mono-polar concentration, into the metropolitan area is the most serious issue in nationwide spatial planning. With the above background, this paper aims first, at showing a framework of modeling a system of cities and some examples of population distributions, or patterns of equilibrium geography. Then, the impact of transport investment under the mono-polar concentration is to be examined. For this purpose of the study, we build a socio-economic model within the framework of Walrasian multi-market equilibrium, and analyze the impact of transport investment on the population distribution and on the social welfare.
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  • Yoshinobu HIROSE, Yoshitaka AOYAMA, Masaharu INOUE
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 295-302
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Japan had experienced the sudden rise and fall of land price for last ten years, which had never occured before. The sudden change in land price caused many social and economical problems.
    This study aims to explain the mechanism of the repercussion in land price variation between regions. By analysing multi-crosssectional data, we found that there was a phenomenon of spatial repercussion in land price variation. We also analysed the factors of repercussion in land price variation by a model analysis using simultaneous equation model.
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  • Towards the Coexistence of Human Beings and birds
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 303-312
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    In order to study the relation between a bird and a human being in an urban area, we meas ured distance between them at 2 sites when birds staeted a refuge action such as an esca pe action, an evasion, and a caution action. Kokai River was surveyed as a rural river in 1993 and Tama River as an urban river in 1994. The results of measured distance are char acterrized by the following facters.
    1. The regional distance (the escape distance at Tama River was shorter than that at Kokai River.)
    2. Time difference (the escape distance in 1994 was shorter than that in 1976.)
    3. The difference in species character (correlation between a body length and distance, the distribution and location change of the aquaticbirds and urban birds). These results show that an urban area is not always unfavorable habitats for birds, but has a favorable aspect. Therefore we find the possibility of human's coexiatance with birds.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 313-321
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The RAS method aims to update a technical coefficient matrix of Leontief type inputoutput table based on the assumptions of substitution and fabrication effects. It is well known that a direct application of the RAS method deduces a significant bias in some industry sectors which have fast growth. This paper proposes an expectation model to adjust initial values of selected elements from base matrix based on historical data, and applies it to the modified RAS method for updating of Japan interregional rectangular input-output table. The accuracy and validity of the model were confirmed through a case study.
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  • Iwao OKUTANI, Noriyuki FUKUI, Katunori KAZAMA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 323-330
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    To apply the tabu algorithms schedule alternatives are expressed in the form of string whose elements indicate variation of affixation patterns of new arcs placed on the study scheduling network. Three swap operations (local search operations) are proposed and widely tested. Like the previously publised scheduling method utilizing genetic algorithms (GA), the proposed method has ability to find the optimum schedule which attains multiple goals of the project economy. Experimental results with 100 scheduling problems involving 8 to 88 activities show thatthe tabu method employing the best swap operation consistently outperforms the GA method.
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  • Yasuo TOMITA, Daisuke TERASHIMA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 331-337
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Disposing a large quantity of surplus soil, generated by constructions, has become proble ms of the increase of transportation cost and lacking of disposal sites. On the other hand, supply of soil to some construction sites have also become a serious problem. Therefore the recycle of surplus soil from a construction site to another construction site is necessary. It is necessary to coordinate the starting time and period of constructions in the planning stage. This paper proposes surplus soil transportation model, considering the coordination of starting time and period of constructions with “mixed 0-1 integer linear programing model”. The application is then presented by using the hypothetical data.
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  • Akiyoshi TAKAGI, Hisa MORISUGI, Taka UEDA, Yukio NISHIKAWA, Takashi SA ...
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 339-348
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The past benefit evaluation of the flood control works is nothing but object of reducing damage cost, don't seize change for state probability, that is uncertainty, land use change due to location choice action, and extend effect.
    In this paper, we constructed Location Equilibrium Model based on multispace general equilibrium theory under uncertainty. And we defined the benefit, expanded the concept of Equivalent Variation, proposed Non-Contingent EV including the benefits of change for state and location choice probability, as the most rational definition for evaluation.
    The applicable possibility of Location Equilibrium Model, Benefit Evaluation was shown through a case study.
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  • Hisayoshi MORISUGI, Takayuki UEDA, Shinichi MUTO, Yuichiro KONDO
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 349-360
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Automobile brings external diseconomy such as air pollution, noise and accident etc. To control it some policies are proposed and applied. If the policies are carried out, one side is control the external diseconomy, but other side is to loss of economic benefit which is increase the paying amount off money by consumer. In this study, the Computable General Equilibrium Model focusing the transportsector and automobile industry is constructed, and Method on evaluating the Economic influence of applying policy is established. This model is able to describe the transport sector evaluated detailedly and clearly by including share of transportation. This model describe not only the evaluation offtransport sector, but also the other sectors. The loss of economic benefit when automobile fuel tax increase is evaluated by applying this model.
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  • Akinori MORIMOTO, Tomonori OMINO, Junichi SINAGAWA, Tetsuo MORITA
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 361-368
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Recently, transportation energy consumption became an important issue from the view-point of environmental problem. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between urban structure andtransportation energy in Tokyo metropolitan area.
    After the calculation by using PT data, energy consumption in Tokyo is lower than average of nationwide area, but it tends to be increasing lately at especially suburban area. And the simulations showed that the policy of state where one's residence and place of work are near each other is more effective to reduce the transportation energy.
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  • A Case Study of 1994 Drought
    Kenji Suzuki, Norio Okada, Shuichi Ikebuchi
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 369-380
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    There is a need for developing indicators of social awareness against drought which is considered tobe a part of the regional infrastructure for water resources management. This paper attempts to model the invisible property of “social awareness”by measuring the area related newspaper articles in case study areas which have experienced droughts. This is accomplished by finding the relationship between actual water consumption and the social awareness. Then, comparisons between the three case study areas are made to illustrate how the proposed models can explain the common and distinct characteristics of citizen's social awareness and behavior against drought.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 381-390
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Volunteer activities in Hanshin-Awaji earthquake disaster were dispatched in Kinki University civil engineering course. Volunteer work held to the civli engineering course student. And its purpose which consider environment and welfare is cultivated.
    In this study, this activities give what kind of educational effects to a student and attempt a grasp of the Volunteer welfare activities that was necessary an earthquake disaster. Also, analyzing the educational effect in the announcement meeting.
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    1996 Volume 13 Pages 391-400
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The Great Hanshin Earthquake hit Hanshin Area on january 17, 1995. Almost all transportation systems were damaged, including grade separation intersections. In this paper, firstly, the effect and subject for the future are presented. Next, the reliability analysis for highway network system and the method for estimating node-to-node reliability and probability importance of grade separation intersection is presented. Finally, reliability analysis and probability importance analysis are carried out for the Hyogo revival highway network.
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  • Eiji OHNO, Soki TANAE, Akiyoshi TAKAGI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 401-408
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Since environmental resources, such as water, green and atmosphere of park, are not traded in the market and do not have market prices, it has been traditionally considered difficult to quantify benefits derived from the improvement of environmental quality. This paper employs a new Travel Cost Method (TCM) which was proposed as a non-market valuation method in our previous study, and tries to measure the benefits. Through a case study, we can find that the benefit of a park improvement may cover its cost and that difference between the benefit measured by the new TCM and the previous TCM is about 10%.
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  • Takashi NISHIMURA, Katsuhiko YAMAMOTO, Akitaka OSUGI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 409-416
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    BAND 6 data of Landsat/TM were utilized to know the characteristics of surface temperature reduction of open space types based on five times of observation data from1987 to 1994.
    Lan d surface temperatures have been summarized as to have some level of correlation with atmospheric temperatures. and open spaces have been shown to have considerable level of mitigation effect for surface temperature by size, type and surface materials. These effects have been measured quantitatively.
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  • Kiyotaka FUKAHORI, Yoichi KUBOTA, Masaharu OTOMO, Hidekazu MASAKI
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 417-428
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This study tries to develop the landscape evaluation system of the road. The system has some abilities to evaluate the view from the road in each stage of route planning. The adequate criteria is selected with considering accuracy of design. The next, the view from the road can be evaluated quantitatively in route selection stage. And, this system consider the relation between visual environment and psychological response caused by visual experience, detailed information from computer graphics, sequential view from the road and psychological response of it. By this system, planner and designer of road can execute evaluation task repeatedly.
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  • Yasuo MORI, Yoshiaki HADA, Daisei MII
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 429-438
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    Many expressways are built as continuous viaducts and other ordinary roads often form their frontage roads on the ground level. In these sections, higher quality of aesthetic design of the viaducts is required because the quality of the design may effect strongly on the psychological condition of drivers on the frontage roads. It has not been studied how the drivers on frontage roads evaluate the aesthetic design of these viaducts. In this study, showing the video-taped pictures of 11 viaducts from running vehicles, we surveyed aesthetic evaluation for each viaduct by road engineers, students and general people, and analyzed the difference of evaluation between the groups of testees, the factors which decide a general evaluation, and the relation between the design of viaducts and these evaluation.
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  • Shinichi KITAMURA, Naoyuki WATANABE, Toshiaki SATO, Satoko MATUMOTO
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 439-445
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    This study examines the relation between respected evaluation of landscape and construction costs of slope protection works. The nine experts tested 100 leaves of photographs by two standards. The result of experiment was analyzed by the quantification theory method. The use material, the surface design, the lower part design, and the combination of design types are effective. As the material of retaining wall, though the cost of construction is high, stone is evaluated better than concrete blocks. The profitable method was no handling and revegetation. Mortar sprayed and concrete crib work took disadvantage.
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  • Masahiro MATHUSHITA, Takeyuki OHKUBO, Masashi KAWASAKI, Masami KOBAYAS ...
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 447-453
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
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  • Hirokazu Mizuno, Kunio Shima, Takekazu Koyanagi
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 455-460
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    The outdoor advertiseument that is one of the most important element of urban landscape, but it is present circumstances that there are not enough regulations and control about outdoor advertisement in near space of railway and we do not have present conditions. So, this study aim is to investigate effect of outdoor advertisement about the sight from the railway, and to acquire fundamental data to propose the guidline for conditions in future of outdoor advertisement in near space of railway.
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  • Tsuneaki FUKUI, Osamu SHINOHARA, Katsuya HIRANO
    1996 Volume 13 Pages 461-468
    Published: August 31, 1996
    Released on J-STAGE: June 04, 2010
    City planners, shop owners and researchers have been searching what factors determine the characteristic and attractiveness of street-scape in the commercial area. The type of media of shops and restaurants are picked up as the more influential factor than the category of shops or the forms, colors of shops in the paper.
    Twelve type of shops and restaurants are discovered through the analysis of noted eight commercial area in Tokyo, and these street scape are classified into four typical groups by the uniformity-confusedness, kinds and numbers of media. Those shop types and uniformity, numbers of media which proposed by authors can well explained the difference and sameness between eight areas in Tokyo.
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