As a primary condition for vitrification procedure of molten slag in the SiO
2 system, the vitrification temperature T
V and the devitrification temperature T
C were determined at three different cooling rates as a function of slag composition. Both T
V and T
C were found to decrease with increasing cooling rate. DTA analysis on heating and cooling runs of the slag specimen showed that the T
V was well above the liquidus temperature and the T
C was just above it. In order to explain this phenomenon, a new type of liquid model was proposed by which a perceptible amount of nuclei are preserved even above the liquidus. Systematic analysis on the compositional dependences of T
V and T
C revealed that constituents SiO
2, Al
3 and TiO
2 lower both T
V and T
C, while MgO and CaO raise them. This is considered to mean that Al
3 and TiO
2 would produce AlO
4 and TiO
4 tetrahedra in the presence of MgO and CaO, and these tetrahedra will work as glass network formers as will do SiO
4 tetrahedra. Excess MgO or CaO, on the other hand, would produce non-bridging oxygens in the AlO
4, TiO
4 or SiO
4 tetrahedra and will weaken vitrification tendency.