The stress-ratio effect on the propagation behavior of interlaminar fatigue cracks was studied with unidirectional graphite/epoxy laminates, T800H/#3631, under mixed mode (I+II) loading. Fatigue tests were conducted under the stress ratios of
R=0.2 and 0.5 with several mixed-mode ratios,
GII, by using the mixed mode bending method. For each
R value, the crack propagation rate,
da/dN, was higher for higher
GII ratios at the same value of the maximum total energy release rate,
Gmax. Under a constant value of the
GII ratio, both the maximum load and the load amplitude affect the crack propagation rate. For high propagation rates and high
GII ratios, the crack propagation rate is mainly controlled by the maximum load, while for low propagation rates and low
GII ratios, the contibution of the load amplitude is large. For both
R values, the relation between the mode I and II maximum energy release rates,
GImax and
GIImax, at the fatigue threshold is approximated by the following equation:
GIImaxth=1, where
GImaxth and
GIImaxth are the threshold energy release rates for pure mode I and II loadings and decrease as the
R value decreases.