A system for accrediting medical schools has been established to determine whether or not medical schoolsmeet international standards for medical education. Nihon University School of Medicine underwent an on-siteinspection by the Japan Accreditation Council for Medical Education (JACME) in December 2022. As part of theaccreditation process, medical schools are evaluated on whether they have the necessary personnel and facilities,an adequate educational environment, and fair administration and management in accordance with their established mission. Another important evaluation perspective is whether or not medical schools provide outcomebased education. In outcome-based education, it is not a matter of what kind of classes the medical school provides, but rather, it is essential that students have acquired a set of skills required for medical practice at the timeof graduation. The results of the evaluation were communicated in September 2023, and accreditation was grantedfor a period of three years. There are two reasons why the accreditation period was shortened from the standardseven years to three years. One is the scandal involving Nihon University headquarters in 2021. It was assessedto be “nonconforming” in terms of administration and management, and it was noted that reforms should be promoted to restore the trust of society. The other is that the evaluation stopped at a “partial conformance” rating inmany other evaluation items. It was mentioned that the educational content was not sufficiently outcome-basedand that student evaluation and the evaluation of educational programs were also insufficient. In this paper, wewould like to address each of these issues and explain in detail the challenges that must be addressed in time forthe reassessment in three years’ time.