Online ISSN : 1884-5096
Print ISSN : 0911-8845
ISSN-L : 0911-8845
9 巻, 1 号
  • 身体的条件を視点として
    渡辺 紀, 新保 淳
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 1-12
    発行日: 1989/05/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    When considering sports the functional aspects of physical strength are often regarded as the most important. Although physical shape, including both height and weight, is a factor in sports, physical function is much more important. It is widely accepted that physical shape is inferior to function, however, this possible handicap can be offset by enhancing the physical of one's body. Yet, in some sports superiority in physical shape makes an obvious difference in the ability or success of an athlete. It is physical shape that is an important factor in enhancing functions; functions are based on physical shape. Thus it is necessary to consider the equality of physical conditions and make adjustments for such a consideration in the rules, which presently only consider weight as a factor.
    The aim of this study is to introduce “height”, a factor usually ignored in the world of sports today, as a measure for equalizing the present inequalities; and to clarify whether or not it is valid to introduce a “height system” in order to make games fair.
    First the history of the weight system, the only physical factor used presently in sports rules, will be examined, along with an inquiry into the ideological background of the system. From this point of view, an examination of the present needs for a height system will also be pursued.
    A historical consideration of the system proves that handicaps caused by weight were already empirically understood before the weight system was introduce. The weight system was adopted at the St. Louis Olympic Games and then spread worldwide. The introduction of the weight system has been an important factor in popularizing many sports, especially ones which involve physical contact sports (kakutogi, judo, wrestling, etc.).
    When the weight system was first introduced, weight was simply considered to be proportional to muscular strength. It can be inferred that weight came to be an important factor in sports where muscular strength is effective. Interestingly, the sports in which a weight system was first introduced in the St. Louis Olympic Games were all developed in the U.S. This is possibly due to the fact that Americans have a tendency to hold rationalism and equalitarianism in high esteem. Taking these factors into consideration, the conclusions are as follows: 1) Although weight difference was empirically believed to have had an influence on the games, it became overt when the relationship between weight and muscular strength was scientifically clarified. 2) Games such as kakutogi or weight lifting are individual sports and can be greatly affected by differences in muscular strength, necessitating the introduction of a weight system to guarantee fairness.
    As is quite clear from the case of basketball, the effect of height in determining victory or defeat is becoming extremely important in highly specialized sport pursuits. Considering that a weight system was introduced and is still at present being used because of rationalism supported by scientific inquiry and because there was a desire to maintain equality in sports, it is likely that as the effects of height in sports become more scientifically clarified a height system to help create a level of fairness will be introduced in the near future.
  • 渡辺 敏明
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 13-22
    発行日: 1989/05/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Heutzutage ist allgemein anerkannt, daß das Bewegungslernen in den meisten Sportarten einen entscheidend leistungsbestimmenden Faktor darstellt. Trotzdem zeigt die sportliche Praxis in den letzten Jahren, daß der subjektive Prozeß des Bewegungslernens vielfach zugunsten einer forcierten Steigerung der konditionellen Eigenschaften vernachlässigt wird. In einem merkwürdigen Gegensatz zur Durchsetzung moderner Trainingswissenschaften im konditionellen Bereich, zur Konzentration auf vermeintlich wissenschaftlich erwiesene Methoden der konditionellen Entwicklung steht nur die zu beobachtende Ratlosigkeit bei dem Bewegungslernen und der Bewegungsgestaltung bzw. der Entwicklung des subjektiven Bewegungsbewußtseins.
    Der subjektive Prozeß des Bewegungslernens ist eine unbedingt notwendige Voraussetzung, um die Übenden auf den richtigen Weg des Bewegungslernens zu weisen. Die Problematik des Bewegungsentwurfes in der Lernphase steht in der Praxis des sportlichen Bewegungslernens im Brennpunkt, und verlangt in der Sportpädagogik nach einer erfolgreichen Lösung.
    Der Zweck dieser Betrachtung besteht darin, daß die Problematik des Bewegungsentwurfes in der Lernphase durch die bewegungsmorphologische ßetrachtungsweise ins klare gebracht werden soll, um dadurch einen Beitrag zur Sportpädagogik zu leisten.
    Die Problematik des Bewegungsentwurfes in der Lernphase wurde von folgenden zwei Aspekten her betrachtet.
    1. Intention
    2. Strukturierung des Wahrnehmens
    Beim motorischen Lernen ist der Bewegungentwurf von großer Bedeutung, um die Bewegungform erfolgreich gestalten zu können. Daraus ergibt sich, daß das bewußte Üben auf die Strukturierung des Wahrnehmens (virtuellen Selbstbewegung) und der Intention ausgerichtet werden soll. Dadurch kann man kommende Bewegungsausführungen präzis und erfologreich machen.
    Das folgende ist als Beitrag zur Sportpädagogik zu sehen. Unter dem Aspekt der Phasengestalt soil sich der Bereich der Bewegungsverwandtschaft in der Sportpädagogik entwickeln.
  • 小・中学生のオーバーハンドスローの練習効果から
    奥野 暢通, 後藤 幸弘, 辻野 昭
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 23-35
    発行日: 1989/05/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    発育期にある小・中学生を対象に硬式テニスボールを用い同一の指導法で4週間練習を行わせ, テニスボール, 野球ボール, ソフトボールの遠投能力や動作パターンの側面から練習効果の年齢差を把え, 投運動学習の適時期を明らかにした。
    1. 投距離は, 男女いずれのボールにおいても加齢とともに増大し, 男子では7歳から9歳で, 女子では9歳から11歳で顕著に発達する傾向が認められた。さらに, ソフトボールでは, 男子の12歳以降で再び発達が顕著にみられた。
    2. 遠投能力に練習効果が大きく出現する年齢は, 男子では7・8歳, 女子では8歳から10歳であり, 加齢による投距離の向上の著しい時期とほぼ対応することが認められた。しかし, 中学生の男子では著しい加齢的な発達はみられたが, 練習効果は殆ど認められなかった。
    3. 投距離の練習効果は, 最高能力よりも能力を安定して発揮できるようになる面で大きい傾向が低年齢層で顕著にみられた。
    4. 助走効果は, 男女いずれの年齢においても認められ, 男子では加齢的に増大したが女子では加齢的変化はみられなかった。
    5. 助走効果の練習効果は, 男子では7・8歳で, 女子では8歳から10歳で顕著にみられた。
    6. 投動作パターンの加齢的変化は, 男子の7歳から10歳では動作範囲拡大の側面で, 10歳以降では躯幹の捻りや身体の分節の動きに速度差がみられる質的な側面で認められた。一方, 女子では12歳まで動作範囲拡大の側面での変化がみられた。
    7. 男女ともに, 投動作に量的, および質的側面で著しい改善のみられる年齢層において, 投距離の練習効果は大きく出現することが認められた。
  • 青少年教育施設のあり方
    小畠 哲
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 37-47
    発行日: 1989/05/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The outdoor education is a study whereby various kinds of educational activities are given through the actual experience, and the most eminent feature of it is to place the emphasis on the experience.
    Then, why should the importance be place on experiences now? As a background of this problem, it can be pointed out that there is an insufficiency of natural experiences and life experiences as the underlying factor of many problems concerning the young generation today. This paper aims at clarifying this fact through the survey of actual situation, and pointing out the policy that must be taken by the State to supplement this insufficiency. Next, refers to grasping the experiences not only as the matter of outdoor education but also as the matter of total education, and considering its necessity and meaning in the historical stream of education. This paper will discuss what kind of experience will really useful for growth and development of young generation.
    Furthermore, the paper will propose the concrete plan how should be the educational facilities for young people which is the base site of outdoor education activities to take advantages of these experiences.
  • 宮城県下のダンス指導者と生徒の意識調査
    白木 悦子, 菊池 裕子
    1989 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 49-56
    発行日: 1989/05/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to clarify the reasons why junior highschool teachers and students dislike creative dancing, we have studied data collected from 67 junior highschools in Miyagi Prefecture hoping that such clarification will help teachers to heighten their students' consciousness of the importance of creative dancing.
    The special point of this research is to compare students' consciousness of the importance of creative dancing with Miura's analysis of the degree of satisfaction to be derived from imitation and transformation by continuous rhythmical movements. From the teachers' point of view, we studied their willingness to teach dancing and effective methods of teaching from three points of view: emotional, social and cognitive.