Online ISSN : 1884-5096
Print ISSN : 0911-8845
ISSN-L : 0911-8845
4 巻, 2 号
  • 大石 三四郎
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 1-3
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 陸上運動に対する教師及び児童の認識とその指導
    秋吉 嘉範
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 5-14
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    体育授業では, 学習の素材として陸上運動をとりあげる。しかし, 児童にとって単なる遊戯や身体運動の延長であってはならな。陸上運動として, きちんと位置づけてやることが教師の指導であり役割である。
    陸上運動はできるだけ速く走れる, できるだけ長く, そして高くとべる。また, できるだけ遠く投げることができる, などの技能的価値 (特性) が要求される。それだけに他のスポーツと比較して, 基礎的な運動に近い。しかも, 単純な運動形式であるだけに, 体力的, 技能的に優れていない児童は, 興味, 関心度が低い。このような要因を教師は認識して, 児童に対する興味づけや, 関心を持続させる努力が要求されよう。
    一方, 教師は自己の陸上運動に対する好き嫌いによって, 学習内容を変えることがある。すなわち, 陸上運動の認識度によって, 指導目標の設定や教材の選択, 技能的内容, 指導方法や配当時間を変えることがある。具体的には, 走運動に多くの時間をさいて指導しても, 跳運動はわずかな時間で, 指導を終わることがある。また, 指導がむずかしい障害走は短時間で終り, 持久走に長時間あてることなど, 教師の陸上運動の種目による認識度, 指導力によって, 軽重をつける場合もみられる。そのため児童の陸上運動に対する興味や喜びを引き出せないまま学習を終了することが多いようである。
    教師は児童の基礎的体力, 技能の程度, 教材に対する欲求度, 関心度などを事前により早く察知して, 学習指導計画を立案しなければならない。児童の実態や運動認識を無視して, 学習指導要領の学年目標や配当通りに, 形式的, 受動的に学習指導する教師は, 児童にとって決してよい教師ではない。
    i. 学年や学級の標準をしっかり認識し把握する。ii. 児童一人ひとりの陸上運動の体力的, 技能的個性を経過的に把握し, 理解し認識するよう努力する。iii. 児童が日頃の学習で生成発展する姿勢や運動課題に取り組む学習課程をつぶさに理解し, 認識しておく。iv. 陸上運動は本格的陸上競技へ導入する初歩的段階ともいえるので, 遊戯的要素を学習課程に取り入れ, 遊戯のなかにある真の喜び, 楽しみ, 厳しさを味あわせる。v. 走ったり跳んだり仲間と切磋琢磨するなかで, 競争心を呼びおこす。vi. 学習課程で児童のなかにとけ込み, そのなかで児童と一緒に走り, 跳んだりして示範する。vii. 児童に気付かれないように, 常に児童一人ひとりを客観的に把握しその人間関係を認識しておく。viii. もし教師自身が示範できなければ, 児童を代理示範に仕立て, 手足をとりながら言葉で指導する。また, スライドやビデオテレビなどを活用して指導する。
    以上8項目に整理したが, 要は児童の心や身体に共鳴できるような指導, 児童の琴線にふれるような指導, 教師と一人ひとりの児童との間に結びつく心と心のベルト (ラポート) があってこそ, りっぱな学習指導ができると考える。チームスポーツと比較して, 陸上運動は単純な形式での基礎的教材である。それだけに以上述べてきた指導方法を常に考慮しながら学習課程をすすめるべきであろう。
    まとめると, 陸上運動の指導に当って, 教師の運動認識や児童の運動認識の深さが, 指導上いかに重要であるか, 論じたものである。陸上運動に対す教師の深い認識を, 児童に十分伝達し, 指導していくことは, 学習効果を高める大きな要因となろう。
  • 金沢大学小学校教員養成課程女子学生の 『体育科教材研究』 における鉄棒技術の習得を通して
    石田 保之
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 15-29
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a case study in mastering of the horizontal bar exercise finely achieved by the most unskilled female students of the elementary school teacher's course in the Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University.
    Through this study, we invented a unique method of graded teaching which was quite different from the old methods in which we made the students imitate the skilled fellows or simply helped them to practise themselves.
    Our purpose is not only to prevent each student from dropping behind the rest of the class by means of enabling her to master the skill of horizontal bar, but also to realize the physical educational value of that exercise through improving the teaching efficiency.
    We should notice that the most unskilled students in the horizontal bar training are several times as many as those in other exercises. To our surprise, almost half of the students in the junior high schools have no experience of the horizontal bar exercise during their school days, while this exercise is included a little in the curriculum of the elementary school.
    In view of such a poor situation in teaching of horizontal bar exercise in the schools of our country, invention of this sort of the graded teaching method might have a great significance in the physical educational field.
  • 教授論的検討
    小原 晃, 木原 資裕
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 31-42
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study is aimed for an investigation of the ideal of physical education class which, from the view of the lifelong sports education would build up learning attitudes or ability to enjoy sports throughout lifetime.
    For this aim, we have tried to clarify the factors of learning processes as an individualized humanistic instruction, considering pedagogically the teaching method to make students to do their best and the problem solving processes for solving processes for self actualization, comparing with the positive researches on the learning of self problem solving in the classes fo physical education.
    Consequently, the following points have been made explicit as basic factors in the developmental processes of individualized humanistic instruction.
    1. Planning of the processes of self recognition of physical or mental states
    2. Process of problem discovering to discover what is the problem for oneself
    3. Processes to self problem solving
    4. Processes to understand the means of lean learning
    5. Processes to select the means of learning
    6. Processes to revise and devise
    7. Processes to fixing of behavior
    8. Processes to apply and develop
  • 酒井 誠
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 43-49
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the author tries to study the functions of athletic activities in modern societies in order to find solutions for the problems inherent in these activities. First, the targets of athletic activities are classified. Then, the functions of these activities are considered theoretically. All athletic activities have targets that can be directly aimed at by the athletes during the activities. There are many kinds of targets, but all can be classified into seven groups:
    1) defended mobile targets, 2) defended immobile targets, 3) defended skill targets, 4) undefended mobile targets, 5) undefended immobile targets, 6) undefended skill targets, 7) undefended record targets. The first three types of these targets are defended, and the latter four types are undefended. All these targets are clearly visible to the athletes. This “visibility” is the most important trait of these targets when one considers the essence and ends of athletic activities in comparison with the ends of modern labour, in order to examine the functions of athletic activities in modern societies. The ends or targets of modern labour are unclear and cannot be seen directly by the workers' eyes. This “invisibility” has gradually deepened since the Industrial Revolution. From this contrast of the “visibility” of the targets of athletes to the “invisibility” of the ends of modern labourers, therefore, a new hypothesis can be proposed that athletic activities have developed as a counter-culture against modern labour, in order that people might participate in actions aiming at targets that are more clearly seen by the participants than are the ends or targets of modern labour.
  • 新保 淳
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 51-58
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the inter-stipulation between the sport skill and the sport implements in order to examine the relationships between the changes of the sport implements followed by the developing the science and the technology, and the sport skill.
    The method adopted in this investigation is as follows; firstly the Sport Skill and the Sport Implements were analyzed from the points of view of related mode and functional modality, secondarily, a phenomenon and problems in them were considered.
    The results are summarised as follows:
    The relationships between the sport skill and the sport implements have three dynamic modes. In functional modality, the relationships in both of them have “the nature of restriction” and “the nature of appearance”. And the sport skill and the sport implements are inter-stipulated.
    The sport implements sometimes work as an obstacle to the development of sport skill of children.
    I think that the educators, especially who teach the lower children, are necessary to know this aspect as basic knowledge.
  • 鈴木 宰, 梅野 圭史, 辻野 昭
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 59-70
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    アメリカ・カナダにおいて使われているALT-PEシステムを静岡県駿東地区の10中学校における20クラスに適用された。ALT-PEについて, ケベック州・オハイオ州における成績と比較するとともに, 「教材編成」, 「教授活動」, 「学習集団」などの学習形態との関係を見ることから, ALT-PEを高めるための条件を明らかにし, 体育授業への適用の可能性が検討された。
    1) ALT-PEは27.65%-87.2%の範囲にあり, 平均62.4%であり, ケベック州およびオハイオ州における値より著しく高い傾向が示された。
    2) ALT-PEの成績の順に授業を並べると, 上位4クラスは, ALT-PEで82.6%-87.2%の範囲で, 「系統的教材編成 -提示・説明的な教授活動-一斉的学習集団」による授業で説得的発言 (発問・指示) が多くみられ, いわゆる教師の指導性 (制御) のきいた授業が多いことが推察された。
    3) 中位8クラスは, ALT-PEで58.6%-79.8%の範囲で, 「課題解決的教材編成-探究・発見的な教授活動-小集団的学習集団」による授業で発問に関する発言が多くみられ, いわゆる学習者の主体的活動を尊重する授業が多いことが推察された。
    4) 下位8クラスは, ALT-PEで27.65%-53.6%の範囲で, 「系統的教材編成-提示・説明的な教授活動-一斉的または小集団的学習集団」による授業で, 指示的発言または叱責に関する発言が多くみられ, 放任的あるいは雰囲気のよくない授業が多いことが推察された。
    以上の結果, ALT-PEシステムは, 高次目標に重点をおいた課題解決的学習よりも, 基礎目標に重点をおいた系統的学習の方がALT-PEを高めるという特性をそなえているが, カテゴリーの工夫によっては, 高次目標の授業でもALT-PEを高める授業分析システムに成りうる可能性があると考えられた。しかし, このシステムは60%前後を臨界点とすれば, 学習目標・学習形態にかかわらずわが国においてそのまま授業診断の方法として適用に耐えるものと考えられた。
  • 高松 昌宏
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 71-79
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Purpose: To analyze the structure of sport in order to clarify how alienation appears in sport since although the concept of alienation has been adopted as a viewpoint to examine sport, the concept has been used in various contexts in this field so far.
    Methodology: The following sub-problems were adopted as the necessary steps to follow in the investigtion:
    1. The concept of alienation, which was mainly based on Marx's concept, was analyzed in order to grasp the concept.
    2. The structure of sport was analyzed to examine how the concept of alienation was applicable to the structure.
    3. Some external factors of sport, which might cause sportsmen's alienation, were examined.
    1. The concept of alienation has twofold meanings, i.e., alienation as externalizatton and as estrangemet.
    2. Sportsmen are alienated from their achievement as the result of their externalization. This form of alienation is affirmative and inevitably arises in sport.
    3. Sportsmen are alienated from their records as estrangement as the result of reification. Emphasis of the records may lead this form of alienation into negative one.
    4. Achievements under external pressure may cause alienation from man's species being.
  • 辻田 宏
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 81-87
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study is to investigate “achievement” and “bilding” in learning process of physical education. “Achievement” is to learn the knowledge and the skill, “bilding” is to form his personality and his body through the “achievement” for himself. The contents of “achievement” are essentially depended on the culture of sports which have been developed historically and socially by the human. They are; (1) learning of the skills and the rules of sports, to put it in the concrete, becoming skillful and acquiring scientific and systematic cognitions about sports, (2) acquiring cognitions about the learning group of physical education, i.e. methods and principles for administrating and managing the learning group, (3) acquiring social cognitions concerning physical education and sport, namely the cognitions of political, economical and legal conditions of them.
    “Bilding” must be questioned in connection wih the three contents of “achievement”, or “bilding” must be performed through the “achievement” activities. And in this case we have to make clear what the connection between “achievement” and “bilding” should be.
    Generally personality “bilding” is mentioned in connection with the cultural values of the skills and the rules of sports. That is, the skills and the rules involve the educational values such as equality and fairness, consequently if the learner will become skillfull and acquire the cognitions of them, his personality is bilt better. However, if the “acievement” activities will be unreasonable and undemocratic, it is not better.
    The three “achievement” contents interconnect and it is important that they are unified and systematized in learning process of physical education. In other words, by means of organizing synthetically the three “achievement” contents in the whole of the learning process, “achievement” will be able to contribute to personality “bilding”. Because the “achievement” contents just reflect the human personality.
  • 友添 秀則
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 89-99
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Contemporary physical education in schools in Japan has a number of problems and one of them is caused by the unclear objectives of the subject. The purpose of this study is to establish the objectives of sport education by examining the history of the objectives of physical education in Japan from the late 19th century to today. A meta theory is presented for the objectives of sport education by proving that the objectives of physical education up to today have insufficient theoretical basis for the subject.
    The results are as follows;
    1) One objective of physical education in Japan has been the idea of training the body and mind for the purpose of society.
    2) One objective of physical education has been established by external circumstances and it is subordinate to society.
    3) The reasons for 1), 2) are as follows;
    a. These objectives were established without sufficient consideration of the educational function of physical education.
    b. To unite the cultural function of physical education.
    c. The term, physical education.
    4) This is a logical necessity to change the term physical education to sport education and the objectives of sport education can hardly succeed based on the past objectives of physical education.
    5) The objectives of sport education should be considered philosophically, anthropologically and with the idea of human existence. The body seen as the philosophical and anthoropological basis of human existence should be considered as the main objective.
  • 不安傾向やあがりを中心に
    丹羽 劭昭, 長沢 邦子, 北田 明子
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 101-111
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Personality characteristics, especialy in reference to anxiety tendency and stage fright, of 97 women members in the Kendo club of six universities in Kinki districts were examined by analyzing such personality tests and items as (1) Y-G personality inventory (2) CAS anxiety test (3) stage fright (4) the period and degree of their experience of the Kendo club activities, and so on. The stepwise multiple regression analysis and principal factor analysis were mainly applied to the data, and the following results were obtained:
    1. The persons who have the greater emotional unstability (D, C, I, N traits), the greater social maladjustment (O, Ag traits) and the less activity (G trait) have the more anxiety tendency.
    2. The persons who have the higher grade in Kendo have the less anxiety tendency.
    3. The persons who have the longer practice in the high school years, the more eager participation to practice in the university years but lower grade in Kendo have the more anxiety tendency.
    4. the persons who have the more leadership (A, S traits), the less depression (D trait), the less nervousness (N trait), the less anxiety tendency (Q3(-), C(-), L, O anxiety factors), the less aggressiveness (Ag trait) and the more thinking extroversion (T trait) have the less stage fright.
    5. The persons who have the good results in match and the higher grade in Kendo have the less stage fright.
    6. The personality factors common to the members in Kendo club are emotional stabilitysocial adjustment factor, lack of self control factor and leadership-unintrospection factor. These three factors are the common personality factor in sportsman.
  • 舛本 直文
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 113-123
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the specific behaviors of sport groups by means of the concept, “communitas” which is offered by V, Turner. This analysis takes the semioticstructual method which differs from the structual-functional one. And the ritual process in sport is interpreted in the light of the cultural-anthropology. The procedure of this study, firstly, makes an overview of the concept, “communitas”, which appears in three dimensions of culture; “liminality”, “outsiderhood”, and “structual inferiority”, then proceeds to the relation with the rite of passage. Secondly, in view of the interaction of members, “communitas” can be demonstrated with “rhizome type” model which takes the form of the multidimensional network system. On the contrary, “community” is characterized by “tree typ” model. According to these procedure, this analysis proceeds to the examination of “communitas” and the ritual traits in sport groups.
    The results are as follows;
    1) It is necessary for the analysis of sport groups characterized by “communitas” to take supplementary approach with the team-work theory which has been developed for the social structual system.
    2) The specific behaviors in sports, e.g. the encouraging shout and cry “GANBA!”, or mass running exercises in formation, could be clarified as “rites of passage” or “transition rites” in broad sense.
    3) This shout “GANBA!” is a password for performing audiences to take part in the sport situation sympathetically. At the same time, the shout is also a prayer for athletes to enter into the movement landscape or background of ordinary sports.
  • スロースピードでの示範の有効性について
    松下 雅雄, 阿江 通良
    1985 年 4 巻 2 号 p. 125-131
    発行日: 1985/06/20
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effectiveness of the demonstration at slow speed, by comparing with normal speed in front kick of karate to beginners.
    The front kicks performed by a beginner, an intermediate player and an advanced player were filmed with a 8mm cine camera. The film was used as a demonstration film. Subjects were thirty students of the Karate Intensive course and had no experience of karate before the course. They watched the film of the models of different skill levels projected 24 frames/sec (normal speed) and at 8 frames/sec (slow speed), and were asked to describe the differences between two of three skill levels. The survey was performed by a questionnaire at the last day of the course. The number and the content of the description were examined on each projection speed.
    The results were summerized as follows:
    1. The numbers of description and the viewpoint of observation in the demonstration at slow speed were grater than those at normal speed. From this result, the demonstration at slow speed may be effective in the observation of the movement of karate.
    2. The demonstration at slow speed helped beginners to observe preparatory movement phase and dynamic factor of movement, and improved their observation of spatial factor of movement.
    3. It was difficult in the demonstration at slow speed for beginners to observe the temporal differences because temporal factors of the movement were diminished.
    4. There was no difference in effectiveness to observe the principal and final movement phases between the demonstrations at slow speed and at normal speed.