Online ISSN : 1884-5096
Print ISSN : 0911-8845
ISSN-L : 0911-8845
25 巻, 2 号
  • 教材構成と教師行動に対する介入を通して
    浅見 裕, 細越 淳二, 神 崇尋, 清水 茂幸
    2005 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 57-72
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    To investigate student-evaluated kendo classes in a unit of kendo at High School M from the 2000 and 2001 fiscal years, the teacher's actions in the class and the student evaluation was analyzed.
    Before the intervention, results showed that the teacher's instruction was one-way and authorization and students evaluated the lesson as very dull. The researchers pointed out some areas of improvement and disclosed the results of the lesson analysis to teacher. The teacher accepted the researcher's intervention, reflected on the results of the 2000 fiscal year kendo class, and aimed to improve his class for the 2001 fiscal year.
    To investigate the effect of the intervention on the 2001 class, the researchers focused on analyzing the teacher's actions and the contents of the practice as well as students' evaluation of the class. Lastly, the 2001 class was compared to the previous year's class.
    As a result of analysis, the teacher was able to introduce game teaching materials including analogon of kendo in the introduction of a unit. The teacher was also able to make the effort to employ teaching materials that would keep the content non redundant and increase students' motivation to learn and improve upon their skill level. Moreover, the teacher was able to develop the lesson being conscious of “increasing the frequency of overall interaction”, “giving positive praise”, “teaching for a short time”, and “continually introducing new content rather than repeating the same subject”. Furthermore, through this new unit, the teacher was able to attain higher student evaluations than in the 2000 fiscal year.
    From the above, it was confirmed that student evaluated kendo classes can be improved by the use of teaching that is designed to meet the needs of the learners especially game materials that include analogon movements, increasing interaction between the teachers and students and positive feedback. On the other hand, commenting on the teachers teaching materials in advance and teacher-centered instruction was not found to bring about any improvement.
  • 大学生指導者の語りから
    廣木 武士
    2005 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 73-85
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to analyze how coaches' own childhood experience uniquely reflects upon coaching infants in soccer, by using a narrative approach. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with four college students who play soccer and coach kindergarten pupils in soccer. The four informants were asked about 1) impression on kids, 2) the Kid's Program, 3) occurrences during the program, and 4) experience in their own childhood. All the informants were currently playing sports and experienced unique enjoyment through sports in their own childhood. From the results of the interviews the coaches had desired to let the infants know about the enjoyment of exercise and love of exercise. Then, they attempted to initiate the infants with enjoyment of sports as they themselves experienced.
    From the coaches' responses, it was found that all the informants had experiences of physical activities in their childhood. It was also suggested that their experiences created motivation to coach and a positive attitude toward physical activities, which were passed down to infants by them as coaches.
  • 高学年担任教師の学習成果 (態度得点) の相違に着目して
    厚東 芳樹, 梅野 圭史, 林 修, 高村 賢一, 上原 禎弘
    2005 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 87-99
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    小学校高学年 (5・6年生) 担任教師 (88名) を対象に、反省的実践の内部事項である「反省的思考」に焦点をあて、態度得点の高い教師群とそうでない教師群とで、教師の「反省的思考」の観点が具体的にどのように異なるのか明らかにすることを目的とした。
    1) 体育授業に対する教師の反省的思考の枠組みを因子分析法により検討した結果、「観察・判断」「指導技術」「授業計画」「学習記録」「教師の運動理解」「子どもの学び合い」「同僚との共同実践」「安全・管理」の計8つの因子が導出された。加えて、予備的カテゴリーとの対応関係から、上記教師の反省的思考の枠組みは、巨視的な見方から微視的な見方まで多様に存在していることが認められた。
    2) 反省得点 (各因子を構成する代表項目に対する回答の平均値) と態度得点の診断レベルとの対応関係をみた結果、診断レベルの最も高いHSC群の反省得点は、8つの因子すべてにおいて高値を示した。また、診断レベルが中程度のMSC群と最も低いLSC群の反省得点は、「教師の運動理解」因子を除くすべての因子において、態度得点の診断レベルが高いと反省得点も高いとする関係が認められた。
    3) 態度得点の相加平均以上の上位群とそうでない下位群とで、各因子を構成する代表項目に対する回答の平均値を比較した結果、20項目中11項目において有意差が認められ、いずれも上位群の方が下位群に比して平均値の高い結果であった。また上記11項目から、態度得点の高い教師は、反省的思考の観点として、「授業設計場面」では子ども一人ひとりにあった授業計画が立案できているかどうかの観点を、また実際の「授業展開場面」では子どもたちが学習課題を明確に掴み、課題を自力解決できているかどうかの観点を、それぞれ有していることが認められた。
    4) 上記3) にみる上位群の反省的思考の観点は、体育授業中に生起する「出来事」への気づきと関係している可能性があるものと考えられた。
  • 学習成果・仲間の相互作用・教師の相互作用に着目して
    糸岡 夕里, 高橋 健夫
    2005 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 101-113
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is as follows; 1) to examine whether students' learning motives for physical education change through a unit of gymnastics any 2) to examine the factors influencing the learning motives, which are learning result, classmate's interaction and teacher's interaction. The investigation instrument regarding the students' learning motives was marking the questionnaire (six factors with 34 items) standardized by Ito (2001), and what consists of five factors (practice, group, fulfillment, approval, and superiority orientations) with 10 items. The subjects were one hundred and eighteen Japanese elementary students in five upper-grade classes participating in a unit of gymnastics.
    The following results were obtained. The students' learning motives after the unit of gymnastics improved significantly as compared with the learning motives before the unit of gymnastics. Moreover it was suggested that students' learning motives could be improved when students consequently get a learning result, establish effective relationships with classmates, and perceive the teacher's interaction as useful.
  • 森田 啓, 近藤 良享, 友添 秀則, 坂本 昭裕
    2005 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 115-124
    発行日: 2005/12/31
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー