Online ISSN : 2187-0322
Print ISSN : 0369-5646
ISSN-L : 0369-5646
5 巻, 4 号
  • 海水中の金の析出に就て
    鈴木 寛, 降旗 作衛, 中村 精二
    1951 年 5 巻 4 号 p. 144-161
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Detection of gold b/ means of SnCl2 solution.
    About known quantities of gold in 10 c. c. added 1 drop, of conc.HCl (1. 19) and 3 drops of sat. SnCl2 solution, detected by special gold brown Cassius reaction being specified its colour of blanc test. By this method, 0.01mg Au is detected.
    2. Gold contents in sea water.
    1 l sea water is treated by 1g Fe SO4 thoroughly, alkalified by 6n·NH4OH being converted Feto Fe and filtered.The ppt.is disso'ved by means of 6n HCl,washed thoroughly to chloride free. The filer paper is ashed,treated by 5 c. c. a uaregia,diluted With 5 c. c. H2O, evaporated to dryness, dissolved in 10 c. c. H2O and filtered. About f filtrate, gold is tested by means of theabove method.
    3, Gold deposition on the evaporation of sea water.
    16 brines of sample were prepared being concentrated from sea water to bittern. By means of the above method, gold contents of each samples were measured containing no gold in the brine sp.gr. 1.096, that is, all gold in sea water deposits when sea water is concentrated to its volume about 1/4 of sea water.
    4. Separation of gold by means of cupellation.
    (a) With 5g substance ppt.ed on the evaporation of seawater to the degree of sp.gr. 1.096, large bottom. of gold and silver alloy separated.(Au 0.75mg,Ag 2mg)
    (b) About scales, separated on common salt manufacture from sea water, only two scales containing mainly carbonate, Au and Ag alloy separated, the other scales consisting of CaSO4, no bottom separated.
    (c) Precipitants in the 1 st and 2 nd evaporating pond at soler salt field, sea: the bottom.
    (d) The transporting sand of Japanese salt field, separated the bottom.
    5. Absorption of Au in sea water.
    By means of three active carbons, Au in sea water abzorbed during 20min,at room temperature. Absorbed Au in carbon extracted about its 40% Au but contained its all quantities when the carbon is ashed.
  • 塩田地盤地下水位ご砂面蒸発
    杉 二郎
    1951 年 5 巻 4 号 p. 162-185
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    塩田槻盤の地下水偉が決れば砂表面の含水量及び毛管水帯の性格がその地盤を構成する砂の物理的特性によつて自ら決るものであるととは中研速報No.12. 13. 14. 15. の諸実験によつて発表した。 従来の如く或る特定含水量を砂に与えて蒸発試験を行うことは実験に当つて曝晒時間を短時間とぜねばならぬこと及び余りにも実際とかけ離れてしまう点などから好ましくないが参考として実施した。しかしこゝで特に行った方法は中研速報No.15で立証したる砂暦毛管水帯の開放、閉鎖の両領域の特性が砂面蒸発と如何なる関係になるかに重点をおいた。即も砂表面含水量表示す2代りそ砂ど面うか地下水位上どこの高さの位置を占めているかを標準とした新しい方法であるととを特記したい。この方法は最も入浜塩田に適した表示法であり今後塩田似外にも応用出来るものであろうと確信する。