Numerical experiments were conducted to estimate the change of flow condition and the distribution of
phytoplankton and nutrient by a submerged structure for upwelling in vertically 2-D steady flow field, using a
coupled physical-biological model with changing parameters which are inflow velocity and turbulent diffusion
coefficient. Nutrient uptake and the loss of phytoplankton including physiological death, exudation of organic
substances and predation by zooplankton are considered as biological terms in the goveming equations. The
computational domain is 2km long and 50.5m deep. The structure with 10m height is set lkm downstream from
the inflow boundary.
As increasing the inflow velocity, the phytoplankton decreases in the upper and middle layers and, on the
contrary, nutrients increases. However, they reaches certain values when the inflow velocity is over 0.3m/s.
Biological tems are dominant in the surface layer. On the other hand, the physical terms (advection and
diffusion) are dominant in the bottom layer. In the middle layer, the increment by nutrient uptake balances with
decrease by advection, diffusion and the loss.