In this study, visualization of water flow in a fish farming tank was conducted using computational
fluid dynamics( CFD). Here, a cylindrical tank with diameter of 0.5m, height of 0.5m, and surface height
of 0.4m was employed. A L-shaped pipe (internal diameter: 0.016m) was used for inlet. The angle
between direction of the inlet flow and x axis was defined as inlet flow direction θ, and set as 0 and 60° .
To validate the CFD results, flow velocity of the tank was measured using PIV experiment and
electromagnetic velocity meter, and CFD results showed good agreement with these experiments.
Regarding the velocity distribution, vertical circulating flow was confirmed when θ = 0° , and horizontal
circulation was observed when θ = 60° . As for the particle path line visualization, a half of particle sank
in the bottom when θ = 0° . In contrast, when θ = 60° , all particles were floated around the surface.
The air age was also visualized to evaluate the freshness of water. The air age of θ = 0° was shorter
than θ = 60° . From these results, it was considered that θ = 60° was suitable to prevent particles from
sinking the bottom; however, θ = 0° was better considered the freshness of water. Finally, we concluded
that we can comprehend the flow characteristics of fish farming tank using CFD analysis.